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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon everyone and greetings from jerry's drydock.  A bit more progress from the little guys working fervently on Victory.  Today it was mounting and rigging the Crossjack yard on the mizzenmast.  In my opinion this task was more difficult then any of the other lower yards because of the tight quarters one has to work in.  For the first time I found my fingers getting in the way of rat lines, stays and shrouds so I slowed down the pace and eventually was successful.  The next job will be making, mounting and rigging the the Mizzen topmast yard.  Attached are a few pictures of my work of today.







Edited by Jerry

Hello Jerry

Well you are still moving along at pace. Yep this is when those rigging lines start to really get in the way, and you start going cross eyed. Well done with all your yards , you will soon be back at the pointy end, or in my state the blunt pointy end. I have just finished tidying up the stern facia and adding the 3 lanterns. Keep enjoying it. Slowly and very carefully now. DAVID


Great work Jerry and an informative set of photos, as always.


I hope to be in a position to start the coppering phase by the weekend fingers crossed.



Glenn (UK)


Good morning, David.. It must be a very good feeling to look at your ship and tidy up this or that.  I know that there will be a lot of tidy work when I get to where you are if all goes well.  I can't wait to attach the lanterns which have been sitting on our dining room table for several months.  The admiral and I will be in Europe for almost amonth starting the middle of June and I know I'm going to miss working on the model.  By the way, don't forget the fourth lantern.  Take care,



Hello Glenn and many thanks for your compliment.  Best of luck with the copper plating which should go very well for you considering how smooth you have made your hull.  I usede CA cement on two ships' coppering and had no problems.  Take care and have a terrific day.  Best regards,


Posted (edited)

Hello Everyone.  

Today is a gloomy day in SW Florida.  We are entering our rainy season  (hurricane season too) so it rains about every day for an hour or two and then the sun comes out strongly and in a few minutes it looks like it never rained. But today is a cloudy all dayer and I don't expect the sun will shine at all.  But inside the Shipyard it's as bright as can be.  I'm happy to say that the last of the mizzen yards have been rigged to the ship which completes all the mast yards and so it's on to the rigging of the bowsprit.  I hope to start that tomorrow.  The internet is a bit slow so I only have one photo to attach.  When the others arrive I'll edit this log and attach them.  I hope veryone is having a great ay.  Best,


A couple of other photos just arrived..........







Edited by Jerry

Greetings Jerry's

Well what have we got here!!!! ?? It's a cracking photo , and doesn't it look smart. Wonderful work and in such a short time. Keep enjoying it Jerry. You have nearly caught me up. I am making a barge for the starboard davits. Well done!! DAVID

Posted (edited)

Good evening David.  So nice to hear from you and I hope you are feeling well.  It will be a long time before I catch up to you, probably six months from now.  I must admit I'm enjoying the build but would have been lost without your encouragement and especially your great help.  Thank you for your very nice thoughts.  I look forward to duplicating your method in rigging the davits and ship's boats so I'm sure I'll be in touch with you on that subject one of these days.  I'm interested to know what you plan to do about a display case.  Lawrence seems to balk at the idea of covering his boat and I believe he'd rather fight the battle of dust than get a display case.  We'll see.


Take care and enjoy your evening time..


Edited by Jerry

Yo Jerry...great job your doing. I check in every once in a while... Getting myself out of the brig here and working past

doing KP duty.. after my first mistakes. Shipyard Sid has me playing a new tune. So far.. so good. In a year from now, I

might be where you are now. Hopefully.. that is.

Best regards...

"Woodchipper" in Iowa.. "Woody"

HMS Victory 1804 Caldercraft scale 1.72  (not 1.75) Build start, May 1, 2014.


Posted (edited)

Good evening everyone.  

A little more to report on this late afternoon here in Florida.  Today I have mounted the Spiritsail topsail; yard.  The directions are in the manual but an awful lot of studying is required to understand them.  There was no problem in placing the parral bead sling as it went very well.  However, trying to understand the making and installation of the two 3mm block halyard was another story for me.  I wish that the kit manufacturer would be more explanatory and provide a few decent diagrams or photos...no such luck!  BUT, that's where MSW shines and Gil and David's sites have come to the rescue once more.  So the outcome is the yard is attached, photos provided, and tomorrow I'll tackle the Spiritsail Yard  (The big one.)  Please remember to put your mouse on the photo for captions....and have a great evening..







Edited by Jerry

beautifull Jerry... I will follow your build as well as Sids, and Gils as well as others.

Photos soon of my own progress.. now just ready again to do the initial planking. AFTER I bevel the bow and prow bulkheads.


HMS Victory 1804 Caldercraft scale 1.72  (not 1.75) Build start, May 1, 2014.



Hi Woody..

I thank you for your compliment and sincerely look forward to seeing your progress as you move forward with your Victory.  Between David and Gil there is plenty of info to help you out.  I hope whatever i provide will suppliment their information.  Go ahead, man, get going and get your log published.  And please continue to visit me.

Take care,



My compliments to you sir, are well deserved. Exceptional work on your ship.


HMS Victory 1804 Caldercraft scale 1.72  (not 1.75) Build start, May 1, 2014.



Hello once more.. just a update.. I finished the bow area on starboard side today on the last gun port.

I pre formed with a jig, the curved bow gun ports. Seemed to work very well.

I also nailed the ports in place as well as glued. Nice and solid now.

Thanks Jerry...I will surely follow your build as well as Gil and Shipyard Sid. S'Sid, saved me from a very improper start.

Had to strip off the first set of top ports..



HMS Victory 1804 Caldercraft scale 1.72  (not 1.75) Build start, May 1, 2014.



Hello Jerry

Well done with your rigging on the spritsail topsail yard, and for sorting the halyard which I had missed , it shows how sometimes working out of sequence can go wrong. Yep also the parral beads although I did spot those. Good luck with the spritsail yard, and hopefully I haven't missed anything there. DAVID

Posted (edited)

Hello David...How did the power chair go the other day?  Is the admiral satisfied?  I could use one of those myself as I can't walk too much before the bad pain sets in.  When we go abroad I carry a tripod cane that has a folding seat on it which allows me to stop for a sitting break whenever I feel hurting.


Thanks for the visit today.  I'm about to finish the spirirtsail yard and have finally gotten a decent thought as to how I'm going to attach it to the bowsprit.  Check out page Longridge, page 236.  The bottom side of my boswsprit where the plans call for the attachment is so cluttered with threads and blocks, etc. I have decided to move the spiritsail yard a bit aft  between the first and second Martingale.  I know this is incorrect but i don't have any other choice and if i didn't mention it, no one but me would know the difference anyway.  I'll see later on when I go to sling it in if I can get it to where it's supposed to be.  I was up and at it about 5am since I couldn't sleep.  Have a great day and please answer my queastions; I'm truly interested.


Edited by Jerry

Hello Jerry again

Yes we got an electric scooter sorted, it just arrived. Yes page 236, I was going to mention it last night. The display case???? It's going to be Autumnish now the way things are going, but I have got it sorted and it's no prob. I will tell you later. Enjoy the spritsail yard.... DAVID




When I read your logs, I see a lot of me in your discussions- just trying hard to put something nice looking together but trying to remember to enjoy it along the way.  Not always being successful at the enjoyment part in place of maybe being a little frustrated.   What's refreshing is that your logs give me hope for my future builds because you're tackling a huge project with very nice success.  By the way, which kit did you do the Cutty with? 






Hi Josh...


What a nice response to my log.  You are correct, I do have a bit of frustration but I must say that the enjoyment far outweighs it.  I hope to see your log showing your progress on Victory as I really will enjoy watching it.


Cutty Sark was a Mantua kit witha lot of Italian as well as English instructions.  I built it about 16 years ago.


You will have a lot of help building your victory as the members of this site are all kowledgeable, friendly and very willing to help.  There really are some wonderful people building Victory, present company excluded.


Please keep in touch.






Hello John and thank you for your visit to my log.

I appreciate your constructive remarks but purposely tied my blocks the way I did so that there would be no twisting of the blocks when under tension.  Since the jeers were very large in proportion to the other blocks I tied them in the way you point out.  Interstingly enough, the kit's plans show the jeers tied the wrong way and several of us, following the manual, had to change them around so the holes would be near the lashing.  I made the conscientous choice to tie them the way i did.  It's interesting that you are the first person to ever notice this.  Hope you have a terrific day and thanks for pointing it out.



Jerry, Maybe i missed this earlier but are you planning on doing any sails on this? 






Wonderful work, love it :-)


Cheers, DAniel

To victory and beyond! http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/76-hms-victory-by-dafi-to-victory-and-beyond/

See also our german forum for Sailing Ship Modeling and History: http://www.segelschiffsmodellbau.com/

Finest etch parts for HMS Victory 1:100 (Heller Kit), USS Constitution 1:96 (Revell) and other useful bits.



Hello Daniel...Thanks so much for reading my log.  Your comment will make my day as I struggle with the beginning of the lift rigging.  The two spiritsail yards are attached andsince I'm doing the rigging in the order of the manual so the spirit sail lifts will come later.  Please keep in touch.  Hope you're having a good evening.



As with all Victory build tasks what seems difficult in the beginning tends to get easier as we master the different techniques required for each stage. Your build is an excellent example of what can be achieved with dedication and hard work.

Glenn (UK)


Thank you, Glenn... I appreciate you very much and especially for your warm comment.  I'm happy to have made new friends as you.



Posted (edited)

Hello Everyone..  Just a few more photos to bring the shipyard up to date.  I've been working on the lifts. buntliones and leechlines and am presently working on the Main yards.  These lines for the foreyards have been completed.  I don't have too much to comment about except it's a little each day.  However, stringing these lines under the tops is the most difficult part and I highly recommend a bead stringer for this process. Here are the latest photos.  Oh yeah, my Victory has a pug nose.









Edited by Jerry

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