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HMS Victory by Rob S - Mamoli - 1/90th scale - first build

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While awaiting laths to dry to continue building up the bow cheeks, I built the Mamoli jig for shaping the bow main rails. These laths are 1mmx1mm, 1mmx2mm and 1mmx3mm, shaped, glued together and then edges chamfered. Next, look up ‘chamfer’.  




active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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Still working the bow cheek build up.  I’ve had trouble shaping the 2mm x 3mm walnut laths ‘against the grain’ and after looking in the forum help section was able to find a topic addressing this.  While the wood demonstrated seemed to be a little less wide, there were some good suggestions.  I actually boiled some water and put the walnut pieces in for about 10 minutes and was able to get a better bend with my shaping iron.  You can see pictures below.  I’ll resume the cheek build up in the next few days.


I’m also working to chamfer the main rails created with the Mamoli jig.  They were shaped, dried and then glued together.  It’s not too easy holding these down, but slowly am able to take the edges off.








active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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Here are the BEFORE pictures of the ‘finished’ bow cheeks using what I understand are the Mamoli directions. However, I’ve not added all the layers they suggest as the cheeks would extend 8mm from the bow surface at their widest point. These extend 4mm. Next is to continue sanding, add minimal filler and sand again. Then on to the main rails. 





active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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Well, here WAS my bow section.... What a mess. I’ve since dismantled everything on the bow and am starting over including removing the main rails. The dismantling process went well and I’ll be able to reuse most everything. I’ve got some good bow section examples to study further and hopefully I’ll be able to laugh about this debacle later! 





active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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Just a thought..


Those rails will really get in the way when you start doing some rigging; particularly the bowsprit gammoning..

You might think about getting all your parts ready and mounting them permanently at a later time..

“Indecision may or may not be my problem.”
― Jimmy Buffett

Current builds:    Rattlesnake (Scratch From MS Plans 

On Hold:  HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett )

In the Gallery: Yacht Mary,  Gretel, French Cannon

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3 hours ago, Gregory said:

Just a thought..


Those rails will really get in the way when you start doing some rigging; particularly the bowsprit gammoning..

You might think about getting all your parts ready and mounting them permanently at a later time..

Thanks Gregory; appreciate the advice. However, I’m planning to finish the model ‘hull down’ per the below picture.  Will that still be an issue in this case?




active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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31 minutes ago, Rob S said:

 Will that still be an issue in this case?

Nice concept..


I think the gammoning might still be an option that would fit in, but it would be up to you..

“Indecision may or may not be my problem.”
― Jimmy Buffett

Current builds:    Rattlesnake (Scratch From MS Plans 

On Hold:  HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett )

In the Gallery: Yacht Mary,  Gretel, French Cannon

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Just another possibility for consideration.





The Confederacy comes without rigging plans and is presented with this image.


I think the bowsprit without the stub masts might look a little incongruous..  But, that is my personal opinion, and has no bearing on what is considered proper..


Consider the painting of Enterprize:



No bowsprit, no masts.

“Indecision may or may not be my problem.”
― Jimmy Buffett

Current builds:    Rattlesnake (Scratch From MS Plans 

On Hold:  HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett )

In the Gallery: Yacht Mary,  Gretel, French Cannon

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I replied in my log but thought I would put it here also.


We are staying in Florida as long as possible but have to be back to Jersey in mid April for some doctor stuff. Hopefully we do not have to stay in Jersey long and can be back in New Hampshire by mid May.  We have to be flexible because doctor decisions keep us around sometimes.

Let me say that the Santa Maria is a difficult ship. Being away from building takes time to recover and you have to do a big review of what you are doing.

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Continuing to assemble the bow finishing elements.  Still can’t adequately bend the 1.5mm x 3mm walnut laths laterally without breaking them.  This is after a 2 day soak and using an electric plank bender (see earlier section in my log if interested).  I’ve come up with a non elegant, but working solution using a 5mm  plank and cutting it down to 3mm and manually adding the curve.  The original, unbendable walnut lath on top, the replacement 5mm lime lath (left over planking) and cut out/modified piece.  The resultant attached piece is shown (unpainted).






active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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nice work, that's certainly a difficult bend.

you may consider styrene strip for such difficult parts, especially if the model is painted as yours.

another option is the "flexible beech" sold by Cornwall in several dimensions. That's a chemically treated wooden strip, and you can tie knots on them even dry, but after soaking can be formed to any shape, which is well retained when dried again.



Past builds: Prins Willem,  Amati Coca

Current Build: Occre Diana

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19 hours ago, DavidG said:

nice work, that's certainly a difficult bend.

you may consider styrene strip for such difficult parts, especially if the model is painted as yours.

another option is the "flexible beech" sold by Cornwall in several dimensions. That's a chemically treated wooden strip, and you can tie knots on them even dry, but after soaking can be formed to any shape, which is well retained when dried again.



Thanks for the insight David! I’ll take a look.



active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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Marine’s walk with accompanying grate (1 of 2).  I’ve tried a new approach to mitigating the grate brittleness with associated breakage by gluing the side grates (see pencil point for one) on each of 4 sides and then I was able to successfully tailor the sides without the whole thing falling apart.  Still some additional work to get it to properly fit.  Next pictures will show the completed item installed. 




active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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  • 3 weeks later...

Still working on the bow finishing and have painted and installed the starboard false rail.  These rails are made of lead and you can see where they don’t seamlessly interface with the main rail.  The lead will break if I attempt to bend it, even a little.  My thought will be to shape and put a piece of wood in the gap.  I’m not aware of any more elegant type solutions.  Lesson learned may be to fit the false and main rails while shaping the main rails to minimize that gap.   There is a larger gap on the port side.  





active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone!  Hope you are staying safe and healthy and that you/yours have been safely vaccinated.  Summer is nearly upon us and I'm taking this opportunity to step away from the shipyard for a bit to enjoy the nice weather and do some outdoors type activities.  I've been briefly in/out of the shipyard to complete the bow area and will be in the later summer/early, GLW, ramping up working on finishing the quarterdeck area moldings, etc.  I'm also reading 'Nelson, a Dream of Glory' by John Sugden to get a better understanding of Nelson's earlier years and exploits.  So far, fascinating reading. 


Please be sure to have a safe and enjoyable summer season and keep up the good work on your models!


Rob S



active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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Rob, As a Nelson fan, if you have not already done so, please consider signing up for the Trafalgar TV series and Adam Preston's podcasts.  Details on the series are in the Nautical/Naval history forum posted by Adam.




PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


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  • 5 months later...

Time to start restarting the shipyard as the temperature dips below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and we are moving into Nov. Now working to finish the quarterdeck which requires a lot of precise, detailed work. We’ll see how it goes.





active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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  • 2 months later...

Beginning the finishing of the upper and quarter decks. I’m not very good at creating the small column structures from 3x3mm blocks 20mm or so in length as you can see below. Will be looking for more reliable methods for creating them. 




active projects: HMS Victory, Mamoli 1/90 scale


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