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thanks for looking in everyone, still ongoing with the main shrouds (seems like a lifetime)! but also rigged the mizzen stay and topmast stay. Also started on the main stay/ preventer stay though not fully rigged yet.






as an aside BBC 2 in the u.k. have started showing the Terror T.V. series so finally able to watch it😁.


Take care all 


Posted (edited)

Thanks for looking in as always. Work continues on the shrouds with the main top mast shrouds now rigged, next i will rig the topmast stays (need to rig a temp. forestay first). Also rigged the hearts on the main stay and preventer stay. The strops on the deadeye plates will be for the topgallant shrouds to be lashed to.






Take care all



Edited by clearway
missed info
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, work still continues on the shrouds with the foremast tackled, also rigged the main topmast stays (i was going to use small blocks to guide them at the foremast head, but just used the eyes i had placed on the masthead in the end) they are lashed to eyebolts on the deck at the base of the foremast. I have just realised i omitted to mention the hearts used on the mainstay are the model shipyard 3 part card ones (will use them on the forestays as well on the bowsprit when time comes), also for the lower shrouds i used some 0.8mm thread from another build as opposed to the occre 0.5mm which i have used on the topmast shrouds.






take care everyone



Posted (edited)

thanks for looking in folks, time to rig the ratlines on the main shrouds, i have noticed on various lithograph/ sketch images only half a dozen or so shrouds on the main and fore had them so decided i will fit the ratlines on 8 per mast (not all of the shrouds were rigged on a few vessels, and looking at the topsham model of her as built she had extra shrouds fitted at a later date. Also included a bow shot which gives a bit of an idea how she would have looked when preparing for winter quarters with top hamper all lowered.








nice to see the little terror club back (Daniel quick post something!



Edited by clearway
missed info

Thanks Keith- stlll a long way to go with the standing rigging and seriously thinking about delaying rigging the forestays and bowsprit till Matthews book comes out as her bowsprit/ jib boom are still in place and he will have juicy details to disclose methinks 😁



Posted (edited)

Yes, no doubt he will! I see in the side-scan sonar image, if you look at the shadow especially, you can see the sprit and jibboom are still there, as well as parts of the masts and I'm pretty sure the boat davits are all there too. 


And if they don't go down and explore/photograph the engine-room, I'm going to go down there MYSELF.

Edited by Keith S
On 4/14/2021 at 12:26 PM, clearway said:

nice to see the little terror club back (Daniel quick post something!




Good morning everyone! I have been very busy with work and now that the weather is nice again, working outside at our place. Great work everyone on the continued research. I am still working on my davits, so many parts, and I'm trying to stay consistent with chemically darkening the metal parts which can be a royal pain, but in the end it looks good. I'm intrigued about the "curved" davits, how are you making those?



Ty Daniel and still in the air about davits at he moment, nice weather does cut down on shipyard time! Still plodding away with the shrouds and have tidied up the lanyards for the mizzen and main deadeye shrouds. Also have made and fitted the sister blocks on the topmast shrouds.

As an aside have been thinking about pics i have seen and info from drawings regarding the davits also comments by keith s and the sketch i have made shows how they might have been (all conjecture and can't wait till Matthew Betts book comes out)!42502744_Terror_shrouds1.thumb.jpg.7d9406f502b0d34263941a424a665d9d.jpg






Take care all and thanks for looking in, comments and likes.





26 minutes ago, PRS said:

Would this stuff work for dying rigging? It is acrylic.

I don't see why not and it comes in a multitude of colors, thank you for the link. 

Current Builds:  1870's Sternwheeler, Lula

                             Wood Hull Screw Frigate USS Tennessee

                             Decorative Carrack Warship Restoration, the Amelia


Completed: 1880s Floating Steam Donkey Pile Driver                       

                       Early Swift 1805 Model Restoration




Hello all, work still continuing on the ratlines with all the lower shrouds finished. Now working on the ratlines on the topmast shrouds (fore and main only).


Still havn't fastened the bowsprit in place as still need to sort out the dolphin striker, it's either take a guess or wait till matthew's book comes out hence foremast still only has the temp. stay rigged at the moment.




take care all.



5 minutes ago, clearway said:

still need to sort out the dolphin striker

 Keith, it'll be interesting to see how you portray the DS. On US Navy ships it seems the DS was 90 degrees to the waterline. Most models have the DS 90 degrees to the bowsprit. In both old and new photographs I see it done both ways so it can't affect functionality or it would be only one way. 

Current Builds:  1870's Sternwheeler, Lula

                             Wood Hull Screw Frigate USS Tennessee

                             Decorative Carrack Warship Restoration, the Amelia


Completed: 1880s Floating Steam Donkey Pile Driver                       

                       Early Swift 1805 Model Restoration




Hi Keith the striker normally take the same angle as the mast cap on the bowsprit in the models i have built so will make it perpendicular to the waterline. Lees book states by this time it was fastened just behind the cap and looks like a crutch, but she was built  when they might still have fastened them to the front of the cap so did they convert the striker to newer position or leave old set up in place?




thanks for looking in everyone, decided to have a go at the dolphin striker mounting it abaft the cap with a crutch formed in the end ,used a piece of wood same width as crutch then filed the end to fit the bowsprit drilled the holes for the rigging and martingale stay eye bolts , after which i carved sanded to final shape (it is only held in place by brass wire pin at the moment incase i change my mind).






Take care all.



On 4/26/2021 at 1:43 PM, clearway said:

Hi Keith the striker normally take the same angle as the mast cap on the bowsprit in the models i have built so will make it perpendicular to the waterline. Lees book states by this time it was fastened just behind the cap and looks like a crutch, but she was built  when they might still have fastened them to the front of the cap so did they convert the striker to newer position or leave old set up in place?




It's my opinion (and only an opinion) that everything removable on the vessel would have been pretty up-to date. I feel this way because not only was the ship in ordinary before the voyage, but also I feel during the installation of the steam engine she would have been significantly dismantled. Also these ships were touted as being "state-of-the-art" at the time if the voyage, with all the "mod cons". Things like where the martingale goes, or whether the wooden knees on the windlass and catheads were changed to iron, seem kind of arbitrary, but then I think of the bell they raised from Erebus, and how it says "1845" on it. To my mind, if they troubled to replace something as symbolic yet basically functionless as a bell, what wouldn't they have replaced? (I know the bell wasn't actually "functionless", but you must admit, the one from 1813 was probably still perfectly good). Sailing rig improvements all seem quaint to us, but at the time it was considered cutting-edge science.


I've decided to use Lee's dates religiously and pay little mind to the date the hull was built. I think your placement of the martingale is most likely correct, and that's where I'll be putting mine. 


Thanks Keith sometimes an outside perspective helps😊. If you look at the pic of the topsham model for example in my earlier post the main topmast stays are rigged earlier style, but in the London news engraving of them leaving they are following the newer style (why i rigged them as i have). While that engraving isn't 100% accurate it does show the lead of the stays and braces - compare Erebus main topyard braces in foreground to Terrors in background. Sorry don't have access to pic on this comp but it is here on my log in a previous post a few pages back.



Posted (edited)

I think the artist who drew that engraving had some serious perspective issues! Possibly a handicap using a "camera lucida" on a moving object, (if those were in common use, I have no idea) or else maybe the technique used by newspaper artists at the time was to do a quick sketch and then flesh it out later with details from another source, such as other pictures of other ships. Also, why is Erebus depicted with a beakhead? 


There are some things I am deliberately avoiding thinking about for the time being so I don't lose sleep needlessly. One of those things being the blocks in the bulwarks for the braces. Depending on which picture you look at, they are either behind the deckhouses, covered by barrels, boats, or davits. I can't see how the ship was actually sailed with all the crap piled up on deck. I've deferred thinking about most of it until it becomes absolutely necessary and then I guess I will try to use common sense (I do know how to sail in real life, ha ha) or hopefully "THE BOOK" will be published by then. That's how I think about it: "THE BOOK". 😬


Edited by Keith S

Only 10 years Haha.  

On a different note I tried dying some lines and they came out rather stiff.  Do you dilute?  I was considering doing ratlines for laughs but I could not tie a proper knot. I just dipped the lines in the ink bottle. I took them out after a minute or so. I mixed the bottle. This is what I used.



Keith i agree entirely regards barrels etc blocking access to pin rails etc, Emmet i dilute the ink , but if you work the line a few times it softens a little (i also run my rigging through a block of beeswax to reduce furring), I run the entire spool of thread into a plastic tub with the ink/water mix using an old toothbrush handle to tamp it under the liquid, the fun part is running it between the poles for the clothes line to dry off without tangling in a knotty mess then rewind it onto the spool.




Thanks for the comments and likes everyone, work continues with the bowsprit, a band has been added to the eyes for the martingale stay/ backstay. Also fitted thimbles for the bob stays (as per Lees fitted a cap bob stay) and the bowsprit shrouds.




Take care all and here's hoping weather improves (people are actually skiing on the cumbrian fells on 3 foot of snow at the moment)!




Thanks for visiting everyone. Work continues on the bowsprit with the hearts for the forestays rigged in the 1850s fashion in Lees masting and rigging, also rigged the t'gallant shrouds and finished the ratlines on the topmast shrouds. The main t'gallant stay has also been fitted to the hounds but not fully rigged to foretop via a hole in the fore topmast crosstree.






staying with the polar exploration ships i have just bought occres HMS Endurance (at least there are loads of reference pics of that one)!


Take care all





Nice work, as usual! I was going to draw your attention to a drawing of Terror don by one of her lieutenants, I forget which, that shows the martingale perpendicular to the water, with reference to an earlier comment you made on the subject. But I see that's how you've modelled it so I won't bother hunting down the drawing again. 

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