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Posted (edited)
  • "Material posted on MSW shall not be shared with other forums in any manner.  This includes but is not limited to the information being made visible to members of another forum or to the public on another forum or to the staff of another forum by any means."



Does this mean that I cannot share my own model building process on a forum such as Facebook, in addition to here on Model Ship World? If so, I will comply.

Edited by Organ tech
Posted (edited)

I don't have a dog in the fight, but if I did, my question would be, "Does it mean one cannot reference a thread in this forum in another forum by posting a link to a thread in this forum?" If that is what it means, how does the MSW administration deal with search engines? If you google, "How to plank a ship model?" once you get past the paid advertisements and the YouTube videos, you start hitting MSW material, e.g.: https://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/plankingprojectbeginners.pdf; Google is full of ads, of course, and is rapidly approaching uselessness, save for making online purchases, but a few MSW threads are there. Bing has many more. It's a better search engine if you are looking for information instead of online retailers. It sure looks like the search engines are violating this guideline big time. Here's just a few examples:





Edited by Bob Cleek

a) "Material posted on MSW shall not be shared with other forums in any manner. This includes but is not limited to the information being made visible to members of another forum or to the public on another forum or to the staff of another forum by any means."


Interesting point.


I note there is a Facebook link at the top right of the Guideline page so MSW, correctly, is keen to drive traffic to this website and using Facebook of course may mean making reference to what's on MSW. 


However the Guidelines reassuringly say ....


b) All written work, drawings and photographs are considered copyrighted upon their creation and posting them on MSW does not constitute giving up ownership of the copyright. Again, no need for amateur or real lawyers - these are the rules here.


So I think a) is a bit of a catch-all statement to make sure all bases are covered in the case any dispute, but b) emphasises a) doesn't override a poster's ownership of their own materials (photo, text, etc). 


The statement a) could perhaps give some examples of what 'material' and 'shared' means as there does seem to be a slight contradiction between a) and b) IMO.




Yes you can send folks here by posting a link to a log on MSW.....and yes you can post your stuff anywhere,  its yours.   This rule simply lets folks know that you cant take photos and logs from other people/members and post them outside of MSW....without asking them for permission first.


For example....you cant copy my plans and build log photos for the Medway Longboat group on another forum without first getting permission from me....you shouldnt save any PDF files or chapters created here for such builds on other forums.   You cant duplicate or post photos of another members work without asking them first for permission.  Its to protect our members....you guys from having your photos and documents stolen without your knowledge or approval.  Certainly you can see why that is the case.   




So putting a link to an MSW build log onto another forum is ok? Because I do that a fair bit, as I believe MSW is the best forum around and reference to its build logs can help others who aren't even members, and - who knows - might persuade them to join.



  • 2 weeks later...


Bob Cleek's question and mine was not answered. What is MSW position on Google and other

search engines using unauthorized MSW post as a reply to their search responses? Some of MSW post 

are rather ordinary, some verge on being original intellectual property, such as the original paintings posted, cad drawings 

made by the poster, and even original and unique Excel spread sheets. My annoyance is that these entities are monetizing 

work of NRG/MSW members without authorization or recognition.

Looking forward to your more knowledgable response.

Bridgman Bob


We cant do anything about that.  We also want Google to index and find our site.  Its how we grow.  Its a normal thing to have all search engines find your site and return it in their search results after someone uses certain search words.  It can not be stopped.  

if any member doesnt want their stuff turning up in a search then they shouldnt post it anywhere on the web.  Because it will eventually be found through a search engine.  I am not sure how they are monetizing anything though…I cant see any evidence of that.  Its not what they do.  I dont agree with your statement about that at all.



Thank you Chuck for your reply and clarification. Thought that may be situation with the 

internet, still a bit annoying that someone  makes an effort to post a helpful response 

and then have it used somewhere else without  acknowledgement of the author.

Bridgman Bob 

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