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Oh boy, here goes.  Yes, I've read Ye Olde Cautionary Tale in the New Member introduction section here, and...  100% spot on!  Great advice.  I feel almost daily like I have bit off more than I can chew, but progress thus far has been great.  It's technically not my first build (in fact it's the second time I'm building Heller's Superbe - kind of - plus I built a dozen-so other plastic kits in my youth), I'm quite pleased with the results, and I thought I'd start sharing some progress with the membership, hoping that feedback feeds progress.  I'm hoping to get some ideas, feedback (all types!), and answers to a few questions.


Quick background: I stumbled across MSW last year and was so inspired by the many amazing builders and builds that I decided to reengage in the hobby, although it's been almost 40 years since last time I assembled anything requiring glue.  Specifically, my jaw simply dropped over @Blue Ensign Superbe/Praetorian, and @dafi's Victory masterpieces, and I asked myself how close I could get.  After a few WWII builds – aircraft and tanks – to get back in the saddle, and some research incl. sourcing all four volumes of Boudriot’s The Seventy-Four Gun Ship, I kicked this off this past New Year’s Eve.  Rabbit holes aplenty!


The build is Heller’s Le Superbe converted to HMS Vanguard.  Okay, I know… they are two completely different ships – different dimensions, lines, proportions etc. and I’ve learned there are plenty other more accurate/appropriate examples of converting a French 74-gunner to an RN historical equivalent (e.g. Spartiate, Belleisle, Hercules), but… it’s the Vanguard!  Nelson’s flagship at his, in my mind, most consequential battle, and possibly the most well-known 74 in history?  If I invest a few thousand hours in a project, I want some name recognition! :) (There's a pipedream to turn it into a waterline diorama... maybe with Spartiate also... hmm...)


First, about the kit itself.  I’ve heard there’s a new re-release but this is an old version; not dated but guessing 40-50 years old (the Glorieux box art looks like it’s a 1970’s design).  I have actually built this kit before, in my teens circa 1983, and still remember the poor fit and overall atrocious molding quality…  You can expect to spend 75% of your build time cleaning off chaff and excess, and the rest spackling and sanding to fill in gaps and injection holes.  Compared to contemporary plastic kits (I’m a big Tamiya fan) this is night and day.  I often found myself cursing using the plastic pieces instead of scratch building, and if you have the skills and tools, I’d strongly recommend following Blue Ensign’s example and scratch building as much as possible.


Also a note about historical accuracy of this kit: Heller’s Glorieux and Superbe are identical kits except for stern, quarter-galleries, figurehead, hair brackets, railings, and name plate.  In reality of course, they were completely different ships; different designs, classes, sizes, ship builders, and built almost 30 years apart.  With 99% certainty, Glorieux did not have a coppered hull.  It’s a headscratcher to me why Heller decided to pick these two particular ships to recreate with the same molds?  Especially since neither of them had a particularly illustrious career. 


In general, I’ll admit I’m a little confused and was hoping the forum could help straighten some things out? 

  • Boudriot states explicitly his plans are not of a ship designed by Sané – which rules out the Téméraire or Annibal classes – but doesn’t elaborate further which one it actually is.  I only see him say it’s “the 74-gun ship of the 1780’s” (Vol I, p. 6) - am I missing something?
  • Heller’s Superbe looks identical to Boudriot’s plans; but the historical Superbe was indeed a Téméraire-class ship.
  • The historical Glorieux was a unique design all together, not part of any class (and certainly not similar to Superbe).
  • Blue Ensign’s build log is “Le Praetorian after Boudriot” – but I haven’t found any record of a Praetorian ever having sailed in the French navy? 
  • The model's hull measures 370mm at its “perpendiculars” (Boudriot, Vol I, p.18).  At 1:150, this would be 55.5m, whereas Boudriot’s 74 is quoted as 55.75m (Vol I, pp. 18-19); close enough.  As per trusty Wikipedia, Superbe (standard Téméraire-class) was 55.87m (close enough), and the historical Glorieux was 53.35m (=not close enough). 


Which ship is which?  Thoughts?


FWIW, here's my hypothesis/attempt to unpack this -- I really look forward to being corrected on all these accounts! 

  • Boudriot’s plans are of a Magnanime-class ship (first launch 1779). 
  • Heller designed their kit/mold based on Boudriot’s books, which were released in 1973.  I’m guessing the kits were released ~1977?  (The Glorieux box design looks distinctly 70-ies; but I haven’t found any dates anywhere in the box.)
  • For some reason only known to a Heller employee ~50 years ago, they picked the names Glorieux and Superbe for this kit, entirely ignoring that both of these historical ships were of a different design and class than documented in Boudriot’s books.  After all, they’re pretty good product names to put on a box – certainly more eye-catching than say Dugay-Trouin or Mucius – and they also work okay for an English or German-speaking audience.
  • Le Praetorian - BE's build is so amazing I literally cannot care less what it actually is, or if it existed or not -- it obviously exists now!


Anyway… pulling myself out of this rabbit hole… and enough knocking Heller quality and accuracy - it’s a beautiful ship!  Personally, I find the 74-gun ships-of-the-line the most beautiful and awe-inspiring naval design framework ever conceived – but that’s just me, who’s only seen a small fraction of all ships ever designed.  The lines, proportions, elegance, and understated raw power make this a gorgeous, gorgeous model.  (Especially with the yellow/black “Nelson checker” pattern; which I believe the Vanguard had at the Nile?)


After ordering a few components (notably, sails and standing rigging components) online (HiSModel), my second order of action was to contact igorcap to check if he’d be able to help me with a figurehead and taffrail; the two components I knew I’d never be able to get right on my own.  Much gratitude, thoughts and prayers go out to Poltava/Ukraine – I can honestly say without Igor, this build would still be in the box.  Thank you, Igor.


Also – huge thanks to @greenskin and @Lukasvdb for their Superbe build logs on this forum, as mentioned to Blue Ensign and dafi for inspiration, and of course… @glbarlow; I’ve very liberally used your pictures in your *amazing* Amati/Victory Vanguard build log as reference for pretty much everything.


Conversion and scratch build efforts (some complete, some still at planning stage):

  • Adjust number, position, and size of gun ports (see more below)
    • Upper deck: closed port #1, made ports #4-#10 smaller
    • Quarter deck: converted windows to gun ports; moved port #1
  • Extend and modify profile of poop and quarter deck railings, incl. extending poop deck forwards
  • Reposition masts and channels (see below)
    • Main- and mizzen mast ~10mm (~5ft) further back
    • Fore mast 16mm (~8ft) further back
  • Remove drift rails and add new ones
    • I left the wales in place simply because it’d be way too much work to correct them.  On the model / Boudriot plans, the wales generally follow the curve of the gun ports/decks, whereas on Vanguard / RN 74s they have a distinct curve; with gun ports cutting into them.  I understand this was an intentional ship design feature, intended to add stability to the ship.
    • I seem to have forgotten the sheer rail – oops!  Perhaps I’ll add them later, although could be tricky now as I’ve attached the channels where it should be 😕
  • New figure head, taffrail, and stern name plaque (thank you Igor!)
  • Modify/rebuild quarter galleries.  Attach stern and rudder with magnets for easy removal = allow better view of the hull interior
    • Add quarter gallery interiors, incl. floors, cupboards, and of course - easements/latrines
  • Rebuild head, incl. beakhead, catheads, cheeks, hair brackets, etc.
  • New details throughout: railings, stairs, binnacle, bell, lantern, bitts, pumps, capstans, cannon balls (ball bearings from McMaster-Carr) in racks, gratings (mostly Amati), hatches, cabins, etc. etc. etc.
    • Build Brodie firehearth based on Model Monkey’s 3D print as reference (I later found a better reference on RMG’s site).
    • Okay it'll never be dafi / Blue Ensign / Greenskin / Lukascdb level of detail and quality – but I’ll be doing my best and keep practicing/torturing myself!
  • Ship boat storage: resting on beams spanning the upper deck between the gangways, vs. sitting on the upper deck
    • If I decide to go down the diorama / Battle of the Nile idea, I assume these would be in tow anyway; not on-board the ship?
  • Align the copper plating pattern on the model with waterline
  • Add breech lines, cap squares, and loops over the cascabel buttons (“pomellions”?)  
    • My understanding is these loops were standard on Blomefield guns after 1794; and it’s possible Vanguard at the Nile would have had these? 
    • Either way they make positioning the breech lines easier (and look nice)
  • All standing and running rigging components using Amati thread and either Amati walnut blocks, or 3D printed/resin blocks from igorcap.  
    • Add chain stays, preventer plates, channel knee braces, etc.
  • Insert metal rods into lower masts for extra stability
  • Move steps on side of hull, add the rails that protect the hull when lowering the ship boats (whatever they’re called?)
  • Fabric sails and flags from HiSModel
    • I’m imagining Vanguard bearing down in SE direction on the French line at Aboukir with a light (3 knots) wind from NNW, at two-three points on the larboard quarter, so I’d anticipate this to be… top sails (no reefs), top gallants, jibs, and mizzen; yards trimmed to be nearly perpendicular with the keel; perhaps 10 degrees off?  At 300ft range, possibly with crew top side about to take in the top gallants and a reef or two in the top sails, as she prepares to engage.  Am I close?
    • I found a historical reference that English ships flew four lanterns horizontally in the "mizzen" (crossjack?) yard arm, and a white Ensign; whereas the French ships flew the Tricolore.  Thoughts, anyone?


A few notes…

I have taken quite a few liberties and shortcuts for the sake of aesthetics and convenience.

  • Most notably…. the Magnanime is a full 15ft (4.6m; 30mm at this scale) longer than Vanguard, which I understand can be attributed to a few reasons: a larger/longer hull provided room for an extra gun on the upper gun deck (30 vs. 28); which in turn provided more space (=more comfortable accommodations for officers) on the quarter deck (12 guns here instead of Vanguard’s 14), more space for crew and marines (~700 total complement vs. 600 on an Arrogant class), and perhaps most importantly, more space for provisions for longer journeys, as France did not have the same access to friendly ports as the British.  My understanding is the ship’s length in and by itself did not meaningfully impact ship handling or gunnery – rather it’s the lines below the waterline that would determine sailing and handling characteristics – but I suspect I may be missing or misunderstanding something here.
  • Anyway, Heller’s Superbe model has 15 gun ports on each side of the upper deck, whereas Vanguard had 14.  While it was easy enough to close port #1, it means the spacing/position of the remaining 14 ports is off; impacting position of the channels (which I wanted to keep in the same place relative to gun ports), although of course this also in turn impacts the position of the masts – it would look strange if the shrouds were pointing forward, at an angle.  Final result: on “my” Vanguard, the forecastle and head will look like it’s extending a bit too far, like she has a weird little snout.  I’ll try and compensate by adjusting the length of the bowsprit and position of the anchors, but for sure this will irk naval historians – sorry.  (Well, not really :))
  • I have used glbarlow’s Vanguard (Amati/Victory) build log as my main visual reference, even though there are a few inconsistencies compared to the National Maritime Museum (NMM) plans – which, while dated 1774, are of the 1761 Arrogant, but quoted as having been used for the Vanguard, too.  I’m sure there were quite a few tweaks between 1761 and 1787 when Vanguard launched, and while I might have the time and curiosity to research this further, I didn’t have the patience for this particular build.
  • I didn’t have plans or images of Vanguard’s gun deck (no such thing in the Amati/Victory model), and so instead have relied on dafi’s Victory build, with some inspiration from Boudriot.
  • The trunnions on the Heller model are not in the center of the gun barrels; they’re distinctly offset from the bore.  The sketch in the Heller instruction sheet specifically indicates the trunnions should be “up” = the barrel should “hang down” into the gun carriage, quite significantly.  I believe in reality, at least on an English ship, it should be the other way around; trunnions “should” be either in the center of the barrel, or slightly below; meaning the barrel would sit a bit “above” the carriage.  Unfortunately, on Heller’s model, both solutions cause problems: if the trunnions are “up” / “higher”, the bottom of the gun barrel hits the front of the carriage, whereas if the trunnions are “down” / “lower”, the gun barrel will point up and hit the top edge of the gun port (=you’ll need to sand down the wheels of the gun carriage to make it fit nicely in the center of the gun port).  Oh Heller.  I went with the former solution – “trunnions up”– and filed a semi-circle in the front of the gun carriage.  It means the gun barrels now point down slightly, which I think gives them a nice, aggressive look, but more importantly they sit well centered in the gun ports.
  • Like others on this forum, I scored planking (freehand) in the exterior hull and gun deck (with ruler).  Note in this soft plastic this can result in quite significant “ridges”, which I recommend cutting/shaving off, rather than sand down (which grinds the plastic dust into the grooves).
  • I contemplated getting wooden decks but (a) I don’t have a workspace for sanding wood at scale – too much dust in a relatively small apartment – and (b) scratch building deck beams to lay down a wooden deck instead of the plastic deck is beyond my current modeling comfort level; and the alternative – laying down wooden planking on top of the plastic decks (as I’ve seen some users do on YouTube using the wooden decks from HiSModel), would elevate the guns too high in the gun ports.
  • Except for copper hull (Testor Enamel rattle can), I’ve used Tamiya acrylic paints throughout; either air brushed (decks, guns, hull interior) or hand painted (hull exterior, all details).  I love the Tamiya paints but note they have to be thinned by as much as 2/3 when air brushing; for hand application, I usually add about 1/4 thinner.  (You can’t really work with this paint undiluted.)


Some general build notes:

  • On this model, you likely won’t be able to insert the upper gun deck into the hull, if the lower gun deck is already solidly glued in place (which it will have to be, in order to position the 32 pounders where they should).  Chances are the hull will crack/break trying to squeeze in the upper gun deck.  I ended up cutting he upper deck into two pieces lengthwise and mounted them separately.
  • As mentioned, the fit on this model is not great and you’ll need to do a lot of spackling and sanding to close gaps.  On this relatively small model, this requires a lot of manual handling, increasing the risk of breaking off any small or protruding pieces.  I recommend thoroughly thinking through the assembly order, e.g. finalize beakhead and hawses before adding gun deck details, gun ports, channels, and similar pieces that may easily break or break off while manually handling the model.  Same goes for painting; even basic priming could (should?) wait until all main “architectural” components are assembled.
  • The hardest part to get right (thus far; by far) has been the quarter-galleries; which needed to be modified both for shape/design, to fit new positions of drift rails and wales, and new shape taffrail.  (They don’t fit that well out of the box, for that matter.)  I have not modified the number of windows (Heller: 10, Vanguard: 8), at least not yet.
  • I’m posting this very first build log about 7 weeks/180 hours in, ~90% of which is scratch-building or modifying existing conditions.  I’m doing a lot of this for the first time, so takes a bit longer for sure.


Current state: hull nearly complete, channels in place, head ready for beakhead and gratings, stern ready for galleries.  Then (1) deadeyes, (2) gun deck, (3) upper deck, (4) quarterdeck/gangways/forecastle and poop deck, (5) masts and standing rigging "one tier at a time", (6) running rigging and sails, (7) anchors.  Easy! 

2-8-2025 Hull After.jpg


Original: most/all quarter deck gun ports have moved, drift and sheer rails have been replaced, profiles of poop and quarter deck railings altered, and head, hawses, cheek, forecastle profile changed. (Note this black hull is from the Glorieux "sister kit"; same hull as Superbe, despite being two entirely different ships historically.)

2-8-2025 Hull Before.jpg


Original head & hawses

2-8-2025 Head before.jpg


Note new cheeks & hawse holes.  Greek warrior figurehead courtesy of Igorcap, using the Victory/Amati model as reference.

2-11-2025 figurehead-2.jpg

2-11-2025 figurehead-3.jpg


Scratch built Brodie stove.  Someone said somewhere "in this small scale, if it looks too big, it is too big". 

So, so true - but it's so, so hard to make some details even smaller :) 

2-8-2025 Brodie Stove.jpg



  • individually cleaned from chaff
  • scored planking in carriage and assembled
  • cut space in front of carriage (see above)
  • added cascabel button loops (28 gauge brass wire)
  • drilled boreholes
  • airbrushed barrels: semi-gloss black, and carriages: flat red; hand painted wheels semi-gloss black
  • weathering wash using Winsor & Newton raw umber oil color + odorless mineral spirits
  • dry brushed barrels: flat aluminum, carriages: buff
  • added cap squares (made from excess material from eye bolts), breeching lines, and eye bolts (next picture)

2-8-2025 Cannon.jpg

2-8-2025 Gun Deck.jpg


Stern, taffrail and stern gallery assembled and primed, awaiting final polish and painting.  Cut off original taffrail and glued on 3D printed one from Igorcap. Cut off sides of original stern gallery to change its curve, created new railing and balusters from 22 gauge copper wire.  Made new bottom part from plasticard, and added horizontal rail under the 3D printed name plate. Cut out the existing four-pane astrigals, will add new ones to make nine-pane windows (but will keep 10 windows instead of 8 as in the historial Vanguard - I think, for now at least).

2-11-2025 stern after.jpg


Original stern, with igorcap's new 3D printed pieces overlaid for sizing.

2-11-2025 Stern before.jpg


New details and rails, made upper deck gun ports smaller, shaved down 4th wale.  My Superbe kit is this milk chocolate brown color for the most part, with the Superbe-specific parts in gold (see stern above) in a distinctly different material that is more brittle and therefore hard to work with; and guns and running rigging pieces in red. 



Before left, after right.  Plasticard FTW!


Edited by PqLear

That is looking very nice and a Warm Welcome to Model Ship World.


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Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry

Posted (edited)

As expected, the stern turned out to be quite the project!   There are many similarities between Superbe and Vanguard: both have a semi-circular taffrail, a stern gallery with a walkway outside the captain's cabin, a stern gallery with windows only in the gun room, two chase gun ports, and both have quarter galleries.


There are also several differences: the name plaque is straight, not curved, on the Vanguard; the windows are nine panes, not four; the cabin walkway gallery is curved all the way around on the Superbe, whereas on the Vanguard it's only curved in the middle, and straight at the edges; and Vanguard's taffrail is ornamented.


The biggest difference however is the layout of the quarter gallery easements and the walkway outside the captain's cabin:


  • Le Superbe - walkway (green) runs the width of the ship, and easements (in quarter galleries; orange) are in front.



  • The Vanguard - walkway runs between the easements (orange) only.



Original out of the box (and Vanguard name plaque provided by Igorcap)



Cut off the original taffrail, and superglued on the one made by Igorcap (see Post #1) instead.  I cut off the ends of the original railing also, and built new endings of the railing from 22 gauge copper wire.  Note magnets at the bottom.



Stern, primed.  Glued on a strip of 1mm plasticard at the bottom, to create a straight bottom edge for the name plaque, and for the bottom of the stern itself.



Shortened the stern gallery walkway by cutting off the ends of the wall and the walkway itself, and added side walls instead.  



Final walkway - made doors to quarter galleries also.  Note the black strip at the bottom of the hull (on gun deck); with magnets matching the position of those in the stern itself.  I'll add one or two magnets at the top also, so that entire stern and quarter galleries can be easily taken off.


Added floors inside the quarter galleries, and cut off/rebuilt the bottom (which had a big swirl on the Superbe).



Final (almost) inside of the stern.  Note addition of rear walls and windows in the quarter galleries.  Removed galleries at the top of the quarter galleries; the Vanguard had "flat" roofs, which I built out of 0.25mm plasticard.



Final quarter galleries.  Built new roofs and added astregals (thin strips of 0.25mm plasticard glued together with Tamiya Extra Thin Cement; I'm not super happy with how it came out, and I'd probably recommend using wire and CA instead) to make windows with nine panes. 


Final stern!IMG_1597-blog.thumb.jpg.356d61f2d7ec492e55873d1a2c178f17.jpg




(Compare with the Victory/Amati Vanguard stern, as built by gbarlow, here; and you can get a glimpse of the original out of the box Superbe design here, as built by Blue Ensign.)


Edited by PqLear
Posted (edited)

Worked on the head, incl the hair brackets, beakhead, and figurehead this week.  Out of ~30 pieces used in the final build, two came from the kit, the rest had to be built using plasticard and metal wire.


Original beakhead on sprue. Note bow chase ports, and the fife rail at the top of the railing, with stanchions.  I also re-used the original grating, was however curved so dipped it in boiling water to be able to flatten it.



Started with a sheet of 1mm plasticard to make main rails.



Cut out strips to make middle rails and cross pieces to form the rest of the hair bracket.



Beakhead and grating are only two pieces out of the box. Main rails assembled from four pieces of plasticard; the main shape, two extra pieces to form the stanchion, and a round profile (shaved to be half-round) to form the decorative lower edge.  Made rounded easements by cutting up a plasticard tube.


Hair bracket pieces glued in place using CA.



Painted.  Made new hole for bowsprit gammoning.



Beakhead bulkhead. Cut up and reassembled fife rail, closed chase ports, shaved down doors, and added easements. 


Extended the fife rail to run the width of the forecastle. Made decorative molding (arches), door hinges and door handles out of 24 gauge wire. IMG_1650.thumb.jpg.183b5611d1eeaeb5362f5945839b37aa.jpg


Painted figurehead, 3D printed by igorcap.



Finally assembled and painted.



A few details remain to be added - heads, knee for the bowsprit, gammoning, etc. but overall quite happy with how this is coming along! IMG_1658.thumb.jpg.2abb44bcb82632c8faa40e624b206452.jpg




Thanks - again! - to gbarlow for inspiration!  I've used your images here and here as guides for design and paint scheme. 





Edited by PqLear
Posted (edited)

Okay, raise your hand if you've ever mounted the channels and drilled holes in them for the shrouds to line up nicely with the upper deck gun ports, to carefully avoid a 24-gunner blasting away the chains with the first broadside of the battle.  Great I see a lot of hands!  Now, keep your hand up if you realized a bit too late they ALSO need to take the 12-pounders on the fo'c'sle and quarterdeck into account...  ping me your nick and I'll send a membership card -- you're welcome to join my club!


I'm sad to report my Vanguard might have some issues with their main mast shrouds, after the quarter deck 12-pounders have shot away the 5-9th shrouds.  Oops.


Last week -- deadeyes (Amati), chains (28 gauge copper wire), and preventer plates (0.4mm plasticard).  

Did Vanguard have 9- or 12-pounders, or even carronades, on quarterdeck & forecastle?

I tried a few different methods to loop the chain around the deadeye, and settled for a configuration with one short and one long end.  The white plasticard strip will become preventer plates.



An earlier attempt had both ends of the "chain" wire of equal length, but I ended up cutting one end about half-way down.



The loose ends of the wire meet "in the middle" of the chain, and when glued together with a small bead of CA, almost gives the appearance of two chains (which I believe the RN 74s had?)



The upper preventer bolt is a filed-down head of an embroidery pin, cut off to ~1.5mm length and glued in place into a hole drilled into the side of the hull, or the upper wale.



See what I mean about making sure the chains avoid getting in the way of the gun ports?



It appears Vanguard has one more shroud than the Superbe, nine rather than eight, on the fore mast, and the deadeyes/shoruds ended up being a bit crowded. Fo'c'sle 12-pounders should be fine, with one in the gap between shroud 4 and 5, and one further to the fore.



Preventer plates cut to size; punched a dent to create appearance of lower preventer bolt.



Starboard main channel, deadeyes, and chains. The quarter deck guns will struggle to fire between the deadeyes 😕



Final appearance when painted; quite happy with the look!



I believe I'll be able to bend some of the main mast deadeyes to create better gaps for the 12-pounders, or I may need to move them around and drill new holes in the channels, before proceeding with the port side. 




Edited by PqLear
Posted (edited)

Browsing through some other Superbe threads, I found this comment that appears to confirm my guess the original kit was launched in 1977:

I also stumbled across a YouTube channel with some pretty neat CGI recreations of historical battles, Epic History - YouTube, including a half hour episode of the Battle of the Nile which appears well researched and filled in a few gaps in my understanding both of the battle itself, and the lead up.  I especially appreciated how it gives a sense of the scale and distance to shore.  

Edited by PqLear

If you have a deeper interest in the Battle of the Nile I can recommend the following book.

There are certainly many books about naval battles, and a lot has been written about the Battle of the Nile. For me, the best book about the Battle of the Nile is: Nelson and the Nile: The Naval War Against Bonaparte 1798 by Brian Lavery. This tells the story before, during and, often neglected, after the battle in great detail. In particular, the description of how the ships, some of which were badly damaged, were repaired on site after the battle.

3 hours ago, Chapman said:

If you have a deeper interest in the Battle of the Nile I can recommend the following book.

There are certainly many books about naval battles, and a lot has been written about the Battle of the Nile. For me, the best book about the Battle of the Nile is: Nelson and the Nile: The Naval War Against Bonaparte 1798 by Brian Lavery. This tells the story before, during and, often neglected, after the battle in great detail. In particular, the description of how the ships, some of which were badly damaged, were repaired on site after the battle.

Nice thanks for the recommendation - have ordered it now.

13 hours ago, dafi said:

Wunderfully done 🙂



Thank you sir - and thank you for giving me the inspiration to pick up the hobby again!  Maybe next time I’ll try it in 1:100…. :)

Posted (edited)

With deadeyes completed, have turned my attention to the inside of the hull again, and started assembling the gun deck. A light sanding of the guns will make it easier to glue them in place, although unfortunately it also meant some of them will now sit a little too low in the gun ports.  Will go even lighter on the other side.


(The small hole in the bottom of the gun carriage is left over from airbrushing/painting.)




A tiny dot of CA will hold the breeching line nicely held together just under the cascabel.  Note eye bolts at end of breeching ropes -- they're from Amati, I cut off ~4mm and used the excess to make cap squares.



Gun deck half-way assembled.  Starboard battery, anchor cables, and pull strings for gun lids remain before upper deck can go on.



As mentioned above, I cut the upper deck in two pieces to be able to put it in place without breaking up the hull.  Even this approach is proving quite complicated -- wish me luck, I'll need it!   I started this part of the project by adding beams under the upper deck:



All in place, glued onto the larger part only...



... so that I can add the upper deck as a two-step process; first, the larger piece, then the starboard battery -- quite tricky to maneuver the guns and breeching lines in place between the beams, but hopefully it'll be okay -- and finally the smaller deck piece.  Unfortunately, this means I won't be able to take a picture of the entire gun deck fully assembled 😕 



Started prepping the forecastle/quarter deck.  First, original piece (note new holes for masts, as described ^^)



Started by cutting/shaving everything down -- gratings, stairs, gun racks, placeholders for buckets, etc. -- to get a flat deck.  Filled resulting holes with squares of 2mm plasticard.



New location and different dimensions for the midships opening.  Narrower gangways.



Cut new opening and closed up resulting gap in forecastle. 



Plenty of filler to close holes and cracks.  Note extended front of poop deck also.



 As always, thanks to @glbarlow and @dafi -- I've used your build logs liberally as inspiration and reference (e.g. here, and here).  Not all my gratings, stairs, capstans etc. are in the correct places since the hull dimensions are different, but I'm quite happy with the result (which no one will ever see anyway :))


I should probably have thought about this sooner... but finally got around to buying the instruction book for Amati/Victory's Vanguard -- realized it'll be invaluable for the rigging, but it would probably have come in handy for the hull, too.  Oh well.



Edited by PqLear
Posted (edited)

I spent much of this week going back to two other reference build logs, @RMC's Vanguard and @flyer's Bellerophon -- both incredibly inspirational, absolutely gorgeous, and terribly humbling :)  I use my 1:150 scale as justification to not get even close in terms of detail and execution!


I was happy to pick up a few new details -- e.g. a brick floor under the Brodie stove -- and noticed a few others a bit too late to incorporate in my own build, e.g. the design/size of the stern name plate.  I'm increasingly realizing there are so many historical accuracy details I could have researched or respected more closely but didn't, out of enthusiasm to get going and make progress.  I suspect this is a common dilemma for many builds -- with such fragmented access to historical reference material, you don't know what you don't know, where do you draw the line between research and execution?  How do you ensure not letting perfect get in the way of good?


I have a big decision to make soon -- whether to weather or not, and if so to what extent.  An oil paint/mineral spirit wash on hull and deck will add texture and bring out details and generally looks great, but will require multiple gloss varnish coats prior, and multiple matte varnish coats after.  Each application involves the risk of clogging, orange peeling, unwanted residue, uneven sheen, etc., and the risk is especially great when you airbrush on to a highly irregular shape (such as a deck between hull sides with holes in them), which makes the air / varnish droplets flow in irregular and unpredictable micro patterns.  And it's incredibly hard impossible to reverse a poorly applied coat of varnish... I feel a bit insecure about my skills here.


In meanwhile, I continued assembling the upper deck and prepped the quarter deck:

  • Added all furniture and starboard side guns to gun deck
  • Glued both parts of upper deck in place
  • Cut/sanded/adjusted quarter deck to fit (almost 1/8" too wide out of the box)
  • Cut off 1/8" of rear of upper deck, so that stern would fit properly
  • Finished upper deck furniture (gratings, stove, capstans)
  • Painted black/white diamond floor tile pattern in ward-room and captain's cabin
    • I was contemplating building out compartments, dividers and furniture but ultimately decided against it -- after all this will be Vanguard readied for battle!

Next steps:

  • Clean up, paint, assemble, and customize upper deck 18-pound guns (been dreading this...)
  • A few remaining upper deck furnishings (stairs, garlands, eye bolts for ships boats, etc.)
  • Finish Brian Lavery's Nelson and the Nile
    • Also ordered his The 74 Gun Ship Bellona
  • Digest the build plans for Amati/Victory's Vanguard (also on order... realized way too late into this build I should have started with this!)
  • Finalize specs and plans for masts and yards
    • As mentioned in a few other build logs here, the out of the box pieces are too flimsy to support the tension from standing and running rigging.  They might be okay for a simplified rigging configuration -- e.g. stays, shrouds, sheets and braces -- but I'd like to at least have the option to add a more complete rigging scheme
    • Iirc, @Blue Ensign made new masts and yards out of wood, and @Admiral Beez added carbon fiber rods for additional stability -- both good ideas which I may get back to.  Current thinking is making these as 3D prints, and currently exploring this route with @igorcap 
  • Finalize specs for a few other pieces to be 3D printed -- anchors, lanterns, admiral's barge, fire buckets, decorative trim pieces, etc.


Gun deck with furniture and guns in place.  Messenger rope is too thin and nippers in wrong place (I think?) but at least explains the concept. Once the upper deck is in place, this build log might be the only evidence this even exists... it's been fun to build though! 




Port piece of upper deck in place, waiting for the starboard piece.  In retrospect, I wish I had (1) aligned the deck beams with the gun ports, and (2) then aligned the openings for gratings based on the position of the beams.



Last third of upper deck in place, hull pressed together with "temporary rigging" while glue is curing overnight.



Also wish I had painted (airbrushed) the wardroom floor before assembly -- had to hand paint instead.



Masking using 6mm Tamiya tape -- looks like blueberry pie!



Bleeding from hand-painting turned the wardroom floor into a Rohrschach test... 



... but came out okay after some manual touching up



Much better results when airbrushing -- no freehand touch-ups needed!









Edited by PqLear
Posted (edited)

I’m thinking Benedict Cumberbatch or Jude Law would play Nelson in the movie version of the Mediterranean campaign and the Battle of the Nile, with Aidan Turner as Saumarez, and Pedro Pascal as Admiral Brueys.  What a great movie!  I visualize the 18-minute action sequence in the midst of the battle… the crew of the Alexander frantically hacking away at their anchor cables—twice—to get away from the burning L’Orient; her captain Commodore Casabianca jumping overboard with his 10-year old son, a midshipman, as he realizes the ship is beyond saving; Bellerophon, herself dismasted and drifting, picking up survivors, stripping off their own clothes to keep them warm; and finally… the blast…  echoing off the Pyramids nine miles away; gunners aboard the Orion having the wind knocked out of them from the impact; tinders and shrapnel igniting top sails and shrouds all over the Aboukir Bay; the shock wave pushing nearby 2000-ton ships of the line hundreds of feet off course, tilting so violently from the shock they’re at risk of capsizing...


Any movie producers out there? :) 


Aside from reading and dreaming, I’ve spent the week assembling the upper deck: 24 x 18-pounders, stove, capstans, hatches, shot garlands, ladders, rope railings, cleats, eye-bolts for the train tackles, wardroom bulkhead, rudder head, a cabin for lieutenant Galwey, and the captain’s and officer’s pantry.  I ran out of cannon balls so had to order some more ball bearings (from McMaster-Carr), then I'll close it all up.  Sniff.


Like with the 32-pounders, cleaning up and trimming out the guns wasn’t particularly fun and I’m glad it’s done.  Good news is they came out great and I’m really happy with the result (most of which no one will ever see anyway…).


I got the full set of plans for the Amati/Victory Vanguard, as well as copies of Lavery’s The 74-Gun Ship Bellona and Nelson and the Nile.  I should have started my project with this part, the additional research has certainly made me question a few of my design decisions, and I need to keep reminding myself I’m doing this (a) for fun, and (b) to learn!  (If this build is confusing or offends any naval historians out there—sorry.)


Hull size aside (see above), recreating Vanguard as she sailed into battle in Aboukir Bay (my original vision) raises a few questions how/if to recreate?

  • Her entire foremast, and main- and mizzen top masts and up, were jury rigs I haven’t been able to find detailed documentation for, except that both Nelson and Captain Berry were quite pleased with the sailing abilities.  The bowsprit had also been sistered/braced in multiple places.
  • She may have had a mizzen yard (Whitcombe painting) instead of a driver gaff & boom (most/all other paintings, plans and models).
  • Her cutter had been lost; and the remaining three boats would have either been in tow, possibly filled with furniture from the officers’ cabins, or hung from the stern or off the sides of the poop deck.
  • She had four lanterns hanging either horizontally or vertically, either from the “mizzen [yard] peak” or the “mizzen mast”, lit either at the start of the battle, or only later as it got dark, or only when actually needed for identification—depending which source you choose to believe.
  • She would have had a sheet cable pulled through one of the stern ports, some paintings show the last gun port of the broadside, some show out the stern chase port, with a spring presumably going another broadside port or chase gun port.
  • Most sources state all RN ships flew white ensigns, although the sources provide a very inconsistent picture.  Some show a blue flag (Nelson was Rear-Admiral of the Blue), some show blue pennants, some show blue ensigns, some show one or more Union Jacks, and I’ve seen two paintings with Vanguard flying a large blue and yellow flag, divided vertically, from the top of the main mast.  Not sure what this is?

& Cetera.  Representing some of this but not all would give an inconsistent and confusing look, and I’m increasingly thinking the only way to get this right is to (a) make a full-on waterline diorama, including crew, full weathering, and full rigging, and (b) get a time machine and take some photographs.


I’m not doing that 😊 … the complexity of time-travel aside, the hull size/dimensions “disqualifies” this project from being a historically accurate representation anyway.  So… I’ve been going back and forth a bit what to do here.  I even considered changing her to Spartiate or another French prize, like Admiral Beez—which however raises a whole host of other questions around to what extent French ships were “Royal Navified” when refitted for British service; presumably with the standard response it depended on which ship we’re talking about and the specific date, and… we’re back at the top of the rabbit hole, in analysis paralysis without any actual building happening.


Current thinking is a “museum build” (on stand, with no weathering; just shading and highlights) as she would have looked leaving Chatham a few months earlier.  It’s already been a really fun project and I’ve learned a ton, so—success!


Finally, I’ve worked with @igorcap on a 3D-printed solution for the masts, using ABS plastic instead of resin.  More to come!



It's not a big deal to tidy up chaff and injection dots from 5 or 6 of these, but 74...?  Ugh. 



Inserted a (heated) regular sewing pin into the bore holes to prep for air brushing (Tamiya X-18 Black semi-gloss).  



Carriages equally in need of cleaning up individually before airbrushing; attached to strip of masking tape.  Tamiya XF-7 Red.



Left ten carriages are airbrushed and wheels hand painted (X-18), twenty carriages to the right have a dark brown oil paint (Winsor & Newton Raw Umber) wash (Gamsol odorless mineral spirit) freshly applied.  Sides are gently scored to represent planks.



Final result with a dark brown wash, airbrushed high lights (carriages: XF-57 Buff, barrels: XF-18 Flat Aluminum), and cascabel loops (28 gauge wire) in place.  The 18-pounders had to go with the "trunnions down" (not "up" as the kit instructions show; see more above).  Assembled cannons are ready to get fitted with breeching ropes and cap squares.



Some of the ladders from the kit can be reused, but scratch built others, as well as gratings and main mast bitts.



Both batteries assembled and glued in place using CA.  Added breeching ropes with eye bolts, excess metal from eye bolt was bent to form cap squares.  I had built the galley stove a bit too big and had to cut off the bottom third.   I read somewhere it sat on a foundation of bricks?  



Rudder head -- Lavery's Bellona (p.80) refers to a "hexagonal" rudder head, although all pictures show it being octagonal?  Built both, the octagonal looks better.



Upper deck finally assembled, a few more shot garlands to stock up before putting on quarter deck & forecastle.  Eye bolts and rope railing staunchions made from 28 gauge wire; stove, main mast bitts, garlands, hatches, and ladder to gun deck from plasticard; capstans carved from wood; wooden gratings from Amati.  Deck got a very light coating of same wash as gun carriages, just to bring out some of the texture.





Built a cozy little cabin for lieutenant Galwey -- apologies to other officers and Master Clodd for not getting permanent cabins -- pantry, and wardroom bulkhead. 



Not the best working environment... esp. not during battle...  





Edited by PqLear

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