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Posted (edited)

Completed the painting of all 28 x 32 Pdr carriages and the assembly of one.


Carriage painting was done with brushes. Three coats of yellow ochre and then spots with black.

Could have used younger, steadier hands for the fine black touch ups... but it look fine from 12" away. The camera hides nothing!

The cannon was spray painted with acrylic flat black some time ago, multiple coats.

I tried highlighting the reinforcing rings and royal cypher with a smokey grey but it made a mess as it is all so tiny.


The cap square is card stock blackened with a permanent marker. The one end is curled over itself.

The cap square chain is simply black sewing thread. I tried a finger knitted chain stitch,  which look quite good until set up to the carriage and it was about 3X too large for the scale.


The eye bolts and breech ring are made with 0.02" (5mm) copper wire, the proper scale.

The breech rope ID (0.1") is correct but the eye loop (0.06") is larger than it should be as this was the size I was comfortable with.

Eye bolts were twisted over a 14 AWG copper wire (0.06" dia) ... I do not have a 1/16" drill bit to use for this.

The breech ring was coiled over a 7/64th drill bit, multiple wraps and then cut with hobby snips to produce multiple coils at once.

They were soft soldered 60/40 (% tin/lead) solder.

The eye loops and rings were blackened with a permanent marker.


I used Weldbond, water based PVA glue to assemble all the parts. It dries crystal clear.


The quoin handle was made from a small diameter maple dowel, sanded down while mounted on the drill press and then pulled through a draw plate.

All holes in the carriage were pilot holes and needed to be opened up for the twisted wire eye bolt stubs and quoin handle.


Presently, I have all the breech rope rings (54 ea) made and soldered. Going to start on the (189 ea) eye bolts next.


2025-01-23 14.53.21.jpg

2025-01-23 14.53.31.jpg

Edited by AON

Alan O'Neill
"only dead fish go with the flow"   :dancetl6:

Ongoing Build (31 Dec 2013) - HMS BELLEROPHON (1786), POF scratch build, scale 1:64, 74 gun 3rd rate Man of War, Arrogant Class

Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada (2016), and the Nautical Research Guild (since 2014)

Associate member of the Nautical Research and Model Ship Society (2021)

Offshore member of The Society of Model Shipwrights (2021)

Posted (edited)

And then there is only, how many more to do?

I guess it becomes some kind of therapy once you work out a feasible step by step progress for them.

And it is true, the close up photos hides nothing. You can alway step back an arms length an shoot from there 😉 


It looks really good Alan, keep it up!

Edited by Wintergreen

Happy modelling!




Current build: Atlantica by Wintergreen

Previous builds

Kågen by Wintergreen

Regina by Wintergreen

Sea of Galilee boat, first century, sort of...

Billing Boats Wasa


Kågen (Cog, kaeg) by Wintergreen - 1:30Billing Boats Regina - 1:30Billing Boats Dana


Edited my previous post because I missed a "can" in "you can always step back.." so you dont think I'm a complete tart.


Happy modelling!




Current build: Atlantica by Wintergreen

Previous builds

Kågen by Wintergreen

Regina by Wintergreen

Sea of Galilee boat, first century, sort of...

Billing Boats Wasa


Kågen (Cog, kaeg) by Wintergreen - 1:30Billing Boats Regina - 1:30Billing Boats Dana


For those interested ...


The 0.5 mm (0.02") diameter copper wire was from Billings Boats: P/N 04-BF-022A

The package has two coils but they do not state the length.

I emailed them and they told me each coil is 250 cm (98.4"/coil)... so I can now figure out how much more I might need to complete 74 guns.


The formula for sizing the eye bolt and breech rope ring wire size and the breech ring diameter was found in the NRJ Publication 36-2, page 100: Sizing Gun-Tackle and Breeching Eyebolts and Rings - Published by I.R.Butts (Boston, 1858)


It states that to calculate the size of wire for carriage gun-tackle eye bolts and breeching rope rings, "multiply the diameter of shot by 0.2, the answer is the diameter in 8ths".

It also states that the breech ring inner diameter is "to be in the clear of the diameter of the shot".


I found a table that stated the inside diameter of the eye (the loop) was in essence clear of the diameter of the wire:  32Pdr @ 1.83" inner diameter = 0.028" at 1:64

Alan O'Neill
"only dead fish go with the flow"   :dancetl6:

Ongoing Build (31 Dec 2013) - HMS BELLEROPHON (1786), POF scratch build, scale 1:64, 74 gun 3rd rate Man of War, Arrogant Class

Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada (2016), and the Nautical Research Guild (since 2014)

Associate member of the Nautical Research and Model Ship Society (2021)

Offshore member of The Society of Model Shipwrights (2021)

Posted (edited)

They are looking good Alan. Not sure if you are planning on rigging them, but if you are, when it comes time to do the breeching and tackle ropes I found an ordnance stores table from 1794 which lists the size of the breechings, tackles and blocks (including whether single or double blocks were used) for tackles by gun rating of the ship.  If you look at my Perseus document I reproduce the most relevant entries in the appendix.

Edited by Thukydides

I have a copy of the table Tackle + Breeching scantlings  The Sea-gunner's Vade-mecum Being a New Introduction to Practical Gunnery by Robert Simmons, 1812

It would be interesting to compare this to your table.

Would please you send me a copy.

Alan O'Neill
"only dead fish go with the flow"   :dancetl6:

Ongoing Build (31 Dec 2013) - HMS BELLEROPHON (1786), POF scratch build, scale 1:64, 74 gun 3rd rate Man of War, Arrogant Class

Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada (2016), and the Nautical Research Guild (since 2014)

Associate member of the Nautical Research and Model Ship Society (2021)

Offshore member of The Society of Model Shipwrights (2021)


I also have a copy of the tables by Edwin Newell Rich from NRG spring 1962 issue 12-1

Alan O'Neill
"only dead fish go with the flow"   :dancetl6:

Ongoing Build (31 Dec 2013) - HMS BELLEROPHON (1786), POF scratch build, scale 1:64, 74 gun 3rd rate Man of War, Arrogant Class

Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada (2016), and the Nautical Research Guild (since 2014)

Associate member of the Nautical Research and Model Ship Society (2021)

Offshore member of The Society of Model Shipwrights (2021)


The photo below is my setup for soft soldering two breech rings at a time.


The soldering station was purchased from https://gesswein.ca/products/grs-soldering-station

They were considerably less expensive when I got mine!


It is meant for silver soldering, but I normally use it when using my butane torch and copper-phosphorus wire solder. This solder allows me to blacken the copper wire and solder joint with LOS (Liver of Sulphur).


The 60/40 soft solder I used on the thin gauge copper wire here (0.5 mm = 0.02" dia) will not blacken with LOS so I used a black permanent marker as I've seen done by other modellers in our local club.



Alan O'Neill
"only dead fish go with the flow"   :dancetl6:

Ongoing Build (31 Dec 2013) - HMS BELLEROPHON (1786), POF scratch build, scale 1:64, 74 gun 3rd rate Man of War, Arrogant Class

Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada (2016), and the Nautical Research Guild (since 2014)

Associate member of the Nautical Research and Model Ship Society (2021)

Offshore member of The Society of Model Shipwrights (2021)

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I completed the assembly of all 28 of the gun deck 32 Pdrs.

After some encouragement from one of our club (MSON) members I again attempted to dry rub the barrels to try and make the details more visible as they were lost in the flat black. You can see the results in the close up... the one that shows the dust!


The raised details (reinforcing rings, powder pan, royal cypher) are not very high at near 0.01" so I found it difficult to try and apply the dry rub to only the raised parts. So I gave up on focusing on that and focused on the results which in essence mutes the flat black and shows the detail as compared to the image in post 1741 above.


I added the wooden quoin handles. They are made from Pau Marfim cut and sanded down to 0.06" square strips, one end sharpened to a point and then pulled through the two largest holes on the draw plate to round them to 0.057". The end of each handle was sanded round prior to cutting them off of the strip to then glue them into the drilled hole in the quoin.


Now I go back to re-installing my orlop and gun decks.

1 - 28 guns.jpg


Edited by AON

Alan O'Neill
"only dead fish go with the flow"   :dancetl6:

Ongoing Build (31 Dec 2013) - HMS BELLEROPHON (1786), POF scratch build, scale 1:64, 74 gun 3rd rate Man of War, Arrogant Class

Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada (2016), and the Nautical Research Guild (since 2014)

Associate member of the Nautical Research and Model Ship Society (2021)

Offshore member of The Society of Model Shipwrights (2021)

  • 3 weeks later...

Slowly getting my deck clamps in after a few more health concerns (all better presently).

Working on the quarter deck/waist/forecastle clamps that support the deck beams.


My first photo is locating the deck height using my gun carriage assembly to get it to look correct.

The height of the deck is measured using the device I made to originally mark my heights (but I marked the top of the beam instead of the bottom!).

Then comes the math... using the contract to get the deck plank thickness and deck beam height and subtracting these from the height measured.

That locates the height of the top of my clamp.

This I double check to the plan measurements.... close enough!

Now I calculate the difference to the height of the top of the lower cill of the gun port.

This is the width (height) of the spacer needed.


Next I made my spacer, thin flexible maple, and clamped it to the hull (red nosed clamps), locating the top edge to the top of the gun port lower cill.

My deck clamp was glued and clamped (blue nosed clamps) while butted up against the spacer.

You can see the other deck clamps below.

I've got two more sections to install per side at this level, the last piece needs to be steamed to fit at the bow.

Then is the roundhouse or poop deck clamps and then I can start putting the decks back in.


Photo below... you can never have enough clamps.


Alan O'Neill
"only dead fish go with the flow"   :dancetl6:

Ongoing Build (31 Dec 2013) - HMS BELLEROPHON (1786), POF scratch build, scale 1:64, 74 gun 3rd rate Man of War, Arrogant Class

Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada (2016), and the Nautical Research Guild (since 2014)

Associate member of the Nautical Research and Model Ship Society (2021)

Offshore member of The Society of Model Shipwrights (2021)

Posted (edited)

I managed all but the last one piece, the roundhouse port side clamp. Not enough clamps to hold it with glue.

Tomorrow is another day.


Now for something different...

A fellow club member printed some scale 1:64 crew members for my build. Amongst them was a surprise!

Two fiddlers seated cross legged.


If you look closely the fellow on the right is wearing glasses and looks quite a bit like yours truly. Yup, it is me!

So I can put myself in my build.


He also printed a larger version at 1:25


...and at sometime while in my care the end of the bow to the left of the violin strings snapped off.

So I carefully removed the rest of it and gingerly removed the frog from between the fingers and thumb with a fine mini chisel while wearing my magnifier.

Then I made a new bow from Pau Marfim, stained and varnished.

Added hairs from my old drafting brush and slipped it into place. I cut one to simulate a broken hair.

It looks a bit too chunky so I'll thin out the stick tomorrow.


I had tried to personalise it with hair from ma tête, but it was a bit too unruly... wouldn't be tamed into place.


Edited by AON

Alan O'Neill
"only dead fish go with the flow"   :dancetl6:

Ongoing Build (31 Dec 2013) - HMS BELLEROPHON (1786), POF scratch build, scale 1:64, 74 gun 3rd rate Man of War, Arrogant Class

Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada (2016), and the Nautical Research Guild (since 2014)

Associate member of the Nautical Research and Model Ship Society (2021)

Offshore member of The Society of Model Shipwrights (2021)


Deck clamps installed... and so we begin installing the orlop deck beams again, this time with some experience under my belt.

4 - orlop deck beams.jpg

Alan O'Neill
"only dead fish go with the flow"   :dancetl6:

Ongoing Build (31 Dec 2013) - HMS BELLEROPHON (1786), POF scratch build, scale 1:64, 74 gun 3rd rate Man of War, Arrogant Class

Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada (2016), and the Nautical Research Guild (since 2014)

Associate member of the Nautical Research and Model Ship Society (2021)

Offshore member of The Society of Model Shipwrights (2021)


The orlop deck beams have all been preinstalled.

No hump this time!

Tomorrow I'll mark the centerline and the carling locations, then remove the beams and begin notching them


Orlop Deck Beams installed.jpg

Alan O'Neill
"only dead fish go with the flow"   :dancetl6:

Ongoing Build (31 Dec 2013) - HMS BELLEROPHON (1786), POF scratch build, scale 1:64, 74 gun 3rd rate Man of War, Arrogant Class

Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada (2016), and the Nautical Research Guild (since 2014)

Associate member of the Nautical Research and Model Ship Society (2021)

Offshore member of The Society of Model Shipwrights (2021)


Thanks Druxey. It was easier this time.

Hope to see you on Sunday at the Model Shipwrights of Niagara meeting. 

Alan O'Neill
"only dead fish go with the flow"   :dancetl6:

Ongoing Build (31 Dec 2013) - HMS BELLEROPHON (1786), POF scratch build, scale 1:64, 74 gun 3rd rate Man of War, Arrogant Class

Member of the Model Shipwrights of Niagara, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada (2016), and the Nautical Research Guild (since 2014)

Associate member of the Nautical Research and Model Ship Society (2021)

Offshore member of The Society of Model Shipwrights (2021)

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