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Hello everyone!
A small continuation, tied the guide blocks for the sheets of the spritsail,
finished with the anchors on the port side - for the sake of interest, fish davit showed an armed one, such as an anchor in the process of heaving up ... from the starboard side I will fix all the anchors on the marching ...

01 spritsail lead block.jpg

02 spritsail lead block.jpg

03 spritsail lead block.jpg

04 bouy and fish tackles.jpg

05 bouy and fish tackles.jpg

06 bouy and fish tackles.jpg


continue with assembling and finding information - anchors on the marching - as a guide, I took information from the book J. Harland Seamanship in the age of sail and the famous paintings where the details of Cornelis Claesz van Wieringen (about 1575-1633), De Zeeslag bij Gibraltar_ 25 april 1607, Cornelis Claesz are visible. van Wieringen - at least it is clear that the cat block has been dismantled in this case ...


2. De Zeeslag bij Gibraltar_ 25 april 1607, Cornelis Claesz. van Wieringen.jpg

Cornelis Claesz van Wieringen (about 1575-1633).jpg


Hello everyone! finished fixing the anchors on the starboard side based on the pictures that above posted information from Harland's book





Hello everyone!

finished installation of the starboard anchors ... the port side was completed earlier ...

so I can say the theme with the anchors is finally completed !... well, great !!! :)))

I crawl to the final stage with fitting sheets and braces ...




Good day,

Dear all,

Continue with spritsail, fore and main sails sheets and braces rigging ... during seizing all critical points secured by CA gel ...

















I agree - With the finishing, detailing and first-class rigging you've done, it shows how good a result can be had starting with a molded kit as a base.  Bravo!

  -    Johnny

Completed builds:  Khufu Solar Barge - 1:72 Woody Joe

Current project(s): Gorch Fock restoration 1:100, Billing Wasa (bust) - 1:100 Billings, Great Harry (bust) 1:88 ex. Sergal 1:65





Hello everyone!



Thank youvery much for attention and kind comments! :)


Finally I finished with the rigging of the fore and main sheets and the mainsail braces ...

and - EVERYTHING !!!

it remains to hang the flags, put the bersos in place and come up with something with a stand and the project can be said - completed! :)))




























a budget option, how to use a thread from a spool, without a cable maker machine - in the photo the thread before and after "processing" is of course not what you can do with a cable maker machine, but it is better than it was on the spool ...

* I cut off about a meter

* I clamp one end in a vise

* I pull it slightly, only so that it does not sag and holding the other end I begin to twist it in my hands along the lay ... I twist it as tightly as possible ... at least until the density of the twist looks like a normal rope

* then I pull it tightly until the "reserve" is selected, so to speak by lengthening ... it is felt, the thread first stretches and then begins to resist and if you pull further, you can break ...

* in this maximally extended state I hold it for several seconds and paint it right away - I stretch along the rag soaked in paint

* I slowly release it and hang it to dry ... as it dries, you can repeat the procedure again for fidelity ... well, something like this - the result is in the photo ...



It's nice to finally see an end to a long term project and sad too, at least that's how it was for me and Victory. I pretty much treat my thread the same way Kirill, I run it through my fingers with diluted PVA glue and let hang/stretch for a bit then twist and it seems to hold and honestly at this scale your technique makes the lines so much better, one would be hard pressed to really notice much of a difference then if made on a rope walk. Well done Sir!👍


Michael D.



Good day Marc, Michael ,

Thank you very much for your attention and kind remarks ! :)

Posted (edited)

Good day,

Dear friends,

finished with the design of the aft gallery - added arcs, as in old paintings - there these elements are present with enviable constancy.

Are they made of iron? ... maybe this is a frame for an awning, if necessary, it could be arranged?

but this is so, an assumption ... I have never come across options for their use ...

if arcs are present in old paintings, then without any awnings, as a rule ...

I don't know what else it could be?

whicy material for their manufacture? ... for wood - too thin, as they are depicted in old paintings ... let them be iron

01 gallery archs _fragment of The Battle of Cadiz Dutch and English Ships Attack the Spanish Armada  Aert Anthonisz 1608 SK-A-1367.jpg

02 Cornelis_Verbeeck,_A_Naval_Encounter_between_Dutch_and_Spanish_Warships,_156252_original.jpg

03  gallery 001.jpg

04 gallery ps 01.jpg

05 gallery sbs 01.jpg

06 gallery sbs 01.jpg

Edited by kirill4
Posted (edited)

*completed design of the gallery arcs- made imitation of some fittings ...

*started preparation of the crosses for the masts tops

*made some imitation of the scuppers sleeves,

there are some remarks regarding scuppers location - they shown just formaly and technicaly complitely wrong , initialy there were made critical mistakes in model hull compozition which made proper scuppers positioning impossible... 

completed arcs 01.JPG

completed arcs 02.JPG

cross 01.JPG

cross 02.JPG

cross 03.jpg

cross 04.jpg

scuppers 01.JPG

scuppers 02.JPG


scuppers 04.jpg

scuppers 05.jpg

scuppers 06 Prince William.jpg

scuppers 07  Batavia.jpg

scuppers 03.JPG

Edited by kirill4
Posted (edited)

I really like those gallery details, Kirill.  The masthead crosses are also interesting details; they are emblematic of the religious devotion of the Spanish empire as well as the sailorly superstitious belief in talismans to ward off evil outcomes.  Where else to put a cross, but as close to God as possible, at the top of the mast heads.


Excellent VdV grisaille drawings, as well.  I’ve added these to my image files.  These are particularly fine, and as close to photographic in the rendering of details.

Edited by Hubac's Historian

We are all works in progress, all of the time.

Posted (edited)

Thank You very much Marc for attention and comments !

 VdV grisaille drawings, full size , You can download from original source rijksmuseum - link in my signature... they are realy like foto !!! :)

I like that there are two ways to free download pictures , it could be downloaded in high resolution or in MEGA high resolution by request ! - recently  I"ve received links for two requested pictures from them!!!

Planning to request more :)

Edited by kirill4
Posted (edited)

I thought I was looking at a real ship ...... :imNotWorthy:


Magnificent representation of a era period Galleon!  


Thanks for posting and presenting her.



Edited by J11

Current build project: 

CSS Alabama 1/96


Finished build projects 2018:

H.L Hunley 1/24

CSS Arkansas 1/96


Good day,

Dear J11

Thank You very much for attention and comments !:)

meanwhile a few additions - made imitation of  scuppers sleeves, became a little bit too "fat" to be real appearance

scuppers 01.jpg

scuppers 02.jpg

scuppers 03.jpg


Hello everyone,
slightly changed the design of the scupperhose, normaly scupperhose should be put on the scupper tube and secured, I showed only some hypothetical fasteners, not as it should be correctly but at least now it does not look as if the sleeve is simply pushed into the pipe :))) - now it is pushed in and nailed outside :))) !!!

modified 03.jpg

modified 04.jpg


Dear tovarischi!


I continue to torment the sufferer!

Now it's the turn of the flags ... so you look and I'll get to the stand! ))

By flags ... I did it based on what is in the paintings of the Dutch ... more or less managed to get into the "theme" of flags on the foremast and main mast - comparing the images in the paintings and what I got ..

The stern flag is pure fantasy, based on what should be on the original - see the pictures in comparison ...

How did you do: - printed on thermal transfer paper - sold in all supermarkets selling electronics ...

- from my experience and stuffed cones) ) you need to print files saved in PNG format, then acceptable detail is preserved, and you can draw pictures yourself in the standard Windows @paint @ program by choosing the necessary options ... (save as PNG)

this is of course only for dummies like me ...

the problem is how to print a tiny picture with good detail ... but now it seems clear what to do - you draw or use the found files, and then save it in PNG format, in order to have good picture detail on the printout ...

after printouts, painted on some fragments with "gold" paint and enhanced the detailing with the help of @Kuzbass@original korma.bmpvarnish ... I applied gold paint in a somewhat dried out, let's say form, thus some 3D effect appeared, and then walked along the contour with diluted Kuzbass varnish ...

flags 00.jpg

flags 02.jpg

flags 03.jpg

flags 04.jpg

flags 05.jpg

flags 06.jpg

flags 07.jpg

flags 08.jpg

flags 09.jpg

flags 10.jpg

flags 11.jpg

flags 12.jpg

flags 13.jpg

flags 14.jpg

flags 15.jpg

flags 16.jpg

flags 17.jpg

flags 18.jpg

for print 01.png

for print 02.png

original flags 001.jpg

original flags 004.jpg

original flags 006.jpg

original flags 008.jpg

original Spanish Flag large 2.jpg

original Spanish Flag large.jpg


Good day,


Thanks! :)


I have some simple case for it - a few years ago I ordered plastic case and wooden base frame I made by myself...

without case there soon could be disaster due to dust problem ... :)

Did You manage some protection case for Your galley?


Right now just my makeshift building booth out of corplas sides and painters plastic for the top that drapes down in front to keep the dust out, nothing high tech here and very soon I will need to build a display case for her.

Michael D.


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