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Hi Ffolks :D


as I mentioned in my log "Galeone Roter Löwe" I changed my plans for my second build. I originally wanted to build the Roter Löwe by Mamoli, but the kit is not available at the moment. So I decided to start with the Royal Caroline by Panart. The parcel was delivered today. All I can say is "Wow". The box is filled with timber of all Kind, size and Color. There are strips, plywood, Fittings, brass cast, ropes... Four big plans full and overfull with drawings and a booklet with some Kind of instructions.


I will try to get an overview now. I think I will start soon with my second wooden model ship   :P


Some pics - as usual


















Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?

Posted (edited)

Congratulations Max on your new acquisition.I did have a little fun and games with mine when I started as on a dry fit of the frames and deck nothing would fit very well.I checked the false keel to the drawing and found it was 5mm short.However I know my kit had been on the shelf at my local modelshop for at least three years and the shortness was almost certainly due to wood shrinkage.I managed to work around this,I got the kit at a three year old price as well so can't grumble :D

I wish you all the best with your build and will enjoy following along.


Kind Regards


Edited by NMBROOK

Currently working on Royal Caroline


Hi Max


Welcome to the Royal Caroline builders here . I have just purchased mine last month and have the frames on the keel.


For reference I have the AOTS Royal Caroline book.


Right now waiting to finish my other builds before realy getting into the Caroline build. And looking forward to getting castings of the carvings from Nigel in the future for it.




Hi Max ... I will follow this build ... I'm interested in the problems that You will come across ...


Hi all...


can anyone tell me how I can buy the Anatomy of the Ship - Royal Caroline? I did not find an offer at ebay, amazon etc...Perhaps anyone has the book as an pdf?





Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Hi Max

Abebooks.co.uk have several secondhand copies for sale as I believe the book is out of print at the moment.Unfortunately they range from rather expensive to the ridiculous in price.Suggest you have a look and see what you think.Don't think you will find a pdf as the book pre-dates the kindle revolution.You can wait and keep an eye on Amazon,I wanted AOS Victory,first look they were £200 upwards,kept checking and found one for £35 some months later.


Kind Regards



Currently working on Royal Caroline


Hi nigel


Thx for your response. Indeed i Found some dealers who sale the book for incredible prices. But i hope i will find a copy with quite normal price someday.


All the best



Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Hello all


Well I started the building of der Royal Caroline today. The pics show the first steps, still not glued, only dry fitting. The first impressions of the kit are really good. All parts are well designed, well packed, nothing was damaged in any way, nothing is missing. The building instructions are in a very cute language... a kind of German :D - but I understand Italian good enough to use the original instructions. The English translation is better than the german one.


The timber is very good Quality, two different kinds of plywood plates. The cutting is exactly, only very few need to sand or improve the precut parts as far as I can say up to now. I think it will be a fun to build the RC but of course it will be a challenge for me.


I will report constantly, attached some pics of the first steps-












Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Hello my friends


just a little update. I am working at the preparation of the planking. The frames meanwhile are glued, the stern has ist first planking, the maindeck is planked with the very bright strips. I tried to show the caulked deck. Therefore I used a pencil and marked the edges of the strips very soft. I think it looks quite good - not to strong but visible. No problemns yet - everything fits good and can be worked out very easily.


Some pics...











Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Hello again :)


I started to plank the Royal Caroline. First were the decks - as mentioned before. I fixed the decks and sanded all to a nice and soft matte Color.


Due to my (small) knowledge of italian language I can follow the plans quite good. The translations are somewhere between funny and ridiculous :D So I could begiun to fix the Planks on the Frames. Up to now I had only some small Problems like the size of some parts that Needs to be improved. If they are too big... well take a knife, a saw oir some sanding paper. But if they are too small - like the deck of the royal cabin... hmmm... I will find a solution :)


As usual some pics...


btw: I am really glad to have this Proxxon vice... Ist like my third and fourth Hand...







Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Looks good Max, it looks like you are making alot of progress , very nice work


Best Regards,


"may your sails be full of wind and the sun on your back"
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The Herreshoff Registry                                  Montgomery Sailboat Owners Group       Peter Kunst Sailboat Models 
http://www.herreshoffregistry.org/                       http://www.msog.org/                      http://www.facebook.com/Peter-Kunst-Sailboat-Models-1524464774524480/ 


Hi Max ... Would You try something on this model? Would You try to  plank the hull in a single planking technique?... then you'll see how these will turn out ... then plank the hull the second time ...


Hello again...


I have a Problem. The Windows and doors of the Royal cabin are not prefabricated (never want this...) But the parts have to be placed and fixed on the cabin wall - better in the cabin wall. Before this the wall has to be planked. Now my Problem: Should I plank and place the parts BEFORE I plank the hull? Pls Keep Attention to my pics...


The plan says it has to be done later. But later the hull is closed and I can NOT use my fingers or other Tools :D to build the doors and Windows within the cabin wall. But I think ist helpful to have the Chance to go through the hole in the hull to work on Windows and doors. But I do not want to make a irreversible mistake - although I can not imagine what this could be. But many of you have so much expierence to help me...


The planking of the deck and the inner side of the hull would not be any Problem to be done now...


Pls help me :)









Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Hi Max,

If I were to build this as instructions,yes I would detail this bulkhead fully before commencing the planking,things are tight in there and any extra access will help no end.Even planking the bulkhead will be easier due to the tumblehome.


Kind Regards



Currently working on Royal Caroline


Max, ... there is a problem... You should plank the deck first, but to do this You should remove the bulkhead's tops that should form the freeboard... so it needs to do the planking first...

I think You should do this:

1.) planking the hull

2.) cutting the bulkhead's tops

3.) planking the deck

4.) doing the doors, windows, planking the wall of the cabin...

Posted (edited)

Thank you all :)


@nigel - I admire your remarkable and amazing work you do on the RC. I am far away from this Level and still try to get more and more expierence. But I learned that the instructions are more or less a proposal. I learned that it is better to think about the things and the way you the things than just to take one step after another as it is written down in the instructions or the plans. Still I am a beginner with this and still I have to learn so much. But it is a very very satisfying Hobby - at least to solve Problems and to find the right way.


BTW - a word to the Colors. I saw you paint the inner side red. What Kind of Color do you use?


@marisstella I think I will plank the deck until I reach the Point where the Planks would cover the holes from the removed bulkheads. After the hull's planking I can remove the Frames and at last finish the deck. But before this I will try to plank the cabin's wall as there is so less free space for working...



I will report constantly








Edited by maggsl_01

Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Hi Max


In actual fact the small superstructure sections that the spiral stairs run from are your 'friend' here.they mean that you don't have to plank the deck right up to the waterway as there is a small square in these corners that are covered by these.

Regarding my red,a simple question,but not a simple answer :huh: .The red was mixed using tamiya red XF 7 and black XF1.The colour was applied in very thin coats ,first a lighter mix then gradually darker to create an uneven blended appearance.It was then sprayed with matt poly and then covered in three washes of XF 84 dark iron.This was then burnished with fine steel wool to create the 'aged' appearance and a further coat of clear matt poly sprayed on.If you do decide to use the Tamiya acrylics,I recommend using their thinner.These paints don't flow and dry too quickly without using it.

Thank you for your kind words,I do agree the thought process with these models is as enjoyable as the building itself.The Panart 'instructions'.whilst better than some in the mantua group are definitely open to interpretation to make the build run a little easier.


Kind Regards


Currently working on Royal Caroline


Thank you Nigel for your color informations... As I started my "career" as a model builder with the usual plastic-kits I know Tamiya very well and their colors. Thx for this idea... I was thinking about waterbased colors - but will try acrylic color before that.


And thanky you for your hint with the stairs... :D





Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Hello all...


here is a little update. I have planked the bulkhead of the cabin and I made the doors and windows. This was the first time for me to work with wood on such difficult and small parts. I have now much more respect of all of you who do such work with extreme accuracy.


It was right to move the planking of the cabin and the work on the doors to this point. I am sure when you go along with the plan you will drive crazy with this work. After the Planks are in place and much more stuff is already fixed on the deck there is so less space to work proper. So I only can recommend - to such of you who are not experts :D - to read the plans exactly before starting to build. You will find ways to get along with the model in much more calm and satisfying ways. I stained the Planks of the cabin with oak and think it has a nice Color now. Now I can continue with the first planking.













Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Hello Max,Looks like your moving right along,neat workmanship.My only concern is the precarious position your model is clamped on the edge.of your bench. Edwin :o


Nice work Max , it looks like shes comming together nicly


Best Regards,


"may your sails be full of wind and the sun on your back"
Current Builds :





 Future Builds :

N.G Herreshoff 12 1/2 Scratch Build 3/4" = 1' - 0" Scale


Completed Builds :


Volvo 65 Farr Yacht Design

Herreshoff Alerion

Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14

Volvo Open 70


 Member : 


The Herreshoff Registry                                  Montgomery Sailboat Owners Group       Peter Kunst Sailboat Models 
http://www.herreshoffregistry.org/                       http://www.msog.org/                      http://www.facebook.com/Peter-Kunst-Sailboat-Models-1524464774524480/ 

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello to all...


a little update once more... takes ist time at the Moment as the weather is perfect for beeing outside and not sitting in the shipyard. So I only make small progress - but there is no need for urge...


I started the first layer of Planks and could not wait to use trhe template for the Windows and gunports :D


I have to say - there was no real problem so far. Everything fits on ist place, the technique to Color the decorations seems to work very good - I used clear lacquer on the graved timber and then all with waterbased blue Color. When it was dry I sanded all very carefully and smooth with 600 sand paper (grain size???) At last I usedn some golden enamel on the non-blue parts. So I will do at all decorations of this kind. The finish will be with silken clear lacquer as I used on my Half Moon.


BTW... the colkor of the Planks for the second layer is terrific... I will stain it - has anyone an idea what Color I should take? I thought about a mixture of light walnut and Teak - very much diluted.


Thats it for today - comments are welcome, as they are always..











Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello my friends


just a new update. The building of the Royal Caroline takes a lot of time... and the summer is around, so it last a Little to do the next step :D


But I can do some work like the inside planking and coloring. I use the Admirality Paint from Jotika. I think the red ochre fits the model quite good.


Next step will be sanding the hull and then start the second planking.


CU soon
















Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Hello my friends,


the RC make quite good progress, but it is a slow step by step... Its summer, its warm outside, its Brazil football time,  and by the way I have to go to work...


But the time in my shipyard nevertheless is very satisfying and relaxing. I am sure you all know what I am talking about :D


The first planking is done, also sanding and filling the very few gaps. The first planking was not really a problem, everything worked good. But I changed the sequence of the building as I planked the inside before I started the second planking. I finished all decks, all inside planking, painting and I fixed some eye bolts for the cannon rigging on the inside and on the decks. In the plans there is no reference how to rig the cannons and obviousely the rigging is not scheduled by the kit. But I will do it and got a lot of information in the MSW and of course by Mr Mondfeld :) I do not understand why the manufacturer of the kit, Panart, does not recommend to rig the cannons. It is in a big scale, 1:47, and every detail can be shown very good. Well, I do it by myself.


Also I decided to buy some additional wood to replace the original so called walnut stripes for the second planking. They just look terrible and are just poor quality - in contrast to the other inclosed wooden material. I found a model wood dealer in the WWW who not only sells the wood but also has a big variety of differnet wood and who can precisely manufacture the needed stripes. I decided to order some Teak, 1mm thick and 6mm wide. The wood is from very good quality and I am very content.


I started with the second planking now and I expect to be busy with it for more than a week. I want to do a very good surface :D


I added some pics - and as always I am very grateful for any hint to do it better.














Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?

Posted (edited)

Hi all...


the planking of the Royal Caroline takes good progress. As I mentioned I have changed the wood provided with the kit and bought some teak. Well, I like this wood very much but now I am not sure anymore that it is the best choice for a hull's planking. I will do it till the end and not change once more, but the next time I will have some walnut again. I think this is the best solution for a hull. As the RC is very much decorated and as I will probably paint the lower hull white it will not be so conspicuous.


The work itself is very satisfying, nearly no problems or much effort to get the strips bent. At least two weeks will have gone when I am ready with the second planking. Next will be to plank the stern completely, to finish the very small parts of the inner planking and to clean all.


Some pics will show the progress at the moment.

















Edited by maggsl_01

Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Hi all,


still working on the second planking. On side is completed, the other side of the hull almost. I hope I can finish the planking this week. Then I have to sand it and make the surface smooth and tender. The quality of the timber I use is excellent and the planks are really good to fix. Only the time is missing... a lot of work in my real life, then the championship, and - it is summer. And so its time to be outside, taking photos, go walking with the dogs, have a BBQ... not the best season for a modelrs shipyard :D


All the best to you all, and next time I will attach some pics again







Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello to all out there...


just another small update.


I have done the second planking completely. Although the Teak may be unusual I think it comes along quite good.  Still I am thinking about wether to paint the hull below the waterline white or not. Got some time left to decide... ;)


Next part will be to plank the false keel and the bow, then I will build the windows. Before I fix the windows and the rear parts I will paint the upper side of the ship in blue.


As usual some pics are attached. Have a nice time and a good buliding - wherever you are















Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all...


just a Little update and a few pics. The work on the Royal Caroline takes ist progress, nothing special to report. The build is satisfying and there is a lot of fun to watch the ship grow. The blue in the pictures looks a little bit too brillant - in reality it is not so much "blue".I have a lot of joy and I am always interested to hear your comments. I want to improve my modelling...


Best wishes to all


Cheerio - Max


















Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?

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