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Posted (edited)

So, I am posting this log as a result of seeing the build log of DocBlake's Fair American in which he posted a reference showing this kit in full rig done by Mike Lonnecker - http://www.thenrg.org/resources/59-3%20NRJ%20%20Building%20Fair%20American%201789.pdf

My build was about 90% complete until I saw his model and now I want to fully rig mine as well. So I guess I am back to around 60 - 70% complete. I have really enjoyed building this kit, it was my first POF attempt and I not only had fun but I learned a lot about POF building and am pretty confident that I could apply the same techniques to another subject and be successful. After deciding to rig her I needed to find some resources so I tried asking in the plans section for a set of the Model Shipways plans as they include the masting and rigging in1/48 but I didn't get any response but I have since located a set of plans and am eagerly awaiting their arrival. Until then I still have to do some railings and install the head rails and pin racks, channels, deck furniture and complete the stern. Here are some pics of her current state of construction, pretty much out of the box except for the aft cabin deck detail that I did to try my hand at doing inlay work.







Edited by ASAT

Fantastic Lou.  I built the first LSS: AVS Patrick Henry (Dave's is the second and only other that I am aware of).  I can't wait to see your Fair American in full rig!!    Count me in to follow along on this voyage!!

Mike Shanks


Beautiful job, Lou. The marquetry is exceptional. The continuation of the deck planking aft up the face of the quarterdeck partition looks a bit unusual to me. Were you going to place a strip of molding at the transition? In addition to Doc Blake's exceptional model, perhaps this one from the American Marine Model Gallery will further inspire and provide a few rigging hints: http://www.shipmodel.com/files/fair-american-full-hull-webfair-american003.jpg


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Robin, Mike and Don,Thanks for the kind words and likes - Mike, do you have a log or pics of your AVS? Special thanks to you Bob, your MS Fair American was a big part of the inspiration to fully rig mine, when I was researching MSW examples of completed models. Compliments from the likes of you and Greg inspire confidence, I know you guys have a discerning eye and an abundance of talent! Greg, that continuation puzzled me as well, I know there should be a panel bulkhead there and I was going to attempt a frame outline of sorts but that panel is also the aft mount for the ships wheel so it might need to be flush. Since the rest of that bulkhead will be missing to leave that area open to the cabin area I think mr. Hunt just simplified the mounting area. It is mostly hidden after the wheel is installed but I am open to any suggestions for improvement. Thanks for that link to that beautiful FA! There are more than a few rigging hints, I like the ships boat and I have not decided whether or not to do the quarterdeck railing more realistically, the LSS version is just a straight top rail, no curved framing or gunport? framing.....


Well I redid the planking on the quarterdeck bulkhead transition area, I thought Greg was right, just did not look correct to continue the deck planking there - I like it much better, thanks for the input!! Here is a front and rear view....



Posted (edited)

Made the quarterdeck railings today, the supplied stanchions were only 5/16" and with the amount that they are recessed into the railings there was only about a 3/16" height difference between the top rail and the upper rail so I made some some 5/8" stanchions and that raised the railing to 3/8" which looks closer to the MS plans and at least gives some realistic fall protection to a sailor on the quarterdeck.... I also did not like the end grain of the walnut stanchions poking through the railing so I "capped" the upper rail with some bubinga stripwood that I had in my stash, also the top railings in this kit just "end" and the other renditions I have seen have a angled piece going forward and ends in some scrollwork - I did the angle but I am hoping that one of you can point me to the best way to make that scrolled end piece - don't have permission from anyone to post their pic of it but maybe look at rafine's ms FA and you will see what I mean... Anyway here is some pics.....




Edited by ASAT

I saw Mike Lonnecker's FA at the NRG conference (actually, helped carry it to the display room from the parking garage), and it's a fantastic model when fully rigged.  I think you'll love it when you are done and not regret making this decision, Lou.



Outstanding craftsmanship!

Very nicely done.


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