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Everything posted by usedtosail

  1. Thanks Mario, your instructions were very helpful. I was able to get a full set of frames with about half the provided cherry, but I still have the between frames to make. I have taken pictures but have not downloaded them off the camera yet. I was wondering if it would be easier to bend a second set of frames on the molds before planking and save these to use for the between frames, instead of trying to bend them to the interior of the hull after it was planked. I figure they will be close and may just require a slight tweak with the iron. Or was it just the same to bend them to the inside of the hull? Thanks.
  2. Here are some more progress pictures. The rest of the molds have been added and the keel pinned to the false keel. The bow supports and transom supports are glued on and clamped. I also added all the support pieces between the molds:
  3. I just received this one on Saturday: http://www.amazon.com/Master-Airbrush-Performance-Multi-purpose-Compressor-The/dp/B001TO578Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1367254980&sr=8-1&keywords=airbrush+compressor I haven't used it to paint yet, but I ran the compressor yesterday and blew air through the gun. It was very smooth and quiet and kept a steady pressure. I was quite happy.
  4. Thanks Anja. I had a wonderful birthday and even got the air brush I asked for. Another new toy to learn.
  5. Some more progress. I sanded the taper into the stem then cut out the rabbet on the stem and keel. This kit made this tricky operation easier by not only providing the rabbet and bearding lines on the stem and keel pieces, but these lines were actually scored into the wood. I then just had to deepen the scores with an X-Acto blade and cut out the material between the lines with the X-Acto chisel. I used a short Emory board to clean up the slot: BTW, that narrow chisel blade came with a knife set but I have not been able to find replacements. The standard X-Acto chisel blades are much wider. If anyone knows a source for those blades, please let me know. When I was happy with the rabbet on both sides, I fit and glued the molds to the false keel. I used magnets to hold false keel and the molds, and Lego blocks to make sure the molds were square to the false keel. The keel assembly is just resting on the false keel for now. As per the instructions, I also made sure the tops of the molds and the false keel were flush with the table: Any suggestions or other comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Here is my build log for the Bounty Launch. I have been highly inspired by the wonderful work of teleman (Mario) on his launch, and I know this will not come very close to that level of craftsmanship.This is my fifth model in about as many years and the first that has been somewhat commissioned, as my wife asked me to make something smaller to go on the fireplace mantel. I plan to paint the exterior but leave the interior natural. If I get the birthday present I asked for, I'll be experimenting with a new airbrush for the exterior painting. I am really pleased with the contents of this kit. All of the planking has been laser cut, which will help me a lot as this is only my second POB model. I am going to try to use the supplied cherry for the frames, but if this proves too difficult to work with I will switch to basswood. Here is the start of the construction of the keel and stem: And here are the molds with the sheer alignment tabs added: Thanks for your attention.
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