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About nancysqueaks

  • Birthday 03/11/1943

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    South Devon UK

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  1. I am slowly selling wood I have collected over the years. Firstly some Boxwood. This wood in the main was felled in the late 1970's, and is of high quality with no splits or shakes, any knots - about two or three small, I have not included in the measurments. Total weight 9.5 kilos, with the following nominal sizes, all smaller than actual. All sizes in milimetres 28 x 28 x 295 - 16 pieces, 24 x 24 x 240 to 280 - 3 pieces. 24 x 24 x 390 - 1 piece, 38 x 45 x 245 - 4 pieces, 55 x 50 x 110 - 1 piece, 50 x 40 x 110 - 1 piece, 63 x 130 x 29 - 1 piece, 90 x 107 x 20 - 1 piece, 65 x 19 x 175 - 1 piece, 85 x 13 x 155 - 1 piece, 92 x 23 x 314 - 1 piece, 110 x 30 x 288 - 1 piece, 124 x 15 x 420 - 1 piece. I am asking £75.00 to include courier delivery (1 day), payment by paypal. This is for UK mainland deliveries. I will be sorting some more box in log if anybody is interested, together with a large plank of steamed pear approx 7 ft x 9inch x 2 inch, please email me. Here are some photos of the box wood. Thanks for looking. Nick
  2. Unfortunately I am having to cut down modelling using power tools, and have had to reorganise my hobbies to be more kit orientated. So I have the following books for sale: The Fully Framed Model, by David Antschert, and Greg Herbert Vols, I, II, III, and IV, all in mint condition. Complete with the plans set on mylar film, and the USB drive with PDF frame drawings to print. Price: £150.00 including delivery to UK mainland, other destinations by arrangement. The Naiad Frigate, by Edward J Tosti Vol 1 and Vol 2. Complete with the two CD's and folded plans, All in mint condition. Price: £95.00 including UK mainland delivery, other destinations by arrangement. Prefer Payment by Paypal. Thanks for looking, Nick.
  3. Hi, I'm sure other members will reply but being in this position 40 odd or so years ago I found Underhill's Plank on Frame Models Vol 1, and Longridge's The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships to be the most useful books to really appreciate initially how frames can be lifted from drawings. Both books are really towards the end of the spectrum of wooden shipbuilding and the actual differences in period is insignificant when appreciating how ships three dimensional shape is represented in the 2 dimensions. Both books give the introduction to start to understand Steel and other similar writings that look at other complex ways of describing the hull form. I think Bob's comments are very to the point and very well explained. Regards, Nick
  4. Hi Tom, this is all from memory, but there is a very useful book by David Lyons, who was the curator of the draft section at the Maritime museum. I think it is called The First Destroyers and was a rather interesting book with a lot of drawings and photo's of the first Torpedo deploying Destroyers. I have a vague idea I may have the book somewhere and I will advise if the book turns up. I am also pretty sure there was a detailed plan of an early destroyer from about 1906 in the flyleaf. I hope somebody will be able to provide more detail. Regards, Nick
  5. Hi Adrie, you will find the 'instructions' refer to the non-laser cut frames, they are correct at 1mm. A really nice start, regards, Nick
  6. Hi Doug, I have just looked at you build log of the Leon, really very nice work. Years ago I discovered Underhill's work and was impressed that here was an amazing resource when such resources were non- existent apart from odd sources such as Davis. I eventually started re-drafting from poorly reproduced drafts and were what I felt was in places deviations from full size practice in order to produce and acceptable build in those days. the horn timbers were a case in point. That is not to say many lovely models have been produced. A member of this forum Jack Nastyface produced an excellent model before the MSB crash, and may be contactable. However my source is purely from the book Plank on Frame Models Vol 1. My interpretation may be incorrect. On page 80 diag. 58 is a small drawing of the deck beams and the chocks. There is a diag. 57 showing fabrication of lodging knees. A following couple of diags. on page 108 indicating normal practice, not used in the Leon. The last para on page 109 is appropriate to read in conjunction. NOW does this mean hanging knees were omitted, or have I as said before gotten it wrong? A model in a museum in Dartmouth, up the coast from here shows no hanging knees, though it is fully planked and coppered and difficult to ascertain, it is obvious the model was build following Underhill to the letter. I have no rememberance of Jack Nastyface's model having hanging knees either. As I may have stirred up a hornet's nest, I apologise if this is all in vain. However by my reckoning it would be iron if hanging knees were fitted. Regards, Nick
  7. Hi Doug, I may be very very wrong but I recall that Leon had a beam shelf with chocks, rather than hanging knees. Cheers, Nick.
  8. Ben, thank you for this information. I have just ordered the sled, answers a real requirement for the Byrnes saw. Nick
  9. Hi All, I thought I had better bring this log a bit up to date. Well I am nearly, but not quite ready to resume the build log. Having followed the other builds on this forum, I do realise I will have to improve my build standards! So I have started again!! I will post as soon as I have something worth showing, as really it is just a repeat of my prior posts. So just to re-assure that I am not deserting the post! Regards, Nick.
  10. Dan, I really had to say what a wonderful model you are making and, and as such makes me want to get going on my Batory. Thank you for all the hints and tips you have given. Very inspirational, kind regards, Nick.
  11. Hi Danny, sorry I didn't notice your query very quickly. Yes I will be continuing the Batory - I won't put a date on it but should be over the next month. Life has a habit of throwing a few curved balls, and I seem to have had my share over the last 2 years or so. I have purely by chance met a card modeller from Poland, but unfortunately my Polish is about as good as his English. However it seems that the Polish forums consider the Batory difficult and some of the smaller parts virtually impossible to construct. We will see! I am finding the three card models builds of Catopower, Capt. Slog, and yourself very useful, and I can see myself redoing some of my build in the light of that information. Kind regards, Nick
  12. Hi everybody, it's been rather longer than I expected to make another entry in this build log due an unexpected problem with double vision. Fortunately nothing serious, caused in all probability by wearing old and bent glasses for certain activities. Has all been sorted by wearing a corrective lens for a couple of months. So I do hope to resume this log in the next couple of weeks, regards, Nick.
  13. Hi Slog, I am following your build as a template of methods and ideas, very crisp work indeed. I am using the Roket glue you mentioned and find it very fast to grab, strong but as yet untested on large areas. Another product from the same company is Glue n' Gaze, originally for use as a glue on clear plastics. However it is also used to make clear windows up to about 6mm and works very well. The method used is to slowly pull the glaze across an opening, translucent at first dries to clear in about 2 minutes or so. The portholes are very impressive, and I intend to use a similar method, so thanks for all the methodology. Regards, Nick.
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