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Everything posted by popeye2sea

  1. Column 2 is the rig version; without sails, with all plain sails, with full sails including studdingsails. Column 4 is the page numbers in the plan where that line appears. Column 6 is the part numbers for attachment points for the line and the blocks needed for rigging. Regards,
  2. I personally build in exactly the fashion you describe. I am sure there are others that do the same. It's just a preference thing. In fact, I even fit the yards before proceeding to the next mast section. For me it makes sense because usually the lower sections rigging is often the furthest inboard and therefore I don't have to reach across other lines to belay. You will find what works best for you. Regards,
  3. Just an FYI, on your mock up for the sail, the points that you have marked out for clew lines are actually for the bow lines. The clew line will come down to the lower corner of the sail, which is called the clew of the sail. Regards,
  4. Yes, that is correct. Because of the rake of the mast and the offset of the topmast and lower mast the pivot point of the lower and upper yards will not align. But, then again, does it matter? With the yards perfectly horizontal any difference between where the clew of the sails ends up and the yard arm will be made up for with the sheet line. Where you really see a big problem is in the era of the spritsail top mast. Setting a spritsail topsail over a spritsail becomes nearly impossible with the yards braced around. Regards.
  5. I have to disagree with you on that point. Most sailors were, quite literally, picked up off the street and trained on board, True, they became more valuable later in their careers, but they were very much expendable. A captain would be very lucky indeed to not suffer many casualties to the crew in the course of a cruise. Sailors and landsmen (untrained crew) were picked up in ports wherever they could be got. Safety and crew comfort for that matter was not even considered, The only reason a captain tried to limit his personnel losses to illness or death is because at some point the lack of crew would hamper his ability to work and fight the ship. Think about it like you can't operate your car without gas or oil. You don't feel bad if the oil leaks or you run out of gas. It just is a situation you have to deal with in order to keep you car running. Regards,
  6. I think the omission of ladders to the poop deck are one of the errors in the kit. Also, I would be surprised if there were railings on those gangways. If any, I would make them from rope supported by stanchions. Safety was not a concern back then. Sailors were considered part of the equipage of the ship. If you lost or broke a part (person), oh well, replace it. Regards,
  7. I think it is important to note that stuns'ls were only used in light airs and probably not used when a lot of tacking or maneuvering was anticipated. Also, since they are bent on to separate yards it should not have been too difficult to dip one end of the yard around to the other side of the plain sail when changing over on to the opposite tack. All you would need to do is slack the halliard until the yard lowered to the point where a seaman on the lower yard could hand the stuns'l yard around. Regards,
  8. Translation, please? Regards,
  9. The illustration is of man ropes. They are a sort of hand hold for going out on the bowsprit. Lees has his nomenclature wrong. There is no need for footropes under the bowsprit. Footropes would more properly be found under the spritsail yard. Regards,
  10. My thinking on this is that the tarring of the standing rigging is to try and keep most of the wet out. Since the anchor cable will be immersed when in use and completely water logged the tarring would just as effectively keep all the wet in and the cable would never dry out and eventually rot. Of course....I may be totally wrong. 😉 Regards,
  11. Unless I am mistaken, the only cannon that had that type of tail were the "murdering pieces" that were likely mounted in yokes on the rails of ships. Very small pieces, indeed. These were anti personnel weapons loaded with grape shot or langrange, that could be turned against boarders. The bent tail was essentially the handle used to aim the gun. The guns provided in your kit seem to have combined the cascabel and the handle into one overly large piece. Regards,
  12. I use the Optivisor with glass lenses. The only problem I have with this set up has more to do with my prescription. I wear contact lenses with one eye corrected for far vision and the other corrected for near. I believe they call that monovision correction. It is an alternative to wearing bifocals. Anyway, because of that when working with the optivisor, which changes the focal distance, any length of time working is headache inducing due to eye strain. I need to come up with a better solution. Regards,
  13. I agree. The only places I can think of are sheets or braces for the lower yards/courses which sometimes were seized into ring bolts in the ships sides. In any case, for any line spliced into an eye bolt, that will be the standing or fixed end of the line. You will probably have a tackle on the other end to set the line up taut. No need to do any fiddling or adjusting for length at the eyebolt end. Go ahead and splice the line off the model and then insert the eyebolt into the hole. Regards,
  14. That is correct. The lower stu'ns'l boom has a gooseneck hook in the forward end which sets into and pivots in an eyebolt on the fore end of the channel. The boom is swung out and guyed in position to spread the foot of the fore course stu'ns'l. Regards,
  15. What you have there is called marling. It would be used to gasket the furled sail to the yard. The problem with using that to bend on a sail is that if one piece parted the whole sail would blow out because the whole thing is one piece of rope with a series of half hitches. You would need to have the individual robands as shown in your lower diagrams in order to properly bend on a sail. The proper roband hitch varied across time and also when utilized on an upper or lower yard. Regards,
  16. Trade winds. They are called trade winds because they predominantly blow from the one direction, thus making it easier to establish cheaper trade routes. Square sails generate more power than fore and aft sails. Once you set and trim your square sails for the trade wind you shouldn't have to re trim. Saves time and money. Regards,
  17. I think you could accomplish making a framework of the sail from the bolt rope only, but, just trying to think it through, you would have a problem with the bolt ropes sagging inward or outward when you put tension on the corners of the sails via the rigging. Perhaps if you used wire instead of rope for the bolt rope? Regards,
  18. Who makes this table? Can you tell us where you got it? It's exactly what I have been looking for. Regards,
  19. May not have been for charts. Could be for flags. Regards,
  20. I agree. A brace (or any other line) would never have been belayed to a boat skid beam. Regards,
  21. I think cat falls, like top ropes, were rigged as needed. But halyards and jeer falls are another story. Regards,
  22. I have never been able to get an answer to the same question regarding stowage of jeer or halyard lines. Yes, that is true for ships from the late 17th century on. But the same conundrum would occur for earlier periods where the lower yards were shifted much more frequently and consequently the halyards were probably left rigged. Would you then have a very large coil on the gun decks fouling the cannons or capstans? Would you lead the bitter end down to the cable tier for coiling? Again, I have no answer. Regards,
  23. For belaying line directly to a rail a clove hitch will work just fine. I don't know how accurate it is, but I have seen on modern replica ships like L'Hermione that the jeer falls were made up with long hanks into a gasket coil and hitched vertically to the falls so that they hang abaft the mast. Regards
  24. I would have an eyebolt on the back of those bands to seize the strop of the blocks to. Regards,
  25. Something like a sheer hulk. Except this one is still able to sail. Regards,
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