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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. Now, after all that bad experience Tom, you can consider yourself a real veteran modeler. Ro-do's make us stronger. Do-do's usually turn out to be much better than the original. I think going back to scratch and starting all over again shows character and determination.

    Trust me, you will look back and say that unfortunate accident was actually a good thing.

    Or maybe not.... Lol

  2. Back home.... Pain free....Hope to do some updates on SOS pretty soon.

    Considerable progress made over the last couple of weeks, just didn't feel up to the posting routine.

    Thank you one and all for all the best wishes. This has been quite an ordeal.

    BTW.... Here's the last thing I saw in the waiting room lobby.... Thought I should share it with my MSW friends.


  3. Thank you Nenad, Mark, and Patrick.

    I can report that, using the masking tape technique, the starboard side planking is moving along much better. Mostly because every one of the curved bow planks only required a single fitting. Each one has been absolutely perfect.

    I'm quite sure I'm not the first modeler to use the technique. It's simply the first time I've used it, and thought I would share it for all who have not tried it.

  4. Change of plans....

    I decided to press on with completing the re-planking of the starboard side and be done with it.


    Also decided to pass on this technique I'm using to cut the shape of the bow planks.

    I found that the use of tracing paper to mark the shape proved to be very tricky because the paper tends to move around and doesn't like to lay flat for marking the edge.


    This wide painters masking tape works great!


    Note the markings on the hull indicating the measured width of the planks at several points along the strake.


    Mid hull markings indicate the full width of each plank for the twenty strakes.


    The marked masking tape is carefully trimmed along the traced line and then transferred to the paper planking material.


    The marked planking strip is carefully trimmed along the traced edge (top)....

    Then, after marking the exact width points, use a curve template to create the smooth contour of the outside edge (bottom).

    Finally, cut the plank along the outside edge marking.


    Perfect fit....


  5. Thanks guys.  Fairly pleased with the fix.  I hope the starboard side goes a little smoother. 

    The only real difficulty with using the paper stock is that, the shape of each strake has to be custom fitted around the bow and stern.... used a lot of stealers to avoid sharp "daggers".

    I'll probably go back to creating the ornamentation for the starboard side for a while just to take a break from hull planking.

  6. "PS, don't replank ear, and send model to surgery ;) "

    Got to love that one Nenad.


    Ear thing's going to be just fine.  Powerful anti-biotic drops every day until surgery.... keep moisture out.... no sweat (literally).


    As for re-planking the hull.... got to be done. 

    I simply believe the planking strakes of a 15th century war ship, even though painted, should be seen.

    The SOS may be my last major project, and because she's a pretty special ship, I just feel like I've got to get her as "right" as I can.

  7. The hull problem..... Guess I should explain.

    Overall, the shape of the hull turned out fine. After a little filling here and there, and two coats of white acrylic, she looks great from five feet. Closer inspection, not so good.

    I did so much sanding and filling in the bow area, the finish turned out to be much too smooth.... to the point that it looks more like the hull of a solid plastic ship instead of a wooden planked ship.

    Even when painted, the hull should appear to be painted planks.

    Working on a solution..... very thin third layer.

  8. Progress report.... (kinda?)

    Where shall I begin?


    The good news first.... Finally managed to get the mess I created with the starboard side gun ports cleaned up....



    More good news....

    Finally finished the second planking of the hull.... Which leads to the bad news.

    I concluded that the second planking of the hull below the gun wales has got to be the worst job of planking I have ever done.  So bad, in fact, I shall not show it here on MSW.  REALLY BAD!

    My biggest mistake was in thinking that, since the entire area was to be painted, I didn't need to be all that careful.  A little filler and white paint would completely cover my sins.  NOT!

    So, as usual, I will now set about fixing the problem.... just another day in the old shipyard.... Right mates?


    More bad news to report.... personal.

    Developed a very serious inner ear infection several weeks ago, which led to severe vertigo issues along with periods of double vision.  So, pretty much every thing I have done in the shop over the last month has been rather challenging. 


    Then the good news.... Lot's of really powerful meds have cleaned up the infection to the point I am able to function pretty normal again. 


    And finally.... We found a surgeon in Chapel Hill who is confident he can repair the large hole in my left ear drum that has been the cause of the recurring infections. 

    Surgery is scheduled in five weeks.

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