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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. Following a really bad set of plan sheets has got me in trouble again. Referencing the Arthur Molle photo above, I realized the space between the middle and bottom rows of gun ports is too narrow, and will not allow the two wales between them.

    Not that big a deal for the port side, seen here, since I had not finished the second planking when I discovered the issue. I am simply cutting each one of the bottom ports out and move them down 7/16th inch.



    This will be a much bigger issue going back to the starboard side, where I have completed the second planking. To make matters even worse, The fix will also involve ripping the main wale off and lowering it as well. Real bummer!


  2. As I continue to work on just getting her hull and skin built, I am looking forward to seeing your continued development Nigel. Although I could never dream of matching the excellence of your work, it does serve as an inspiration to me in my efforts. Without your build, along with a few others, as a visual guide, I am hopelessly lost.

    Thanks again


  3. Back to work....

    Starboard side.... Gun ports cut in, framed, and painted red....



    Bamboo skin planks added up to top wale, and planking above the wale painted black.

    Still must complete the second planking below the main wale. Since those planks will be painted white, I will not be using bamboo for that area.



    Sideboards have been added above the decks to form the bulwarks....will be planked and painted red.

    The rough framing for the starboard galleries is temporarily tacked on, but will be removed to add the arched windows and extremely heavy ornamentation.


  4. Piet....Before you give up on it, just give it a good sanding with a medium grit to open up the grain a little. Then apply your stain with a cloth....wiping with the grain. Then use a fine sandpaper to sand lightly. Steel wool to get really fine finish.

  5. My little shop pal "Smokey" spends most of the time roaming around the shop floor looking for something wood to tear up.

    So I leave the ship yard to do a quick run to the grocery store for the Admiral.... forgot to put him in his mansion.... and here's what I find upon my return. 

    Little thanks for allowing him to hang out with me, huh?


  6. Hi George, Piet, and Patrick. Many thanks for dropping in. Of course, like everyone, I'm plum tickled to see that first layer of planking done....always gives us our first visual of the overall size and shape of our model. The outer skin planks can be done over a period of time as I continue to work on any number of other processes, like the sixty some gun port frames that still must be fitted; gun port lids, cannons and cannon trucks, etc.... not to mention the hundreds of individual carvings.

    That bulkhead I posted yesterday isn't nearly finished.... still need to add a few more ornaments, re-paint the gold with a brighter metallic gold I found, stain the upper door, clean up the rail stanchions, then there will be a base molding to conceal the gap where the deck planks butt against the bulkhead.
    Speaking of upper door.... Why in heck would that door be there anywho?  What purpose does it serve?  Thinking about removing it.... not decided yet.

  7. Completed the first planking this morning, and began with several strakes of outer planking




    And here's a dry fitting of the bulkhead I've been working on.... Not done with this yet....




    Back to outer planking.... Note the use of Bondo (auto repair filler) to level and smooth out the surface of the first planking layer.


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