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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. For those who have not had the pleasure of seeing O19 up close and personal, let me say, you have missed something extremely rare in life.... and I am not speaking so much of the amazing model we have seen come together before our eyes right here on MSW. 


    The man who crafted this extreme labor of love is a true marvel of a very special class by himself. 

    Within minutes after shaking his hand, one realizes this diminutive gentleman, so full of live, is the embodiment of what our unique art represents. 

    Mr. Piet...."Pete".... is the real deal! 

  2. Some of my mistakes, I can live with. This one was a real doozie.....

    The result of being in too much of a hurry....not checking and double checking key points. Lesson learned.

    It's really not so bad, since it gives me an opportunity to improve the most important starboard side ("display" side) using what I have learned from doing the port side.

    Kinda like starting a new model when you think about it.

  3. A day of "Reverse Building".....

    Remember the misaligned gun ports on the entire starboard side?  Spent the morning ripping all that beautiful bamboo planking off.  The lower gun ports will be lowered by about an inch.





    Decided I couldn't live with the shape of the forecastle planking.... just another flaw in the plan sheets. 

    So I decided I might as well go ahead and fix that now. 



  4. It's about time to get on with something else for a while. 

    I decided the entire port side is pretty much  "practice" for the starboard side.  Just saying, since I plan to display this ship in a glass case built several years ago,  the port side may never be seen again after she goes into that case. 

    For what it's worth, here is the port side ornamentation.


    I've not decided what I will create for the top right panel seen here. 



    One note about the galleries.... I find some SOS builds with the outer windows left open.  I decided I prefer the open outer windows which allows a view into the inner windows. 





  5. Spent the morning on this little 5/8th" lion.... again, the Levolor vinyl blind slats have become my choice of carving material, which cuts like butter and has zero grain.  The metallic gold paint adheres perfect and a couple of coats gives this nice smooth finish.

    The shape of the body and legs not too bad, but you will have to use a little imagination on the head.


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