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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. Counting the four forward guns on the forecastle deck, there are 26 perimeter deck guns. Then there are 10 more guns to be mounted on the bulkheads of the Qtr deck, half deck, and forecastle. I'm thinking these would be smaller cannon and carriages.

    Went netsurfing and was amazed to find so many variations. I kinda landed on this one to use as my model for creating these smaller units....



    As always, I am very interested in your input or guidance here.

  2. It looks like I'll be playing with gun carriages for quite some time.... then rigging them in their positions on the various decks.


    Meantime I plan to begin building Chuck's 1:48 scale cutter "Cheerful".... back and forth between the two projects as best I can.


    Quick explanation.... I am building the Cheerful as a special appreciation gift to the amazing surgeon who accurately diagnosed my illness and took immediate aggressive action to combat the raging attack of the deadly fungal infection that developed within my ear. He continues to manage my ongoing treatment, and calls me at home after hours two or three times a week to inquire about how I'm feeling. This is one very special man indeed.

    Only his staff knows about this plan and they have all been sworn to secrecy.

    Hopefully, my treatments will be wrapped up in about three months and I can surprise him with the model on my final visit.

    Least I can do to thank a man for saving my worthless old hide.

  3. With the decision to go with natural dark oak trucks, I can move on to assembly of some 34 units that will be seen fully rigged on the decks.

    Beginning with a few modifications.....

    First, I found that the truck frame sits much too high on the axels. Fairly simple fix.... cut the axel slots deeper.


    I set up a little jig on my small table saw in order to re-cut all of the axel slots the exact same depth.... Note the photo below with me holding the truck in place over the saw blade with my left hand is only because I needed to use my right hand for the camera.


    Then there is the need to add extended axel tips with pins to the wheels.

    I simply drilled out the center of each wheel and shaped a tooth pick to fit into the hole. Using a home made needle drill, I created a hole through the hub and inserted a small section of wire for the pins.


    Paint'em black and stick'em on....



    I had honestly forgotten just how labor-intensive deck guns are.

  4. Nenad.... With so many exposed deck guns to rig, I would rather begin doing a few at a time between other tasks to break up the manotany.... Tree nailing, more cap rails, gratings, more carvings, other deck furnishings, etc.

    Each gunport represents a lot of hours when you consider the related pieces I plan to include.... Rams, mops, buckets, brass monkeys, and balls. I'll likely spend at least a couple of days on each position.


    As for "dead lines".... Since retirement, I refuse to allow such in my life. Lol

  5. Cannon trucks.... natural or painted?

    Now I'm not really sure....need some opinions.

    As much as I like the yellow painted trucks, I can't decide which looks better sitting in place on the deck.... any thoughts?



    I can go either way, but have a high regard for all MSW modelers opinions on things like this.

    So, please think of it as your own decision and tell me what you think.

  6. Began playing around with the cannons and trucks....


    Having not rigged a cannon in years, this ship having at least 30 rigged cannon is going to be quite a challenge to me.


    This first shot is of the cannon and truck as I received them ....



    After adding a little detail, not too bad....

    First attempt to put a pin through the axels didn't go too well. I'll continue to play around with that.

    The black straps are created from card stock.

    Not sure if I can add much more at this point.

    I've always liked painting the carriages red, but there's so much red on the bullwarks, I figure that would be a little too much.

    However, the yellow trucks, like found on the Victory, might look great. What think?



  7. OK Mark.... a few shots this morning to do a little catching up.


    First the companion way rework....

    I managed to change out the oversized grating with some 2mm grating I found in my boneyard.


    Also had to turn new stanchions for both modules. Actually, my first stanchions were too long and skinny.


    So I am pleased with the overall improvement.

    Isn't that usually the case with re-do's?


    The grating seen here will be replaced when I receive the new 2mm stuff. Note the difference in size.


    These shots remind me of all the deck tree nailing I still have to eventually get around to.

  8. Finally getting back into the shop (limited sessions). Picking up on companion ways and gratings. After completing the companion way for the half deck I created the small grating for that deck and realized, the grating I am using is not in scale. See posting #263.... I should have caught it there.

    Another re-do....

    Just ordered some 2 mm grating because I did not have nearly enough of that small scale in my bone yard.

    So I'll begin playing around with the cannons and carriages I just received. They look great.

  9. Spent hours this morning on this great log Chuck. You can count me among the builders of your cutter. Building at 1/4" scale will be a real treat. Your work is masterful, as usual, and I can't wait to place my order and get cranking.

    I'm now wondering how she will look with bamboo planking. Hmmmm


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