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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. I keep having to remind myself this is a kit. Excellent bash. It really shows off the flexibility of builds which one can obtain.
  2. Ben, Mark, and Patrick sounds like a tavern is a great idea. Grant, HA! Cameras are everywhere Antony, Will be updating soon. Unfortunately I have hit a few massive overtime weeks here at work. Should be back soon. Thanks for stopping by.
  3. Glad its doing well. I always thought that a bit of blood was good for the project... Kinda like a christening. (and yes, Halifax has already been christened)
  4. Wonderful build. I will be referring to this when I spin up my Pinnace.
  5. Ben, thanks for stopping by. I am just south of the Dayton mall. I was wondering if there was any clubs or other people near by. I know of the one in Columbus. I think they are having a show/competition thing in a few months and was planning to get up there to take a look.
  6. Thanks! I think the starboard wale has a kinda sharp bend in it. It is not too noticeable and will be able to smoothed out a bit when planking.
  7. The next step was a hard one. Adding the wales. I found out that I did not leave a large enough rabbit at the bow to put the end of the wale plank into. I had to carve out a small notch to be able to get the wale in place. With a bit of soaking in water and then steaming in my kettle I was able to form the bend of the wale. So I think I found the "wall side" and the "room side" of the model. Not a bad first attempt.
  8. I like the gun level views. Looks great. Lots of work to rig all those guns.
  9. Great to see the bulkheads in. Very nice and symmetrical. I wish I had taken the time to do this with my Constitution build.
  10. Those pumps really look nice. Such a small scale is amazing.
  11. I am originally from Baltimore and every time I go back I always go downtown to visit this ship. Looking forward to your progress.
  12. I am amazed you did this in only 4 months. It looks wonderful. I always liked the way these ships looked. They just look fast....
  13. Thanks for stopping by. So far this has been a great fun build. I really wish I had picked up a Kingfisher kit when I had the chance. I may check into the LSS forums. This site has been so informative and positive I haven't needed to go anywhere else yet.
  14. Thanks I have learned so much even doing this "simple" kit version. Releasing from the jig is going to be a huge milestone. Getting the wales and some planking on there is going to strengthen the structure so much. I will also have enough space to fair the insides a bit. Thanks!
  15. Just a quick update. Onto Chapter 7: The wales, planking, and removing from the jig.
  16. I was able to shape and clean up the transoms some last night. I was also able to add the wing transoms. I started to shape the wings. I of course forgot my prior lesson and broke one off while shaping resulting in me having to replace it. Haha. Now I have spacers in there while shaping. Learning every day...
  17. I like the contrast of the different colours in the masting and rigging. Amazed that this is your first build.
  18. Thanks Patrick. The instructions/plans were pretty good. Now I get to fair/shape the area.
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