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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. Gun carriages. Seemed to come out ok. As I am going to only plank up one side I only need three but will probably make all six just to have spares for when I try to rig them haha.
  2. I really liked your Snake build so will be following along with this one too. I like that you are going to be modifying it to the Jason.
  3. Thank you Jond. I certainly want to see another one of these in a build log Hahn's book has been a great supplemental to this build for me. (I also like the Hannah)
  4. Thank you very much Carl. It has been a great journey so far. Cheers
  5. More on the windlass more pieces Before and after for the "legs" "Legs" fitted And here is a dry fit of the main deck. Cheers
  6. Jax, I am surprised this didn't sell so well. It has been great so far. I really wish I had picked up a Kingfisher when I had the chance.
  7. Jax, When I was getting back into modeling a few weeks ago I was intrigued by this build. I have a variety of ships on the shelf but the instructions here were so good. I agree with the satisfying level of difficulty but "not too much" for a beginner like me.
  8. Wonderful work! I just caught up on your build and hope for more updates!
  9. Thanks Jax. I think the design is really nice. I cant think about how hard it would be to carve 8 sides then taper the ends from a single piece of stock.
  10. Thanks Alistair, I just hope I don't sneeze when I have these all laid out like that. Bob, hands aren't so bad (I can deal) but I am rapidly finding out that the presbyopia is catching up with me Grant after seeing the scale of your pinnace, these parts are gigantic by comparison. Thank you Pete, I am going to curve and then edge the grating today.
  11. Windlass is going to take a while. These parts are very small for my giant and clumsy hands. Here is the main hatch grating before final finish sanding.
  12. Another section is complete and now onto the next big section. The decking and deck furniture. I think I have decided on planking the port side only. As I am not completely sure I am going to move onto building up all the fidly bits. Once I have those made I can then try out a few configurations of deck planking with some heavy card stock. Options are fully planked, 1/2 planked, middle planked (the way in the instructions), etc. It looks like there should be no problems with this. The waterway is seated directly on the beams so as long as I decide before getting to the railings there should be no problem getting it in.
  13. Wow! The fit and finish is amazing. I keep coming back to this build. Very nice!
  14. Yup, much happier, the other one was way too chunky and thick. This one is much better.
  15. So I remade the end after the other one broke and was too thick. Still needs a bit of shaping but it lines up pretty well for planking (if I decide to plank there)
  16. I have plenty of attempts left as the left over billets have enough spaces to cut out a few. Shouldn't be too hard.
  17. Haha Grant, everyday learning something new (or being reminded of things I should have already known).
  18. Glued pieces back together. Thinner than before but still a bit thick. I may redo this. Will think about this today.
  19. Thanks Bob. Wouldn't you know it, when sanding down the thickness I broke it in half. Now I know to cut pieces with the grain of the wood instead of cross it. Learning something new everyday
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