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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. I was just looking through some articles and was wondering if the 2014 issue of the Shipwright annual would be published anytime soon. I found this article on the Conway site. http://www.conwaypublishing.com/?p=7179 And then found this article: http://www.conwaypublishing.com/?p=7177 Sad to see this disappear as it seemed like a good publication covering a wide variety of topics.
  2. I think may be done with the fairing for now. Just a bit left (cleaning up the tip of the frames like the pointy one in the second picture).Will be getting on the stern framing tonight.
  3. I love this ship (see my avatar), will be following along. I like the use of different woods in builds.
  4. I am learning so much watching this build. Thanks for the great updates Dan.
  5. I second the Art Of Ship Modeling by Frolich. I am very partial to The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships by C Nepean Longridge as well as Ships of the American Revolution and their Models by Harold Hahn. There really is too many to count though. So many great books available. Classics like the Plank on Frame Models vol I and vol II by Underhill are a great start.
  6. So the fairing is going slowly. Ever so slowly. Think I am about 1/2 done now. At least it is starting to shape up. I am using a piece of scrap planking to see/fit the frames. Maybe in another week or two...haha Meanwhile the next step will be to frame out the transom.
  7. Whoa, this fairing thing is taking a while. At least it's getting there.
  8. I taped off the keel and it seemed to go pretty well. Until... I have to be pretty careful going across the frames. It is very easy to fix. No wood damaged just a weak glue joint. A bit of sanding and viola good as new.
  9. I like the rigging Bob. I haven't decided if I am going to rig mine or not. I think it would be pretty easy to add it later. I am not yet close to having to make that decision yet though
  10. Fun and easy intro is what I am looking for. I noticed you have a Kingfisher in your build log and it is awesome. Do you have any pictures of your Halifax? Maybe in the Gallery of Completed Kits?
  11. Got the stern half frames in. I also was able to start the fairing process. I started at the bow. Oops I got the keel. The instructions do state that this will happen and will easily be able to be cleaned up by fine sanding and reapplying the wipe-on poly. I think I am going to mask the keel though. Here is a front view showing the un-faired side and the side I have started. Here is a full side view for kicks.
  12. Close call!!! So, as I am quietly sitting at the desk looking over the next step in the instructions before I goto work, and I see something large fly right in front of my face. It seems my 8yo daughter thought it might be funny to shoot her toy crossbow at me. It is just one of those things you get at county fairs made-up of scrap wood and pvc pipes but the bolt is large enough to knock the ship over and maybe damage it. It might of just bounced off of the side of the Constitution but verses the Halifax I shudder at the thought. Needless to say we had a wee bit of a conversation about appropriate use of weaponry inside the house hahahaha!!!
  13. Thanks! I should be able to get both sides done tomorrow. After that the next chapter is fairing and then stern framing.
  14. Next up the stern frames. dry fitting making templates: I simply traced these as I did not want to cut out the plans template cut out with #11 blade template on the keel template traced out
  15. Interesting. Thanks for bringing this to light. There are so many great resources around/available that we would never find or know about if not for this forum.
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