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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. That's a nice looking ship. Will be waiting for the build log.
  2. Nice recovery. It's always good when the "correction" doesn't take too much work.
  3. Illustrated from the Collections of the National Maritime Museum. AMAZON LINK I picked up this book a few months ago and I can say I am really pleased with it. It is a very nice collection of photos and has a nice description of each model presented with a tie-in to the historical basis of each type. It is a small short book only 128 pages but very nicely presented. Contents: 1 Prehistory 1600-1689 2 Guerre De Course 1689-1713 3 The Establishment Era 1706-1748 4 The "True Frigate" 1748-1778 5 The Heavy Frigate 1778-1815 6 The Last Generation 1815-1850 Inside these chapters are nice descriptions of the development of the bow and stern framings, sweep ports, number and type of armaments, ships boats etc. What is really nice is every model presented has a nice little catalogue number attached to it called a SLR number and you can enter that number into the National Maritime Museums website and you can see addition photos of the model in question. Overall a good addition to my library. Here are a few random pictures to give you a look at the layout. p.s. There is another book in the series coming out later this year called Ship Of The Line (A History In Ship Models) by Brian Lavery
  4. Mike, I love seeing these projects. I cannot wait to visit the Hermione when she visits the States next year.
  5. Very nice Bob. I did a similar thing with your knees on the deck. On my Halifax I had the windlass standing on one half of deck which was planked and the other half of the deck which was unplanked. Just like you I placed a small amount of deck planking underneath the piece involved. I think it came out really nicely. Your build is an inspiration as always.
  6. Thanks Divarty. I was checking out your cross section and cannot believe how small it is. From the first few pictures I thought it was at least 12 inches tall. The ruler really surprised me
  7. Thanks Alistair. When I first saw the grating pieces I wasn't too impressed but after setting them up with the planking, adding the windlass etc, I think they look much better.
  8. I don't know if you use it but internet explorer 11 has some major problems with this forum.
  9. Very nice! Will be following along for this. My Halifax was built Hahn style and it seemed to go well with no problems.
  10. Pinning sounds like a great idea. I cannot imagine a rail popping off 1/2 way through. Some of these ships have a staggering amount.
  11. Thank you Pete. I was supprised at how light the wood was for the decking. I did use a HB pencil for the "caulking line". Overall I think it looks not too bad. I am working a bit over next 10 days or so so things going to slow down but will be tackling the foredeck stuff next. I have lots time at the end of the moth for the shipyard Cheers
  12. Thanks B.E. I have been following along with your Pegasus and hopefully one day I will be able to pull something like that off. Your small boats are looking great.
  13. Excellent work. I always like the way natural light seems to give the pictures "something" extra.
  14. Just a few small steps today. Still have to recut the gun ports, sand and smooth the deck and bulwarks.
  15. Excellent. If it is anything like your Herreshoff's it is going to be great.
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