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Everything posted by mrcc

  1. This is the sail material for the Mamoli kit... Definitely going to upgrade!
  2. Thanks Allan for your reply... These pictures are what the Mamoli kit supplied for cloth - stiff and rigid, feels like a thick linen material... I thought I should inquire though on the forum if anyone has had experience with Mantua premade sails and whether they are at least a step up?
  3. I am building the Mamoli Santa Maria and given the Mantua kit is the same scale, the premade sails should work for me, especially as I am not interested in sewing them from scratch. Anyone have any input with regards to quality of material and sewing? Thanks,
  4. Anyways... all my shrouds and ratlines are completed and I am very happy with how they all turned out! Pictures below... Now on to the sails... Some debate on what to do now with regards to the sails... the premade sails at hismodel.com look very very nice but a little expensive or I could purchase the premade sails that Mantua makes as I am sure they will fit as the Mantua Santa Maria is the exact same scale as my Mamoli. Or I can try and sew them myself...
  5. Further to my last post, as evident in the first picture below, I had to redo one of the shrouds and ratlines... The one on the port side was terrible and I can blame it on Covid as the last time I did work on my ship was late October 2020 and my work speaks for itself as I did those ratlines in the midst of my infection. Anyways picture following is corrected... really easy as I took a dental pick and teased apart the knots and luckily I did not have to tighten up the shrouds and there was only three of them anyways. Both looking good and in the same scale and appearance now
  6. It has been a long year and a half since my last posting and I am embarrassed to say I took a break for this length of time as I was intimidated by doing the ratlines. Plus perhaps being a little lazy... Anyways... they are done on one side and they look good to my eyes! Now the other side...
  7. Hi Gary... Found your build log... You will have no problem finding all the fittings from the specialty shops involved in this hobby for this build. Best to look ahead and make a list of what you think you may need and then I would look at Cornwall Model Boats out of England for them all... Please post any photos of your progress as certainly you will get lots of help and suggestions on this form... Good luck!
  8. Hi Gary... Thanks for your post and yes I still see the occasional comments that trickle in over the years since completing the kit. I am sure you will have no problem tackling the kit as it is "supposed" to be an easy first build, for some anyways. The ship is such an iconic image for myself and all Canadians as it has been on our 10 cent coin since 1937. My skills were very limited at the beginning of the build... and you will find the accomplishment once finished most gratifying! Best of luck... PS Let me know when you start your build log as I will certainly follow it. Cheers, Julian
  9. Hi Bob, Yes... Billing Boats kits are notorious for lack of details and plans. I know if you go on their website they have some instructions for this particular kit that are downloadable but I do not think it is any more than what you get in the box. Best to check there and then just look at the builds online... Best of luck,
  10. Finally some moments to spend on my Santa Maria... Summer is behind me and with winter and snow settled here in Alberta, Canada a bit early, I am sure I will have extra time to finish the model over this winter. Some work redone on some of the standing rigging as some of my fall lines were originally done in black and have now been redone as they should have been, natural or "untarred". Very happy with the progress except for the block pulled off the deck and a railing unglued from tying lines under too much tension... perhaps because of fiddling around in ever more tight margins, I yanked them out of their points of contact on the deck. Certainly a challenge getting them glued down again...
  11. Thanks Jan-Willem for the compliments. Last summer when we went to Holland for a family reunion of my wife's... the Kinderdijk's was on my bucket list of things to do and see while there... amazing! I have an update on the forestay (which I redid) and some of the bowsprit rigging. The forestay is looking much better in my opinion...
  12. Doing some of the stays and noticed the forestay is completely out of scale to want should be in the plans in the first diagram... to my eyes, anyways... I will redo them tonight.
  13. Hi Steven... What a rich, historical build log you have going... Wonderful!
  14. Finally developed the motivation and initiative to get the rigging started after a busy summer... Definitely not my favourite activity but getting "some" of the shrouds done was not too bad. Very happy with the Caldercraft branded rigging thread I should add. But I just realized that I did not order enough of the Black 0.75mm size last spring... I am going to run out and still need probably a meter to finish the standing rigging (each roll is 10 metres).
  15. I know there has been some discussion on this forum how slow mail service has been for parts, etc online from overseas to North America and vice versa. I am late reporting this but basically at the peak of disruption in mail service (April-May) I ordered some miscellaneous parts directly from Jotika - my order was placed on May 13, postmarked on May 13 and delivered from England to my door (Canada) on May 27. Can't complain!
  16. Hi Jan-Willem, In doing some research on "painting" rigging line, they may actually mean applying a stain to the line with a brush to get the tarred look. I noticed that some people on the forum have indeed "painted" or stained the lines... Of course the other option is dying the lines... but of course much easier to just purchase the rigging thread. Cheers,
  17. Now... to complain about a couple of things. I noticed with this Mamoli vintage kit, they have always been very tight/cheap with items and parts... This grabrail stanchion is the last one of two that yet needs to be placed on the deck. The fife rail noted in the picture was not mentioned in the deck plans or instructions and I only picked this item up when studying the rigging plans (now that I am at this stage of the build). I quickly added this to the deck. Lastly, this is the rigging thread supplied with the kit... it is excellent in my humble opinion but in the instructions, they tell you to paint the cord once the standing rigging is complete... to the color of black. I can not image painting the thread. So I ordered a few items and black Caldercraft rigging cord from shipwright.com in England. All the items I needed was in stock and within 24 hours I received notice that the order has shipped... Now just a matter of waiting on the Royal Post and Canada Post to deliver...
  18. I made the drastic move of cutting into the hull to add my sheave block... turned out good but when I put the finished sheave block into the opening, I pushed it straight in... I remade a second block and did the exact same thing! I have two sheave block rattling around in my hull! I remade a simple sheave and guided it in with a loop of rope to prevent it from falling in while setting it flush to the opening. I will keep the loop of rope in yet in order to easily guide the rigging line when ready to do so. What I can not understand from the plans and instructions is whether there is a duplicate sheave block on the port side as well. Instructions are not clear... I hope not after this escapade...
  19. Thank you Steven for the compliment... A few more images before I start adding all the blocks to the deck and exterior of the hull... and then I am ready to mount the masts permanently as at the moment they are just sitting loosely in their respective places.
  20. Thanks Popeye for your kind comments... stay well! Thanks Sea Hoss for your compliments... much appreciated. Thanks Jan-Willem for checking in on my build log once again and of course the kind words. Everyone stay healthy and well!
  21. Thanks for your reply Popeye... I usually get things done fast and expediently... but certainly not in this regard. Covid-19 is certainly a worry here in Canada but I think from the news, not to the same degree as in the United States. I am in a close contact profession and was shut down early by our Chief Public Health officer... I am in week 5 of non employment and “light” self quarantine... I have been thinking for about 3 years that I would like to take a sabbatical and here it is... but not the best of times for others unfortunately.
  22. And finally... Here is the token picture with the completely fitted masts and spars overlapping the plans. Why why did I wait this long to complete this?
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