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Everything posted by Cold_Fire

  1. It's a model that has at least 15 years. They have put inside a box a partworks collection they made for Altaya / Planeta (DeAgostini group) many years ago.
  2. I don't understand how a 1400+ euros retail price doesn't include budget for lasercut beams and structure. They just forgot about decks curved shapes, placed many oak strips inside a very nice box, and they think this justifies the price.
  3. Disarmodel is or almost bankrupt, I know a supplier of theirs who has several unpaid invoices at the moment. I suppose this is interesting for anyone considering buying a kit from this brand. I doubt that the after-sales service works, and it's a miracle a disarmodel kit is complete and correct...
  4. I'm watching this and my comments come from a modeler perspective. If you think it as a product, I don't doubt it will probably have success.
  5. Check this video: https://cdn.shopify.com/videos/c/o/v/13c5bd39e4ec40d69cc81e76b89887f1.mp4 I don't know if beams are just strips or lasercut, but I see flat decks. The model just doesn't make any sense.
  6. Am I the only one that thinks this is a very expensive toy, nothing more and nothing less? Any resemblance of a correctly scaled and accurate model must be a coincidence.
  7. Thank you for the read, friends.
  8. It looks like there is a good competition between Spanish manufacturers, better and new models, better customer service...
  9. That looks like a good place to hide in!
  10. Love these classic cars - even more when finished as superb as this one!
  11. Hi! Did you finally share this? Any link to another thread? Thank you so much!
  12. Try any steam source. I usually use a facial steamer my wife discarded years ago, some seconds into steam convert the usual measurements of strips in something really easy to be bent.
  13. I think a new poll would be much more useful than these old results!
  14. New HMS Victory's cross section model from Artesanía Latina can be added to the list.
  15. Artesanía Latina has released paints with their new cross section model matching the last repainting of the ship, in case you can be interested.
  16. The best source for different types and sizes of masking tape is your nearest automotive paints and refinish store.
  17. AL and DeAgostini are exactly the same model, exactly the same pictures in instructions as well.
  18. Hi to all! If you want a slightly bigger sander that works like charm for models you can make it using Philips sneaker cleaner or an old Philips shoe polisher. These items can be very easily converted to a custom sander. I have one made with the shoe polisher, I made a custom part and a mold, then I made copies of the part with resin. In this way you can have many replaceable heads with different sandpaper grits.
  19. It looks like Artesania Latina is back, the website is online again. The data in the website shows another company took care of the brand, I think.
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