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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Thanks John. He passed away this morning at 6 AM Eastern time. Funeral arrangements haven't been finalized. He was 75.
  2. Mike, WOW, that gun stock oil really makes the wood pop. Nice job. Great job on the sails and battens, as well as all the brass work. Now if we could just shrink ourselves down we could take her for a nice sail. Glad you joined me for something different in subject matter.
  3. Sounds good to me, Chuck. I did make sails for my Willie Bennett from scratch, wasn't too daunting a task but I would love to see/learn other methods.
  4. Update on ice boats photos: Herreshoff designed ice boat - only one he ever designed - note the chain and sprocket steering Lateen rigged Hudson River Stern Steerer: Vixen (1870-ish) Note for Scott - this ice yacht is rigged the same as FDR's Hawk. That's all the photos I can find for now.
  5. As requested DN Class Great South Bay (Long Island NY) Scooter Hudson River Gaff Rigged Stern Steerer Those are the only photos I can find in my collection at present. Photos of other classes are subject to Copyright protection so I will have to post links to those photos. Skeeters : https://www.google.com/search?q=skeeter+ice+boat&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=XAEZo-i04vJO5M%3A%2ClZ4l0pEwPB4cYM%2C_&usg=__9qzC5Eb-5AB5H7C3yzTOrDZs6XE%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih7Pqj9dbbAhVR2VMKHdPlAy4Q9QEIPTAE#imgrc=XAEZo-i04vJO5M
  6. Chuck mentioned "ice boat design concept" in his original post. Does anyone have any interest in ice boat model(s) in general ? MikeR and I each have a build log of two of the many styles of ice boats; there are a number of other designs, from Arrow, Nite, Scooter (Great South Bay Long Island), Skeeters, to name a few. If anyone has an interest post a comment below.
  7. Hi OC ! I'm here, even beat the 3 Amigos getting here from the trifecta build ! Looking good !
  8. Eric, your approach is pretty much the same approach I took building my version of the kit, especially since my work table was only 2 ft by 4 ft in size.
  9. Wow ! Very nice Mike. I can just see it gliding across the ice. You did a great job capturing all the detail. Are you going to include a sail ?
  10. Mike, great job on the runner skate. Even the "parking" brake looks great.
  11. Nice, Greg! Great job on the rust and grunge weathering. Looks great alongside your other warships. Okay, Carl, your turn !
  12. I have to agree with CDW, capsicum is red peppers native to the Americas, see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsicum. It's related to nightshade which we consider to be a poison.
  13. Gee, if you guys are worried about Denis being so far behind, you two could stop and treat your audience to some fine food. Carl could whip up some of his world renowned Dutch sherbert/sorbet and Greg could fire up the Barbie and rustle up some of those fine grilled Australian prawns. Maybe Denis could then catch up to you. Hmmmmmmm!
  14. Thanks Tom. Yes some real serious speed. Back in the early 1990s a couple of our club members took our Class 1 50 ft ice yacht Jack Frost up to Lake Winnipesaukee for some serious sailing. They clocked it, using their GPS, at 91 MPH on a 16 mile long run down the lake. This is a 2,000 lb boat.
  15. I usually substitute Chuck's (SYREN) wood cleats for the metal ones, he has 3 or 4 sizes.They look much better. Check his site.
  16. In the meantime things may get side tracked with family - I got a call the day after Memorial Day (US Holiday) that my younger brother's cancer treatment has stopped working and he's gone into at-home Hospice Care. He's been fighting it for the past 5 years. This cancer has no cure. Drove up to western NY yesterday (550 miles round trip in same day) to spend some time with him and his wife. So I may disappear for a while as I will probably be making quite a few more trips up to see him.
  17. Been trying to fabricate the saddle for the gaff bridle, but haven't been able to make one that looks real on not way over scale. The look like the following pictures. Tried using some 1/16 hollow brass tubing filed down on one side to make a U shaped saddle but does look right to me. So I will keep experimenting.
  18. Mark Taylor, MTAYLOR, did some brick work for his Licorne build, check his log Marcus. I forget what he used but it looked great.
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