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Everything posted by DORIS

  1. I also decided to make another modification, because I was not satisfied with a design of leadlights at all. They did not correspond to reality and there were also significant mistakes with axial symmetry. All these leadlights were carefully removed and replaced by new ones. I followed expert advice by Captain KL (Kpt.KL) who helps me to move the model to greater historical accuracy. You can find his comments and very useful information on Czech Modelforum: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=345#p2100497 http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=345#p2100586
  2. Hello dear friends, I am pleased you rate my work so nicely. Thank you very much for your praise. That is a great honour for me. Hubac'sHistorian: Thank you for your recommendation for an interesting book and comment. Yes, I already know this book from Captain KL, who also recommended it on Czech Modelforum: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=255#p2091317 There is also a beautiful video with 3D reconstruction of the HMS Anne: Well, the stern section on my model is not finished yet and there are no reinforcement inside the hull and stern section. The quarter and poop deck are also only free laid at this time. After finishing the shape/arc in the upper part of stern will be improved to the real appearance. Your observation is really great and thank you for the notice. ************************************* Oh yes, I like sculpting and making high level of details as possible..... Now I had more free time, so I created other decoration on the stern section. There are already more than fifty pieces of decoration (mainly caryatideson) on the model. I suppose, I will need more than 1000 pieces for this ship.
  3. Outstanding model and excellent performance. My great admiration to your project. Best regards
  4. And others..... Please enjoy the pics, soon I will add new ones. Best regards, Doris
  5. There are increasing other sculptures - karyatides. I like this work very much.....
  6. And here starts the most favourite part of my work.... Sculpting of course..... Apart from the Vale's painting, I get inspiration from period models, paintings + drawings and archaeological finds. I would like to create not only beautiful and detailed sculptures but also more realistic. Some inspiration I find also here: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=210#p2086152 or http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=225#p2087773 So how the sculpting started......
  7. I have also placed and glued plexiglass (I use a clear CDs) into the windows and created a diagonal grid with the scalpel as you can also see in plenty of historical paintings by artists - mariners and museum models from that period. http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/65964.html https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/collection/RP-T-1885-A-555 https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/collection/RP-T-00-408
  8. And here are the roofs of QG that were relatively complicated to create:
  9. I finished roofs on Quarter Galleries and added a bay window (oriel window) on the stern. I use high quality card finished with black foils. The columns and upper parts of the hull (under railing)are wooden.
  10. Hello dear friends, thank you very much for your kind words and comments. I do appreciate them a lot. I'm finally healthy so I can do my full job at Royal Katherine and enjoy it. To BETAQDAVE: What a lovely parrot you have. My feathered assistants are not very interested in the ship, though one of them loves destroying wooden clothes pegs and cockatiel usually has a rest under the huge ship hull till finally falls asleep. To montañes: Thank you for your praise, Amalio. In actual fact nothing is so difficult as it seems to be. I usually search the the easiest way, how to make various things..... For example here is a video ( I promised some time ago to record a short video, where I am shaping card using steam to achieve better results and perfect final performance): To popeye the sailor: I suppose there will be a lot of other modifications during the work. I love sailing ships and after finishing Sovereign of the Seas I have finally found another gorgeous ship - Royal Katherine, which I consider to be equally beautiful. I would like to achieve best result and maximally realistic model appearance, as possible and depends also on my abilities of course. Last week I have started with sculpting and decoration, that is my favourite part of work.
  11. What a perfect accuracy and cleanliness. This is so breathtaking. Thank you for this great inspiration and the possibility to watch your masterpiece. Best regards,
  12. Hello dear friends, thank you all for your kindly words and comments. I feel very weak so far but hope I will get well soon. I am continuing to work only very limited now. I modified other parts on the model, that were not entirely based on appearance of the real ship in Vale´s painting. I reduced other upper parts of the hull and added the black strip between wales. More information is also here: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&p=2093870#p2093609 My main priority is the maximal historical plausibility as I have already said, so if I detect an inconsistency, or if someone alerts me, I'm trying to fix it. Of course, I cannot fix everything, but if it is at least possible, then I do it. For example now I have to find out whether the decoration between the gunports was sculpturesque/plastic and gilded or was only painted? Some examples of similar ships from that period with painted decoration: http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/66333.html http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/65967.html Here I am not quite sure but I think it's more like a painting: According to the original pictures from that period and museum models, it seems to me rather painted. I have to admit, that the gilded plastic/sculptural decoration along the whole length of the hull would appeal to me more. But I am gonna decide on what is historically more accurate. Please, if you have more accurate information, it would help me a lot if you share them here. I will be very grateful. BTW: The model is very heavy, even if it is made of card. Best regards and enjoy the pics.
  13. Hello dear friends, thank you very much for your support and likes. It is sometimes quite adventurous, but as we say: There is no victory without a battle. Oh yes, I am gonna construct the upper part of the QG in the same way, but the shape is much more complicated. I can ask my husband to help me with an instructional video. I believe it can be very interesting and useful. I would like to do it as soon as possible, but I fell ill a few days ago and my condition is getting worse with every day. So please be patient. Many parts of the model will be modificated to achieve better a more realistic appearance. I do not have exact plans of Royal Katherine, so I must "play it by ear". Here are some newest pics - the hull after complete cutting down and some colour modifications in the central area of the model created according the museum models from this period - for example Saint Michael 1669. Best regards
  14. Hubac'sHistorian: No problem, you are welcome. I am glad I can help. I have made another important change on the model to move it closer to greater historical accuracy. The hull on Vale´s painting and also on other English ships from this period is not so tall, so i decided to reduce its height to the appropriate level. I'm gonna continue on port today an prepare other improvements. Plenty of interesting and useful information is available in my main building log on the Czech forum, where you can also find expert advice and valuable information about real ships from the top expert Kpt.KL., who is my excellent advisor during creation of the Royal Katherine. http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=270 Here are some current pics of the model with finished quarter gallery on starboard and reduced upper part of the hull close to aft:
  15. Great looking model, I love these precise details. Kind regards
  16. What a great level of details. I admire your precise work a sense for realism. Very very nice. Best regards
  17. Dear friends, I am pleased, you like my work on Royal Katherine. Thank you very much for your favour and feedback. I have almost finished the second quarter gallery and took some pics from process. It would be better to shoot a video for a clarity, how I shape the card usind steam and suitable tools. Steam helps shaping cause the card is more flexible. At the beginning, I prepare templates from soft paper.Then I redraw them onto a high quality black card coated with a foil with wooden imitation. After shaping I place them onto the right place using tweezers and during drying improve details. I am going to make further changes onto the upper parts of the hull that will help to achieve much more realistic look. Have a great time.
  18. EdT: Thank you for your praise, that is a great honour for me. I do appreciate your words a lot. Hubac'sHistorian: Well, its a bit difficult to describe. I use black solid card covered by black foil with fine wooden engraving and from this card I cut out very accurate shapes according the curves of the frame. Some of this shapes are necessary to curve using steam and smooth metal tools. This allows me bending paper into multiple levels. After perfect shapind they are glued on the underlaying framework. I use only a little glue and never touch it by fingers. It is better to show in pics, so I take some photos during process if you wish.;-) Best regards
  19. Thank you for your comments and feedback, dear friends. Well, there are wooden logs of 1 mm diameter glued together on horizontal line and thin strips cut out of self-adhesive foil on vertical line. These strips are only a background for gilded caryatides, soon I will create them from modelling clay. Dear Nils, You are right. I would like to achieve both - the best result in terms of craftsmanship and also the most realistic version of the Royal Katherine. I create and build this model as best I can do to make the result worth it. I admire the art of ship building of our ancestors, it is a great motivation and challenge for me. ******************************** I have adjusted the height of the windows to achieve better result. I have imitated this according to other ship models and painting from this period and also according to the Vale´s painting: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&p=2092095#p2091987
  20. Hello dear friends, thank you very much for your comments and "likes". I am glad, you like my work. That's true, I consider the Royal Katherine to be one of the most demanding models I've ever built.... But also is one of the most beautiful. I have made some important changes and improvements of the quarter galleries based on the Captain´s K.L. recommendations and now I am working on the surface finish. Here is the main log where I present my work, you can find there plenty of interesting information and pics as well. http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=110763&start=255#p2091317 I'm still considering to adapt the position and height of the windows. In H.Vale´s painting there are some differences between side and aft view and the windows in Quarter Gallery seems to be higher. Well, I may adapt them to achieve nicer and maybe also more realistic performance of the model.
  21. Thank you very much, dear friends, I am really honored reading your words. I do appreciate it a lot. Today I have started making quarter galleries. I have to admit it was quite difficult and it was necessary to adapt some details on the hull and aft to achieve acceptable result. I create the construction mainly according to historical models of Saint Michael and HMS Prince. http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/65963.html http://www.modelships.de/HMS_Prince_I/dockyard_model_HMS_Prince.htm I am very grateful for a professional help to a top expert from our country - Captain K.L. who helps me with the realistic creating of models. Here are some current pics:
  22. Very beautiful model and craftsmanship. Chebes is my favourite sailing ship. I enjoyed the pics from progress very much. Best regards,
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