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Everything posted by Rudolf

  1. Very impressive, Walter. what kind of wood are you using? Greeting, Rudolf
  2. Hi don, This ship is definitely on my list. I am pulling up a chair. Is tahta an Austro-Hungarian flag? Greetings, Rudolf
  3. thank you, that clears it up. Very ingenious !
  4. Hi Jens, beautiful work, the bulwarks are super, how did you adatch the stanchions to the aluminium bulwarks? Greetings, Rudolf
  5. Hello Carlos, Congratulions to your model. I especially like the combination of the POB construction and your phantastic timber work on the surface of the model, much like in full scale ship building. Greetings Rudolf
  6. Hi Ed, as you suggested I printed the patterns aout in original size on A4 paper, it worked well, there was no distortion. A few years ago I tried to plank a model of Red Jacket scatch build to Mr Crothers´ plans. I juts could not plant the round counter properly altough I tried spilling. Will try your method if find the time for modelling again. Your planking job is exceptional, but once paited will it be visible at all? The book is a joy to read and a motivation to start buildng again as soon as possible. Greetings, Rudolf
  7. Hi Ed, Since last week i am a proud owner of your book. Outstanding, I must say. one question though: i have no American legal or letter sized paper, can the bulkhead patterns for the 1/96 version be printed on A4 paper too, and if so what must I change in the setting on the pdfs? Thanks again for your fabulous work on clipper ship model building. Greetings, Rudolf
  8. Jan, simply beautiful! Do you DC FIX brand of foil? If so which kind of wood specifically? Keep the pictures coming! Greetinges , Rudi
  9. Hello Klaus, Beautiful build, congratulations! I assume the cabin door opens to the inside, as otherwise it would interfere with the steering stick? Greetings, Rudolf
  10. Hi Grant, Congratulations, she looks beautiful. I think you did very well with shaping the bulwark stanchions like this, they do not appear oversized. Some questions: Mc Gregor does not give a layout for the stanchions on his plans, is your layout just an educated guess or have got any information on these items of the ship. And will you include a topgallant rail? Where will you put the pinrails? Cheers, Rudolf
  11. Hello EdT, I think the round stern of a clipper is a highlight in shipbuilding, both in elegance and difficulty. I have tried (in vane) to get this right in a solid hull, your construction looks so easy in its perfection, marveous! Rudolf
  12. Hello Von Stettina, So good to see you posting your phantastic clipper ship again, It is always an inspiration. Keep the Pictures coming! Greetings, Rudi
  13. Hi everyone, I can only support Christians view: this is really a wonderful book and well worth its price, but please avoid the german edition-the tranlated text is just an annoyance. Greetings, Rudolf
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