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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. Yes, your grating is leagues better than the kit supplied one. What stain did you use for the deck? I really like it!
  2. Rework sucks, but at least it will be worth it in the end. It’s a lot better than being tormented by something you just know isn’t right. But I feel at least some of your pain since having to remove the cap rail on my boat.
  3. Nice work, and I like how that last picture you used has almost a dramatic feeling about it.
  4. Patrick, very nice planking demos! I personally like A the best, but D is another very good option.
  5. Thank you very much, a lot of the credit goes to Kurt Van Dahm for supplying me with the stains he used on his model.
  6. I have successfully removed the cap rail piece, and now it’s just cleanup. Then I will have to make the tone match that of the other cap rail pieces, as the underside is slightly off. These two longest pieces are the only asymmetrical ones, so I can follow my original plan with the rest. I’m glad I caught this when I did though, this could have been a lot harder...
  7. Yes, it's also very handy that Model Shipways replaces parts for free.
  8. Catastrophe!!! I had the clever idea to install the cap rail on the reverse sides, that way the laser cut holes would be cleaner, and the joints would be less prominent. In doing so, I forgot that the cap rail pieces are actually, in fact, not symetrical!! So far, this is the greatest blunder of my modeling career. Luckily, I do have some isopropyl alcohol, so as long as I'm careful, I hope I can remove the necessary piece and clean it up to my satisfaction. Wish me luck, this may prove difficult.
  9. Yeah, I don't know the timeline of the developement of the kit, I didn't initially notice the time gap you mentioned. Still, the video is made by the person who worked with Marisstella, so I would think the kit would be fairly similar. As to your question Bob, I've looked at it, but I think it's a little outside of my budget.
  10. For those wondering what it might look like in wood, see this video. https://youtu.be/LeGoaXj9jeQ
  11. Thank you very much Kurt, that's very kind of you and I will order the raw materials if you no longer have any on hand.
  12. Well, it looks like today was staining day! It was kind of on a whim, but I think it went pretty well. The only other structural wood components that will have to be stained after this are the sweeps and supports for the awning structure. I'm not sure I have quite enough stain to do that, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Until then, I've got plenty to do. Here are the many different wooden parts that were stained today.
  13. Hello all! Thank you Bob and Dave for the kind words. This has obviously been a very strange year. Earlier, I was hard pressed to find much time for building, but with the current lockdown I have gotten the shipyard running yet again. Most recently I have just finished cleaning up the cap rails. From here, I'm not entirely sure what I will do next. I think it may finally be time to confront what I have been avoiding for a long time......... staining day . Wish me luck. I've got an airbrush to apply it with, so we'll see how it goes. In any case, I'm glad to be back and I look forward to building the rest of this ship alongside your much appreciated guidance! Here are a couple photos of the cap rail dry fit. It's going to be a challenge to glue it on while keeping the run looking right. Also, I've noticed that some of the holes for components above the cap rail overlap with some of the bulkheads. I hope that doesn't become a problem....
  14. Wonderfully done! The interior lighting is also very nice. What was your method for recording your total hours?
  15. Welcome back! At least there could be worse things to ration than mahogany...
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