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Ryland Craze

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Everything posted by Ryland Craze

  1. Thanks Wayne. It is a fun little boat to work on. I am watching the other Longboat builders as they are turning out some beautiful models. I have learned a lot from their build logs. I have been following your Granado build log and I am amazed at your artistic talent regarding the painting of the quarterdeck bulkhead panels. You really did a nice job on them. They are going to add to an already excellent model.
  2. Phil, I have to agree with Andy at looking at Chuck Passaro's Syren from Model Expo. There are many excellent build logs of the Syren on MSW plus you have the kit designer, Chuck, on this site if you should have any questions. Check out the instructions at this link: Brig Syren Instructions Just click on the documents tab under the pictures. Good luck on your next build.
  3. Dan, Glad to see you posting your work on MSW. It is going to be a pleasure viewing your ship models and I know we are all going to learn from you. I have enjoyed your presentations over the years at various Conferences.
  4. Bob, I have learned so much from your excellent pictures and descriptions of how you planked your Longboat starting with the garboard strake. I had installed my garboard strake on both sides of my keel, but have since carefully removed one side and will use your method. I left the other side intact for strength until I reinstall the garboard strake that I removed. You have saved me a lot of issues with planking my hull and I thank you for that.
  5. Hi Bob, Welcome to Model Ship World. It is nice to see another Longboat build log started. We can always learn new techniques from someone building the same model. I look forward to following your Longboat build.
  6. Norman, I am glad to see you reposting your Arizona build. I have seen several of these completed kits on display at the IPMS show in Richmond, VA. You will have a very nice model when you complete the kit and it will be really nice watching your progress.
  7. Glad to see you reposting your Syren build. It is going to be a pleasure revisiting this build log.
  8. Julian, I think you can correct this by adding some scrap wood to the top edge of the outer gun port pattern to match the inner gun port pattern. Then you can add some scrap wood to the bottom of the outer gun port openings and cut the upper edge of the outer gun port opening to match the opening in the inner gun port pattern. Basically, you will rework the outer gun port pattern to match the inner gun port pattern. I think it is essential that everything matches the inner gun port pattern. When you install the second layer of planking on the outside of the gun port pattern, no one will know of the modifications that you made. Many builders of this kit have had the same problem. Maybe someone else will have another solution. Glad to see that you are making progress on this kit and I am sure that the gun port issue will be only a minor set back for you.
  9. I agree with Cap'n'Bob's method. By doing this, you eliminate rounding the edges. I use the sanding sticks used for filing your nails. These sanding sticks can be purchased from a Beauty Supply store or at Walmart.
  10. Thanks everyone for the comments and the interest in my AVS. I have a few more items to do and then I will update my log.
  11. Hi Ben, I am a big fan of your builds. It is nice that all of the Longboats are grouped into one Forum. There are a couple of Longboats that are nearing completion and I find myself looking at these builds as I plan my next steps on my Longboat.
  12. Tim, You are making good progress on this kit. I have to agree with all of the other comments that this is a very interesting kit. Your detailed build log shows us what can be done with a solid hull kit as most builds on MSW are either plank on bulkhead or plank on frame. Thanks for sharing this build with us.
  13. Bob, this turned out to be a beautiful model. Speaking from experience, I am sure Model Expo has sold many of these kits because of your fine work. I cannot wait until the day that I start mine.
  14. Hi Richard, For your first build, you are really doing a great job. It is a shame that a lot of the details of this kit get covered up. I am also a member of the Hampton Roads Ship Model Society that Tim spoke of and several of our members are building this model or have built it. In fact, our Club held an auction this past Saturday and I was the high bidder for this kit. The member that I was bidding against wanted this kit badly, so I let him have it after the auction had ended. He will do a good job on building this model. I look forward to following your build and welcome to Model Ship World.
  15. Ben, I cannot wait to see pictures of your Longboat with the mast stepped and rigged. Chuck moved all of the Longboat build logs into the Club Build log Forum and renamed it MSW Group Build of an 18th Century Longboat. This way all of the Longboat Build Logs will be in the same Forum.
  16. Nice job Rich. The newer Enterprise kit has many improvements over the older version. The rudder install and the head rails look really nice.
  17. Jason, Your Longboat is coming along nicely. I really like the photo above that shows an overhead shot of the interior. You can see the many small details you made, when added together, make a very nice impression. Keep up the good work.
  18. You are making good progress on your Granado. The mortar housing units look like a lot of fun to build. This kit gives you many options on how to display the mortars. I have seen the housing closed, opened and some in between. I hope your plywood false deck comes in soon so that we can see more progress.
  19. Bob, I am enjoying this build as I have a lot of interest in the Civil War. Because of your build, I purchased this kit and have it on the shelf to build. I hope to get to it in the near future, but I will continue to learn from your build.
  20. Dave and Marty, thanks for your comments. I have done some additional work that I need to update this log. Marty, I am glad you liked the pictures of the IPMS show in Richmond. There must have been over 500 models on display and everyone did a fantastic job on building their models. I only included ship models on the post I made but the armor, airplane, figures and other types of models were a real joy to look at. Modeling has come a long way over the years.
  21. Jason, You are making good progress on your long boat. Your planking looks great, especially where the planks meet the rabbet joint at the stem. It sounds like the top of the stem above the cap rail is very fragil. I know other builders of this kit have had the same problem with it snapping off. Also, thanks for the tip on the placement of the forward edge of the garboard plank. I am ready to do that step on my build. Keep up the good work.
  22. Thanks Tim. Your comments about my photography, with you being a retired Navy Photographer, are real gratifying. There are a lot of things that I need to learn about my new camera. They just do not make simple cameras any more.
  23. Thanks everyone for the comments. This is a nice kit and I am looking forward to continuing the build. Chuck, thanks for opening up this forum to all of us that are building the longboat. This feels like the right place for this build log. I am looking forward to seeing more of the Club members posting their builds. It will be good to see the techniques used by others.
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