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Ryland Craze

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Everything posted by Ryland Craze

  1. Congratulations on completing your Willie L. Bennett. You did a great job on building this skipjack and I enjoyed following your build log. I really like the display and am looking forward to seeing it in New London at the end of the month.
  2. Congratulations on finishing your Phantom. You did an excellent job on building this model. You also accomplished what a lot of first time model ship builders never do and that is to finish your first ship model. I am looking forward to following your Philadelphia build log.
  3. Congratulations on completing your Bluenose. You did an excellent job on building this model. John Earle has a lot of valuable information on his website and I have seen his techniques used by other modelers.
  4. Congratulations on the completion of your Granado. I have really enjoyed following your build log and I look forward to following your Halifax build.
  5. Welcome to Model Ship World Scott. You will find this a wonderful site to help you with your model ship building. Also, thank you for your service to our country.
  6. Erik, I am enjoying your build log. Please post some pictures of your clamping procedure for your planking strakes. Thanks.
  7. Congratulations on completing your Longboat. Your build log is definitely the "go to" resource for builders of this kit. I know I will be referring to it as I complete my Longboat.
  8. Michael, Check out this link for the planking tutorials. http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-framing-and-planking-articles.php
  9. Alexander. Your carvings are beautiful and you have a nice collection of tools. I have enjoyed your log on carving and I look forward to seeing more.
  10. I got this adapter from Lowes for my Byrnes Saw. It works great attaching my shop vac to my Byrnes saw.
  11. Bob, I tried on a pair of these eyeglasses at a Walgreens Pharmacy and found them to be better than any of my prescription eyeglasses. I am constantly taking off my eyeglasses or looking over the lenses when I am looking at something that is not close to me. With the Foster Grant glasses, I can see distant objects fine without having to take them off. And the price is about 15% of what I paid for my current eyeglasses.
  12. Check out this link: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/12133-i-would-like-to-change-a-posting-title/
  13. I like your latest revision. Your Longboat has a very clean look to it.
  14. Thanks Jay, Jack and Chuck and also the "likes". I am looking forward to mounting this carving on a model, possibly a kit of a Queen Anne Style Royal Barge that is to be released sometime in the future.
  15. What a coincidence. Today, I did a little work on the mast. I just placed an order a few minutes ago for boxwood mast hoops from Chuck to replace the the kit ones. This ship is begging me to finish it. It is way overdue. I would love to have it finished for the HRSMS 50th anniversary display at the Mariners' Museum.
  16. I have been working on my carving and have attached a picture of my progress to date. I may clean it up with some 600 grit sand paper before I release the carving from its backing. I think it will look a lot better once I apply some wipe on poly to this. One result of this carving is that I want to get back to working on my Longboat, which is long overdue for some attention.
  17. Congratulations on completing your Chaperon. You did an excellent job on building this model and I have enjoyed following your build log. I look forward to following your next build.
  18. This will be my first attempt at carving since I was a Cub Scout earning my Whittling Chip Award many years ago. I ordered the carving blanks from the NRG and received them a couple of days after placing my order. I am amazed at the fine details created by the laser. I mounted my carving blank using the instructions in the Getting started....mounting your carving blanks...and removing them when finished topic. The next step is to remove the char from the blank.
  19. Erik, I am sorry to hear of the loss of your father. I think it is great that you are dedicating your Cheerful build to your father and that your Longboat build and Cheerful progress brought much comfort to your father during his illness.
  20. Good choice for your second build. I am definitely going to pull up a chair for this build.
  21. Your craftsmanship is outstanding. I am really enjoying following your build log.
  22. In addition to Chuck's articles, another good article on planking is A Primer on Planking by David Antscherl. It is located in the MSW Database at http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-framing-and-planking-articles.php. If you follow Chuck's and David's techniques, you will not have any problems lining out your hull and planking it.
  23. Congratulations on completing your HMS Alert. You did an excellent job on building this model. I am looking forward to seeing it on display at the NRG Conference in San Diego.
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