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Everything posted by Ronald-V

  1. Agreed with Tom! And that nibbing into the margin plank isn't easy, you did well on that
  2. What a lovely little ship! You are doing a great job with it. Nice clean wood work
  3. Maybe it's a bit difficult to try to decide everything in advance. Unless you need to order all the wood in advance, then it's a different story. But seeing wood on the ship will be different then artificial colors on a screen. I do think it only can get you so far...But some people are better in visualizing then others and maybe you are one of them.
  4. Those pear colour ones would be a nice upgrade for my Sphinx blocks! Will keep them in mind when I need them
  5. Nice lines! I'm curious to see what it looks like when a few planks are placed on it
  6. I don't think it's a bad idea to use the same wood colours in other places on the ship. Like boxwood for the forecasle and bulwark stripe. This makes it look like a whole and doesn't make it too cluttered with all the different wood tones. But that's just my humble opinion And I agree with you on your colour mock-up...the bottom one looks a bit more balanced in terms of colours. I think it's a very interesting approach to apply the colours with different wood tones, and I'm curious to see how it will turn out in the end.
  7. Update: Just an update of what I'm working on now. I finished the door to the quarter galleries. Placed some planks between the bulkheads and boxwood as small steps on the floor. All very basic, it's more about the idea than it being a representation of the original. Then painted it white. The next step was to continue planking the deck. First comes the installation of the margin plank. Now 1 side done and busy with the other side. I really notice the advantage of using boxwood. You can work really sharp and that comes in handy with these hook scarf joints. I first sand away the bulk and then finish the joint with a knife. With this you can shave off very fine bits to get nice sharp corners. I wonder if this would work with e.g. tangayika wood which is normally supplied with kits for the deck. The first few times it went wrong quite often and I had to redo quite a few. But then I got the hang of it and it went quite easily. I am quite proud of the result, because this seemed quite difficult to me in advance. By the way, you can edge bend wood quite far...this is 5mm wide boxwood and that works fine if you do it bit by bit. I was amazed myself that this could be done without breaking. As you can see I use the lasered deck as a template for the last piece of margin plank at the bow.
  8. That looks really nice with the treenails and staining! Well done! Just a few thousands to go
  9. Welcome! You already have a nice stash for the future to build!
  10. Interesting to see what you are going to do with this kit. About the sculptures...that's what's holding me back to buy these kits. The sculptures look really low in quality, with the new techniques available, you would say this could be way better/more detailed. And I think overall the kits can be a bit more refined/better scaled. That being said...i'm really glad there are manufacturers that produce Dutch ships and i'm hoping they are raise their game like Vanguard Models and Syren ship models to name a few do.
  11. I would turn it around and first pick out a few models that you really like and then ask if they are feasible for your level Personal taste is very important in my opinion. Also to keep yourself motivated to finish something. By the way, I think you can't go wrong with a model from Vanguard Models, in terms of material and construction descriptions. But other brands have certainly released good models with extensive instructions.
  12. Looking good! How do you like working with the basswood in this kit?
  13. Thanks! And yes probably....but when it's time to fit them I will look into it if it's doable for me Thanks! Always a bit scary to do it when the construction is already so far, but it worked out fine Everyone thank you for the likes! 🎉
  14. Update: Before I started on the main gun deck, I thought I would paint a piece of the captains cabin white. When I had done that, the lasered doors on the side to the quarter galleries were hard to see. (the white paint did not cover well so I needed 4 layers) I tried to make the lasered doors visible again by going through the lines with a knife, but the knife followed the line too poorly, causing them to go crooked. This of course did not look so cool. So then I tried to make a door out of paper... this seemed okay, but also not to my liking. Then I remembered Blue Ensign and Brunnels their Sphinx where they removed the doors, so that more light comes into the cabin. This seemed to me the nicest and most beautiful solution, so here is a small side quest to realize this. You can see the result below... the photos are self-explanatory. The first door has been removed, now the other one still has to be done and then finished with wood between the inner and outer wall and make everything a bit nice and straight. (and I need to re-paint the gunports as you see...there is spilling of the white paint, jobs keep stacking up ) So now I also belong to the open door quarter galleries club 🎉
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