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Everything posted by Ronald-V

  1. Lovely! I wouldn't want to be without my disc sander ever again...so handy, and fast!
  2. My condolences for your loss... Wish you all the best with this new build. It looks magnificent, and will be interesting to follow
  3. personally I would fill the empty spaces between the MDF pieces at the stern, and then sand it like the shape it needs to be. It gives me more visual aid to see how everything needs to fit. I found this helpful with my Sphinx build. But maybe others have better tips for this
  4. I must say...that white does look really good. Maybe even for my own build. Not sure what the correct colors would be in that time, but this looks really nice.
  5. Just a photo because I was dividing the second belt on my Spinx...maybe it helps with some visuals. I divided the hull first in the appropriate belts that you find in the helpful links posted earlier. On this photo i'm dividing the second belt at the bow. You do this with every belt...until it's closed
  6. Great start! Recognize the part of "oh that's clever", had that many times myself. This kit is well designed. Enjoy your build!
  7. Why do you ask someone else when you are the judge of it? You have to look at it...so you decide what's beautiful/good enough is?
  8. The crew member with the hands covering his ears is pretty cool Nice review!👍
  9. Dankjewel Walter! (Thanks Walter) And thank you everyone else for the likes, I appreciate it!
  10. Welcome Chris! It's a nice large scale, will be interesting to see how this one develops
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