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Everything posted by Ronald-V

  1. Thanks Brunnels! And thanks everyone for all the likes, I really appreciate it
  2. Interesting execution of the Victory Personally I don't like all the aesthetic choices of the cutout (the white gunports), but everyone can decide for themselves to adjust that. By the way, you have to be a bit of an idiot to rig 104 cannons lol😆...or you'll go crazy after rigging 104 cannons🤣
  3. Maybe the first 5 planks or so would not require edge bending, but not sure how you would plank the rest of the bow without it? And by edge bending you just remove the need of using force
  4. Update: Ok, first I placed the spirketting. First painted and then placed on the model. Enough clamps were of course needed to get good adhesion everywhere. The upper parts had to be a bit higher than the adjacent bulwarks according to the manual... I did this, but unfortunately not enough, which is why the spirketting protrudes a little bit at some gun ports. I first thought about sanding those parts away, but I think that will look weird. You can only see it if you sit lower than the water level and then look up. It is actually not noticeable at all unless you know about it. So I will leave it like this (I saw the same in almost every other log, so many people seem to have the same problem) Secondly I placed a waterway of 1x1mm boxwood with a very small beveled edge (the beveled edge could have been a bit bigger). I think that this connects the spirketting and the deck nicely. And thirdly...I drilled the drainage/scupper holes. First I made a sort of center point with a hand drill so that the Dremel doesn't "search" afterwards. Some things I learned...support yourself with your hand and Dremel on the deck so that you don't vibrate. And first turn off the Dremel after you have drilled deep enough, and then take it out. If you don't do that, you can still touch something with a rotating drill, or the hole won't turn out as nice. By the way, I just kept 1mm holes (same size as Chris used with the lasered deck) Now I have to touch up a few spots with the paint. Next step will be...the outside of the captain's cabin. Another exciting step
  5. Pearwood is indeed a beautiful wood to work with. Personally I do not pre-soak the planks, apart from the garboard strake which I kept in 1 length. The drying time seems to me something that would take a lot of time. I myself prefer an iron and plank nipper (edge bending with the "Chuck Method"). That is pretty fast and clean...but it just depends on what you feel comfortable with
  6. Sorry to hear that...I wish you all the strength and love for this difficult time
  7. Beautiful contrast in colors! And nice precise work too...lovely
  8. Looks good! I can imagine that it is a precise job that cannot be rushed. I am not the fastest builder myself compared to others, but then I try to work on the model only when I really want to. Previously I sometimes wanted to "finish something" and then it was not really relaxing anymore and it also looked less nice.
  9. Very nice! I really love this one, just looks cute Congratulations on finishing it
  10. That is lovely indeed! Shows the beautiful lines of this ship
  11. Personally I find working with scaled planks easier than a plank as long as the hull (or at least shorter lengths). For example in my Sphinx build I used 12cm long planks. On the back I put a few narrow stripes of PVA with empty spaces between these stripes spread over the plank. In the empty spaces I put a small drop of CA. This way you can work accurately and calmly with the glue without having to work on the model. After I have applied the glue to the plank I still have more than enough time to position the plank. Hold it for a few seconds and it stays perfectly in place. Everyone develops their own way of working that suits them...find your way
  12. I don't have experience with a spray. But I know people use washes in that way you describe. So applying a diluted grey or something like that and take the residu off with a cloth. Maybe start a new topic with that question...you will get more answers and even some examples maybe
  13. Thanks Nearshore! And great to hear you are happy with the DB250. Not really tested it yet, but that will come. Having a education in working with a lathe and mill (worked with steel and plastic though) it's fun to have these little machines at home
  14. Thanks Loracs, yes sometimes patience is the hardest thing 😆
  15. Very nice deck! I like there is a bit of variety, but that's my personal taste
  16. Small update: I have the main gun deck finished as far as planking is concerned. I am now busy sanding it...first with grid 180 and then with something finer to finish it off. I will be busy with this for a while. It does feel like a bit of a milestone again, that I have completed the two largest planking jobs of this ship. With the sanding it seems like you are losing the caulking between the planks a bit. I know that this is temporary and will come back later with the WOP (just like with the hull). But I couldn't resist taking a peek at what is under all that sanding dust by wetting the planks a bit (the same effect as the WOP will have). I have to say that I am certainly pleased with what I see! It is a pity that it will take a while before I put the deck in the WOP. After I have finished sanding I will place the spirketting (and maybe the waterways) and follow the manual from there. That means continuing with the outside (quarter galleries etc.). Placing the deck in the WOP is only done after I have placed the coamings etc (at least...this seems to me the correct order? If anyone has a better idea, please let me know) And I bought some new toys. I'm happy with them! I'm aware of the limitations of the table saw compared to its bigger brother. I've done some research in the past few days to find out what suits me and my budget at the moment. This saw perfectly meets my requirements for now. I've played with the saw this morning and it's more accurate than I thought! I could saw 1x1mm strips from a large board without any problems. And it stayed true to size These tools will make some things easier for me.
  17. I think that's a good choice, you will definitely learn from the experience
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