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Everything posted by Ronald-V

  1. Welcome! And love your first build, it looks great
  2. I can't even remember if I l glued them straight on, or painted them after...but they can be fitted in just one way isn't? If I remember correct, they sit very tight in there slots so I think I dropped a bit of glue in there and secured it right away....but after dry-fitting everything first. Also the spacer on top.
  3. Thanks...I thought of that too...it would look the cleanest I think maybe even remove a millimeter of the stern post itself...that wouldn't influence too much with the rudder etc I think...will look into that
  4. You mean...sort of widen the lasered pattern that goes on top the stern post? Or kind of a ramp where the second layer can lay on top of. (sorry for the bad English ) Yeah I saw it too in more build logs that it isn't really that much different, but in almost no build logs it wasn't really visible how the second layer ends there you would almost think that there would be space underneath the pear plank that connects to the rudder post pattern. I will look further into it
  5. Okay people...not an update but some questions...still working on the first layer of planking (lot's of experimenting ) I have a hard time picturing if the corner and angle of the sternpiece is right. And couldn't find a clear example in the other logs that could help me visualize it. Maybe a bit difficult to explain, let's see if I can make it clear. I temporary placed the rudder post with his pattern so I can see where the second layer of planking would end. And when you look at my pictures...there is quite a gap between first layer of planking and the rudder post pattern. Much larger then the 0.8 mm thickness of the pear planking 😄. So if I would lay the second layer of pear on top of the first, there would remain quite a gap to cover. I thought...i'm going to adress it now, maybe there needs some changes in the stern piece and now it's not all covered in planks. Maybe there is to much roundness in the stern filler piece? Also...do you guys think the part with the yellow circle in the picture below is faired enough? And not to round? I thought...maybe it needs to be a bit straighter to get a smoother transition to the MDF keel.
  6. Congratulations on your succes Chris! Working on your Sphinx now...your succes doesn't suprise me when I see the quality of it in comparison with the more traditional manufacturers, but take care in managing you and your wife's energy
  7. Thanks Gregory, but I think I will go for the boxwood. How more I look to the combination with the pear the whole ship gets a nice warm tone in my opinion. So I think I will settle for that
  8. Yeah the pear would be for the outer hull of the Sphinx. I will look into the Holly and see how that looks for the deck otherwhise I will go for Boxwood. I Will send you a e-mail one of these days with what I would need. Thanks for answering already
  9. I think I need some of that lighter pear stuff...but my laptop hasn't got the right screen colors, so i'm going to compare it on a friend his computer. So you don't have maple in stock? I need some deck planking for my Sphinx...now I saw that Blue Ensign used Boxwood for the deck planks...maybe that's a option for me to if you don't have the maple. I think Boxwood and Maple are "yellow-ing" a bit the same over time, so maybe it doesn't even matter that much.
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