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Everything posted by Ronald-V

  1. Thank you for your very kind comment! Well Chuck created the tutorial for planking, I just followed it. I have read articles about planking before, but I never really understand it well. It wasn't until I saw Chuck's videos that I started to get it. That's why I haven't really written a detailed report on how I approached the planking, because that already exists in the form of the videos. Thank you so much! Yes that detail of the horseshoe is pretty cool. Still need to add it though. That's what I love on these Vanguard kits...there aren't many manufactures that include all these nice little details Thank you all for your very kind comments and likes! Really nice to read 💫
  2. Just step by step and you will learn a lot here on the forum
  3. Not so tasty Glenn 😵😁 The hull looks cool! I find the shape really attractive!
  4. Update: Finished with the WOP, so here are the final pictures of the result. Used 4 layers of WOP with sanding after the first two coates. I used 400 grid sanding paper, but would advise other people to use some finer grit. 400 felt a bit to coarse for the job. I'm quite happy how my planking turned out, also the color has a nice warm tone. Now onto the wales Btw...glad MSW is back online!💫
  5. Maybe a bit easier would be hairs out a stiff, cheap paint brush. Then you also have a little more hair than the cat has whiskers 😁
  6. This will help: https://www.youtube.com/@chuckpassaro7634 I would recommend you to watch part 1-4 of the Winchelsea video's Chuck Passaro demonstrates a really easy method of edge bending wood with a travel iron. Works like a charm!
  7. I use a local brand CA that has sort of the same application bottle as the Gorilla one and that worked fine for me, but everyone has his own preference with this. So I would experiment with it. Don't have experience with Gorilla, but don't think it's bad also. For PVA I buy empty bottles with a fine tip that you need to cut of yourself, so you can determine how big the hole needs to be. You can find those on Amazon.
  8. I use both glues for the second layer of planking. About 2cm or an inch of PVA with dots of CA in between. Worked great for me, just experiment what's most convenient for you. Your Sherbourne has already found its form!
  9. Edit: I was making a cup of tea and thinking about it...if a ship sails, the wind blows from stern to bow. So maybe the doors will protect the stove for the wind blowing in?
  10. I hope someone can answer this...thought it was an interesting question
  11. I think it depends about the taste of your client and you. The concensus about Walnut is that it's too coarse/grainy indeed. Personally I would use the Cherry wood you have lying around with some lighter wood for the deck. Maybe here and there a hint of color like the Mantua model:
  12. That's a nice fitting plank against the bulwark side patterns, well done!
  13. Ah thanks Glenn. I thought I had to sand between each layer, but it makes sense that the wood absorbs a lot of varnish first and that you can sand after a second or third layer. Your tips in Delf his "DoK" building log helped me to understand how to apply the WOP, so thank you Thanks everyone for the likes and nice comments! I appreciate it a lot
  14. Congratulations with your fine Lady Nelson, excellent result! And nice how you displayed all the used tools, it shows indeed you can build a lovely model with limited tools.
  15. Thanks everyone. It is of course a little duller when dried so it definitely needs a few more coats. I will sand between coats with grid 400 and will see where it will bring me. But at first glance i'm quite happy and proud of my planking job Only now can I see what I've done in the past months haha 😄
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