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Everything posted by Canute

  1. 6,000 rounds per minute for the aerial version in most fighters. Slinging 20 mm ammo of every description. Most fighters hold 650 to 1200 rounds. The F-4 held 10 seconds of ammo. That APC must haul a ton of ammo. Factoid: most fighters fired no more than a 2 second burst, any longer risked warping the barrels. That did happen, because we had one set of barrels at Korat that was twisted like a candy cane.
  2. Jack, you done good. Nicely done diorama. Even with the REMFs coming out of the woodwork. Edward, you sound like you have what I have. It's called Peter Pan Syndrome - I don't want to grow up. Guys, you don't ever want to totally expose your stash. If the Admiral ever finds out...
  3. I've seen a product called Mr Surfacer. Comes in 3 thicknesses for various situations, 500 (thickest), 1000 and I think 1500 (thinnest). I have never used it personally, but you may want to check some of the aircraft and armor websites for their use. I'd be worried about removing too much detail around those seams with the stretched sprues, if you need to sand them down.
  4. Like Egilman says, a dirty wash of some kind would give it a more used look. And some tire scuffs. Even our parking areas has scuffs and fluid spills (oils, fuel, whatever) The deck is too clean. That being said, I do like the overall look.
  5. The one in the middle, with minimal detail. The aftermarket ones need barrels now.
  6. OC, family first. Take care of the Admiral, the hobby stuff will wait, mate.
  7. OC, glad you could work the canopy issue out. That's using you think machine.
  8. They liked to use Tiffany glass in the transoms. Those transoms disappeared by the 20s, I think. There was another wood car kit line I've seen, named Westwood. They used plastic windows and doors with wood sides, built up roof clerestories of wood and plastic ribs. Some roofs were paper, others were vacuform styrene.
  9. Follow doc.s orders. Been thru a pneumonia bout years back. Felt tired all the time, taking prednisone and some nebulizer treatments. No fun.
  10. I forget how close we got but definitely within 50'. Not as close as we'd get flying close formation with another fighter, but that was off a wingtip. Needed to do that if flying in heavy weather. Good way to wear out the guys on the wing. The pilot for sticking so close and the backseater becoming a verbal instrument panel/weather observer/whatever else the pilot needed. Fun, huh?
  11. We get Mallards, Canada geese and a number of wading birds (herons, egrets mostly).
  12. I'm going to track some don and give them a try. You using the 400 leveling thinner with the Acrysion?
  13. OC, that's the way of things in a multi man person a/c. The F-4 had 1 UHF radio and hot/cold mic. We usually flew hot mic and clammed up when the radio was yakking. When I snagged some helo rides in Europe, we went cold mic, but had 2 or 3 radios going. UHF, VHF and FM. The tanker had UHF, VHF and HF which we only used crossing the Pond heading to Europe, Interphone was hot mic with a 4 way party line going. The order of precedence was pilot, nav, boom and copilot. Copilot was usually an LT with near zero exprience.
  14. Hey, thanks. I thought they stopped selling in the US. I've started searching my usual on-line shops, since we have a lack of local hobby shops around here. Think Hobby Lobby is closest for me for brick and mortar local shops. - 45 min or so.
  15. Do you have Mallard ducks in your area? They may have been playing stranger danger around Vac-U-Duck. 😁
  16. Lou, I think we had canvas uppers, so we flew in jungle boots. Mama-sans did a good job keeping the 2 pair of boots spiffy, but they wore out the goat bags and everything else pretty quick. I bought new stuff about every 2 months. The fire retardant goat bags, made of Nomex, were pretty shot for fire issues after about 6 months, I think. Heck, they all got scrubbed in a steel basin, with a stiff bristle brush, on a wood slab. What a life, eh?
  17. Who makes the Acrysion line, Craig? You have a collection of blues and grays on your bench.
  18. Lou, you got a pretty good fade going on with the flight suits. They didn't stay green for long. And we always had salt stains under our arms. Flying under a greenhouse made for some beat looking flight suits, also known as "goat bags". You smelled like that animal after a flight.
  19. I use it too, OC. Works easily, minimum cleanup and no smell for the Admiral to squawk about. I think it's marble dust in an acrylic medium.
  20. One of their earlier kits? You've become a master of these torpedo net builds. 👍
  21. Jan, see if you can find wire made of phosphor-bronze. It's softer than steel, but stiffer than brass. A model railroad shop might have it. The wire usually is a reddish, almost copper color. One brand sold in North America is Tichy, It comes in a variety of diameters, from .008 in/.2 mm and up.
  22. Ah, yeah, Mr Know-it-all. We had them, too. In the 80s, we finally put chaff and flare dispensers on the inboard pylons of the F-4. The Recce version from the start, had flare dispensers built in for night photography. We had real chaff and 2 flavors of flares, real ones and practice ones for training. Newer fighters got them too. Anyway, a couple of F-16s tried to burn up a good sized chunk of the Jersey Pine Barrens by dropping practice flares at too low an altitude. Almost burned a school down.
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