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Everything posted by Canute

  1. When I did Air War College, a good chunk of time was delving into historical topics. I've always had a historical bent, but that put me over the top. ACW cavalry operations, opening of WW II in the Pacific, WW II naval ops, strategic bombing in Europe in WW II.
  2. Yep, it is a visual art form. Me, I'm lucky I can tune a radio, let alone play an mp3 player. But, I am a music fan, mostly 60s to 80s stuff. Beatles, Dead, Creedence, Eagles, Zeppelin, Doors.
  3. Lou, I flew the ARN-101 birds at Seymour Johnson a tiny bit. I was a flight inspector down at Shaw AFB, doing a penance tour after spending the previous 2 years flying nothing but daily air to air training missions. Real easy to fall into multiple rabbit holes researching various historical issues. 🤫
  4. Quite interesting to read your explanations of P-40s versus Zeroes. We had similar issues in Viet Nam, because the "old Heads" said you turned and burned with your opponent. Worked very well in F-86 versus MiG-15 fights in Korea. Different jets in Nam.The Soviets kept up their small, good turning a/c designs MiG-17/19/21. We went bigger and mostly poor turning fighters - F-105/F-4. The Thud (105) was really a small bomber(it had a bomb bay). The F-4 was just brute force. The Air Force did some minimal air combat training; the Navy guys did a lot better. Yeah, they had Top Gun, AF had the Fighter Weapons School at Nellis, but it was more interested in ground attack tactics. As Nam was ending, the AF got into more Air Combat Tactics and really hit dissimilar training hard. Finally, we were training how we expected to fight the next war. But I digress. We Phantom drivers figured out we had to use those P-40 style tactics to use what the F-4 had in bushel baskets, speed. Pass thru this mass of turning a/c , taking your shots, run away for a ways, zoom up in altitude for your quickest, tightest turn, using God's G to make it so and then slam back into the fight. Do this a few times and it's time to go home and refuel/rearm for another go. As a Weapons School instructor, I taught all my guys to fight the Phantom that way.
  5. Ken will like that top pic bottom left😉 OC. Busman's holiday, OC. I'm looking at doing an A-7D.
  6. Needs a pair of fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror, kp.
  7. Take care of yourself, OC No rush for completion dates. Your Mossie is looking good, mate.
  8. Andy, must have needed multiple jigs for all those grabs. Forming them must have been fun, too. But they look good. The only walkover type seat sellers I seem to remember was Grandt Line and Red Cap Line. Grandt is still around, under new ownership and their new parts lineup is skimpy. Red Cap Line is closed; they did have those type seats or at least the 1930s versions.
  9. A flat surface will cause the decals to silver. You can spend hours removing it. I think the gloss as a base is OK, but you'll need a top coat to blend them in.
  10. Take her to the Waldorf for dancing, Craig. She's a beauty.
  11. I'm in to, Carl. A whole Jasta will be quite a colorful lot.
  12. Some manufacturers should just be avoided, I guess. I've found a site where they collect inputs from a number of modelers to figure out the best kit for a given scale for a MacHeed Widget or whatever. They rate, aircraft, armor, scifi and ships (not many ships. These guys are a/c and armor folks, primarily). I looked up the Apache in this scale and they recommend the Hasegawa kit. Pays to search around for reviews and build articles. Check this out: https://www.cybermodeler.com/special/topgun.shtml I also like Scalemates because you can find out if a kit is available. https://www.scalemates.com/ and gives you an idea of the aftermarket goodies for said kit. I'm starting to look for an A-7D; what I wanted to fly. before the USAF decided otherwise. Hope other guys read this and check out these sites before they dive into a kit and find out it's a lemon.
  13. Paint job is nice and smooth, Lou. Think you're getting the hang of the airbrush.
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