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About jgilchrist800

  • Birthday 02/14/1943

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  • Location
    Yukon, OK

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  1. Alfred A/Deltaville, VA: Send me your address and I'll send the material to you. All I ask is an acknowledgement of receipt so I can claim a donation for tax purposes.


  2. Jaeger: Many many thanks to your extensive responses to my inquiries. Much appreciated!!
  3. I'm struggling to determine the size of these 4 main frames for the wet well in the Emma C Berry. If anyone can help I would be most appreciative!
  4. Andrew, or someone else: I'm struggling with determining the size of the 4 wet well main frames, as seen below in Andrew's log. I sincerely appreciate anybody's help: Thanks for your help.
  5. Anybody know where I can obtain figures, Bogart and Hepburn, for the Billings African Queen? I believe it's 1:12. Thanks. John Gilchrist
  6. Copied all your pictures and texts. Great job! My next project...
  7. I also have a copy with my 1/2 finished kit. Advise if needed. Thanks. John
  8. What is the website address? Thanks.
  9. Nice work! Finished mine some time ago, first model I did without a practicum or build log and found it quite easy for the most part. Enjoy!
  10. Very nice work. Can't wait until I start my kit, after finish the USS Conny, not in it's 7th year! Maybe 6 months more and than I can start.
  11. Not sure where I put this discussion. Please move if needed I purchased MS 2020 Mayflower at 1:76 scale = 5/32" = .1563" = 3.969 mm I purchased Bob Hunt's Mayflower practicum, without paying attention, which is for the Artesania Latina model, at 1:64 scale = 3/16" = .1875" = .4.763 mm Comparing the two .1563/.1875 = .8336 If Bob says cut 5" do I cut 5"x.8336 = 4.168"? Likewise if he says use 1/4" square board do I use 1/4" x .8336 = .2084"? Using mm may be more precise but the question remains the same. I know I should consult the plans first but if there is not a clear picture can I make the modifications as outlined above? Or maybe I'm simplifying the calculations too much and the approach should be entirely different? I'm obviously not a mathematician! Thanks for your help. John
  12. Nice work! Much better than mine! Like you and others I'm also on my decade long quest to finish up this model, in fact I'm almost finished with the rigging. Maybe 6 more months! We do have patience!!!
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