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  1. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to Omega1234 in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    HI folks!
    Thanks for all of your Likes and comments, all of which are greatly appreciated!
    Majellan's latest update includes further work on her bathrooms up forward of the ship.  In case you can't make them out in the photos, the bathrooms have red walls with clear plastic shower screens.  The shower screen doors have been left slightly ajar, because, you know, the crew's gotta shower, right?      
    I hope you enjoy the photos!
    Cheers and all the best

  2. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to giampieroricci in L'Amarante 1749 by giampieroricci - FINISHED - 1:30 - French Corvette   
    I gave a sealer coat of paint to the deck:









  3. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to Omega1234 in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Hi everyone
    Thanks for all of your Likes and comments - Bob, yours especially!  I'm getting there, I swear!!!
    Well, I've finally returned to working on (lots more of work still to go, of course) the internal fit-out of the Lower Deck.  In particular, I've added more doors, cupboards and panelling to the internal cabins.  I've also added a 'bit of life' to the walls and bulkheads by hanging various pictures and pieces of modern art (ok - use your imagination here!)...this is a modern luxury cruiser, of course.
    I hope you like where the internal decoration is heading!
    Cheers and have a great weekend, folks.

  4. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to giampieroricci in L'Amarante 1749 by giampieroricci - FINISHED - 1:30 - French Corvette   
    placement test







  5. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to Omega1234 in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Hi Mark
    Now there's a thought!  Interestingly, there's apparently a fleet of these ships in reality.  All of them vary slightly from one another, dependent upon the owner's particular whim and fancy.  In building Majellan, I've taken various ideas from each of these sister ships and combined them into the model, itself.  
    I'm glad you like it, even if she's a bit of a hybrid...!
  6. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to Omega1234 in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Hi folks!
    Well......my mama always said to share. So, here I am sharing some more photos of Majellan's exterior.
    Most notable are the test fittings of three of the four umbrellas. The fourth umbrella is lying off to one side whilst its glue dries.
    I also reckon that the small area of deck directly in front of the Bridge's windows looked a bit bare. To address this, I'm toying with the idea of placing a small arm chair, along with a table for the odd guest, or two, to enjoy a sip of their cocktails whilst Majellan's underway. You can just make out the table and chair in some of the photos.
    By the way, the third last photo is my absolute favourite, so far. Why? I dunno. I just reckon it is, that's all.
    Thanks for all of your comments and Likes, as well.
    Cheers and all the best!

  7. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    Your tree boat is really coming along, and the fleet is looking great, Dennis! She is looking semi ghostly to me now with the paint job. New name idea for her: Phantom Trees
    Keep up your skilled building, sir
  8. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to Omega1234 in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    HI everyone
    Ok.  I'm guilty as charged.  I'm just having too much fun taking photos of Majellan.  I may have gone a bit overboard by taking the following 11 photos, but I reckon she's one hell of a photogenic "looker".  So, please bear with me.  Of particular interest are the ship's tender and one of the jet ski's which have been casually located on the aft garage deck, just waiting to be launched.  
    However .........these close-ups keep highlighting all the mistakes and 'still to be done jobs'.  Don't worry.  I'll get around to them, soon.  One of the first will be to properly install the railings to ensure that they're all straight and level....
    I hope you enjoy the photos, folks.
    Have a great week, everyone!

  9. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from Archi in Yacht Mary by bdgiantman2 - Building first POF   
    Progress from the ol' boatyard. The first of the hull frames is officially in place. Today glued in the deadwood and first of the stern templates. The boat builders are reported to have celebrated with a little white wine, despite how late the yacht is in building progress. But we will keep a secret about this from His Majesty the king for now. Inserts wicked grin of delight.
    Peace out!

  10. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from Archi in Yacht Mary by bdgiantman2 - Building first POF   
    Well my followers, I am sorry that I have been gone for so long. Doing all the fun "adult" stuff and with some screwy hours and setbacks. Getting back on the horse again, and slowly making progress on Mary.
    Had to rebuild half the keel, got that done and also painted now.
    Mostly have been making frames for the ribs of the hull. In the enclosed photo you will see a nearly completed stern plate that will be mounted to the keel after I re-install the deadwood.

  11. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from Archi in Yacht Mary by bdgiantman2 - Building first POF   
    Thank you gentlemen for your kind comments. Here are the pictures as requested, Tarbrush. I felt so close to finally being able to have the stern transom installed when realized the mistake. But as they say, better to catch early than to catch too late. Before I glued the deadwood in the other day, a piece of the tip broke off, which thankfully in ways goes well with the stern installation, but still need a tiny piece that broke off that you might see in the pics.

  12. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from Archi in Yacht Mary by bdgiantman2 - Building first POF   
    So as promised I am posting some pictures for you all to see of my progress. Using the examples of Bernard Frolich, I attempted to make the same posts he shows in his book The Art of Ship Modeling, and they were literally a royal pain to screw down onto the building board. Also enclosed is a close up of the dead-board under construction, and the stern plates with the first of the sections for the false cannon ports.

  13. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from mtaylor in Yacht Mary by bdgiantman2 - Building first POF   
    Hello friends. I haven't forgotten about this blog or given up on the Yacht Mary. Just over two months ago I moved to Denver but have been doing bits and pieces for this model. Have a series of rib sections to cut out and building more. I will be posting pictures soon.
  14. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from Piet in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    Your tree boat is really coming along, and the fleet is looking great, Dennis! She is looking semi ghostly to me now with the paint job. New name idea for her: Phantom Trees
    Keep up your skilled building, sir
  15. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from Omega1234 in Yacht Mary by bdgiantman2 - Building first POF   
    She will  be a fun challenge, sir. I can't wait to see that one start. I will gladly be watching
  16. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from Omega1234 in Yacht Mary by bdgiantman2 - Building first POF   
    LOL, that is funny! 
    Thanks for the comment. Your skills are amazing and I still plan to challenge you a little in the near future with another build. Denver is beautiful, and way more affordable place to live with better job opportunities than San Diego where I come from.
    PS - I have a friend who is from Austrillia
  17. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from Omega1234 in Yacht Mary by bdgiantman2 - Building first POF   
    Hello friends. I haven't forgotten about this blog or given up on the Yacht Mary. Just over two months ago I moved to Denver but have been doing bits and pieces for this model. Have a series of rib sections to cut out and building more. I will be posting pictures soon.
  18. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to Omega1234 in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Hi everyone
    Thanks for all of your comments and Likes!
    Just a quick update - Last night I added the four life rafts (two on each side) that hang off the sides of the Sun Deck.  The close-up photos show that they still require some 'tidying up', but, that can be done later.
    Have a great weekend, folks!

  19. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from Omega1234 in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    Your tree boat is really coming along, and the fleet is looking great, Dennis! She is looking semi ghostly to me now with the paint job. New name idea for her: Phantom Trees
    Keep up your skilled building, sir
  20. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from slow2cool in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    Your tree boat is really coming along, and the fleet is looking great, Dennis! She is looking semi ghostly to me now with the paint job. New name idea for her: Phantom Trees
    Keep up your skilled building, sir
  21. Like
    bdgiantman2 got a reaction from mtaylor in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    Your tree boat is really coming along, and the fleet is looking great, Dennis! She is looking semi ghostly to me now with the paint job. New name idea for her: Phantom Trees
    Keep up your skilled building, sir
  22. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to Mahuna in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    I like the shot of the model in front of the iPad-based photo - it shows just how great your work turned out.  BRAVO!!
  23. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to Omega1234 in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Hi all
    Over the past few days, I've worked on a few more niggly bits on Majellan.  
    Firstly, I started on the walkway and railings that leads from the forecastle, up over the main foredeck's cabin roof and up onto the Bridge Deck.  it looks weird to me, but hey, if the real ship has it, I had to try to replicate it.  Granted, it still needs lots of tidying up, though.
    Secondly, I trimmed the windows by removing the build-up of excess paint, thereby making their outline's sharper.  I reckon the overall look of the windows is much better now.
    Lastly, I also re-shaped the bulb below the bow; thereby making it more in keeping with the actual ship's bulbous bow.
    Speaking of the actual ship that Majellan's based upon, she can be seen on my IPad in the background of a couple of the photos.
    I hope you enjoy the photos.

  24. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to Omega1234 in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Hi everyone
    Thanks for all of your Likes and comments, especially in relation to the 'little accident" that befell Majellan.  
    Well, after the accident, I've put her all back together.  The following photos show Majellan so far.  A little bit of glue, putty and much swearing and, she's well on her way to being fully healed.  
    The superstructure has received a few more coats of paint.  Once I've completed the painting of the superstructure, I can then get on with the lower deck's fit-out.  Oh...and let's not forget that there's also the painting of the hull, the addition of the rudders, propellers, radars, aerials, and adding the ship's boat and jet skis to the garage, etc, etc, etc. 
    In other words, lots more work to go!!!  Fun, though.
    All the best, everyone!

  25. Like
    bdgiantman2 reacted to Omega1234 in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Hi everyone
    Many thanks for all of your comments and Likes. I really appreciate them!
    Well, tonight, I did a bit more work on the galley, in particular adding more cupboards as well as a few little bit and pieces to add interest to the bench tops.
    The dining table in the main saloon also got a bit of treatment, namely the placemats for the hungry guests.
    Lastly, in response to Greg the Peg Leg Sailor's question about how I made the tiny dining chairs, I've done a quick diagram of the method I used. I hope it makes sense.
    All the best, everyone!

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