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Everything posted by ross

  1. Thanks for posting this build log Zoran,as this will be my next build it will be very informative and helpful,an watching with great interest as I'm shure are many others,
  2. Looking good mike, like the finish, remember SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE.
  3. Think those curves might be a bit of a challenge,but its looking good Mike,keep up the good work.
  4. Its coming along very nicely, am watching with great interest, nice model boats from marristella, looking at STILAC for my next build, could do to see a build log,to see what its like, but for now will follow yours,keep up the good work.
  5. Hello morgan, westbourn models have the full range at looks like old prices.
  6. Just an observation, has anybody noticed the steep price increses on caldercraft models ??.
  7. That's a beautiful looking model,you have more than done it justice,infact I like it that mutch I am very tempted to purchase one,very well done.
  8. So simple,great idea, will be trying that when i get round to the rat lines on my endeavour,thank you ,
  9. Hi Mike,just been looking through your lancia armata build log,like your build very much,thats a nice sized model with plenty of detail well done,this may be just the thing to give me a rest from riging on my endeavoure,never done a plank on frame large model and am intrigued how removing the frames was done, Ross.
  10. Looking forward to the pics.Ross
  11. Sounds a good idea(bit different)would like to see a photo,wonder if anybody else has any good ideas for a base ,instead of the same old thing of pedistals on a base. Ross
  12. Michael,if your thinking of buying a nail pusher for doing your planking ie holding planks in position while the glue dries,try Push Pins,you can get them on ebay, i purchased the amiti one,used it once,but find the push pins a lot better and easier to use,just my oppinion of course, Ross.
  13. LOOKING VERY GOOD.could you tell us ,is the master cutter any good cheers,Ross
  14. Hi all,this is a realy interesting right up,when i have completed endeavour this will be my next build, thinking of using caldercraft snake,i think as said in previouse posts it would probebley be a better starting point than the cruiser,one thing i hope someone can tell me is,the photo on page 5 of the cruiser, what shade of stain or wood has been used,just love that coulor, cheers Ross.
  15. Ritchard, either go jokita (caldercraft) direct, or Cornwall model boats both uk, excelent service from both, you may find Cornwall model boats slightly cheaper, good luck.Ross.
  16. This is bookmarked. excelent tutorial thank you.
  17. Wow this build is looking excelent,keep up the good work.(cant wait to get started on mine)
  18. What a great build slog,your doing a top notch job,keep up the good work.(just recieved my cc endeavour yesterday) following your log will be of great help to me,and many others i am shure ,Ross
  19. Hi all,i am only half way through my current build of the bounty,but am already thinking of my next project(somthing a little differnt)C/Craft Gunboat William,cant find any build logs except one of sorts on the Jokita site,i would like to ask if someone could give me any information or photos of this type of boat under sail, so as to know where and how to fit it with the appropriate sails,i do realise that they were mainley oar powered,but i would realy like to also fit it with sails many thanks. Ross.
  20. Hello Richard ,all looking good,keep up the good work, Ross. Afellow Yorkshire man.
  21. Thanks for the pic Bob,exactely what i wanted to see,and the info from Wefalck clears up the question of the oval barrels i have seen,wondered why they were that shape,mutch appreciated thank you Ross.
  22. We need a leauge table of the most historicly correct kits ,and from whitch manufactorer,i think this would be a very good rsource of information for experienced and novice builders like myself.Ross
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