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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. Here is a link to the project that has taken me away from my ship model for the last few years:
  2. Congratulations Sjors! You should be very proud of her - she's beautiful!
  3. Hello everyone. Thank-you all for the kind comments once again! I am still around and checking in once and a while. I would love to get back to the San Felipe soon, but it will still have to wait a little bit. I am currently making a violin for my daughter, which turned out to be a bigger project than expected! Yes, Guy, I do hope to mast and rig her. That's the plan for now, I may change my mind if I can't find a suitable place to display another fully masted and rigged ship!
  4. Thank-you to all for your kind words! We do have quite a wonderful community here at MSW!
  5. I finally thought I would have a chance to get back to the shipyard today, but you know what they say about the best laid plans. Instead I lost my father-in-law today - he was 92. He was truly a kind and great man and will be greatly missed.
  6. Thanks Greg! I made a jig using a couple of pieces of wood to hold the wood still and to ensure that each piece was consistent in size, and then used a scalpel. I'm sorry I never took pictures of that process.
  7. Thank-you Popeye and ScottRC! Hope to have another update before too long, but those plans don't always go as intended!
  8. Looking great Piet - although I think I'm cross-eyed now from just viewing the photos of the tiny parts.
  9. Thank-you to both Michaels! It feels great to finally have a little time to spend in the shipyard!
  10. Thank-you everyone for your wonderful comments and support! George: Glad others don't seem to see what I see! Mark: You're absolutely right about being critical of my own work - I think we all "suffer" from that malady! Jparsley: You had me going for a minute! Augie: Embellishment? No, really I'm telling the truth - I did the work. Seriously though, thank-you! Patrick: One word or two, it doesn't matter - I'm flattered either way! Piet: Yes, I know the routine all too well! I'll look at the rails for another day or two and then make a decision.
  11. Thank-you Frank! Well, I have another update. I've been working on the rudder with its pintles and gudgeons. I used copper plate and cut it into strips which I formed on a 'dummy' rudder. Soldering was tricky for me at this scale, but I managed. I still have to fine tune and add faux bolts. I've also made and added the midship set of spiral stairs with railings, and belaying pins are in place here as well. There is one more set of spiral stairs fore, yet to be made. Last, but not least, I made the beakhead rails and supports. I'm not totally happy with them and some adjustments may follow.....or a total redo, I just haven't decided yet.
  12. Absolutely beautiful model! Your attention to detail has been a pleasure to watch. Not only is your ship lovely, but the build log is a wonderful educational tool for many of us here on MSW! Congratulations and Thank-you!!!
  13. Thank-you everyone! Omega1234: I'm "utterly" flattered. Doris: The cannons are not perfect, but I am happy with them. I got the idea from your Royal Caroline, and I thank you for that! Kevin: I feel I have made progress, but I look at your log and see you are rigging (and it's looking great) and realize I still have that huge chore in my future! Tom: It seemed like an eternity for me to wait to see if the lanterns would work - kinda glad no one could see me when I first hooked up the battery. Popeye: I always liked the look of lanterns on some of these old ships, so I knew I would be building one that had them. Robbyn: I totally understand - it took a long time for me to have and update. Renovations are always huge, but rewarding. (hope you took pictures) Bob: Ditto Sjors: Maybe you should go on vacation again and I might have another update then! Make sure you take Anja though, or NO update. Edwin: Now you are making me blush. Stay tuned, I hope to have an update before too long.
  14. Thanks everyone! Augie: That intensity took some planning and a little fiddling to achieve - didn't want it to look like halogen headlamps! As for anyone following....I'll have 4 stern cannons waiting for them. George: I am pleased with the result. I installed all the lights, wiring and fiber optics early in the build and had to wait until the lanterns were done to see if it would even work as I had hoped. Mark: When I first joined MSW (back in version 1) the first time I ever saw lighting on a model ship was on your avatar of the USS Constellation. Thanks for the idea! Robbyn: I hadn't given up on the model....almost gave up on finding time to work on it though. Hope to see an update on your Syren soon.
  15. Here are a few shots of the lanterns and other areas fore and aft, showing the fiber optics and yellow LEDs. For now I have the wires attached to a 9 volt battery, but will be installing a proper switch box later.
  16. Thank-you divarty! I hope to find some time soon for more progress.
  17. Thank-you George! This scale has proven to be a challenge at times. Thank-you as well Steven! Definitely keep trying! I have a sneaking suspicion that your work is better than you think. We all seem to be far too self critical. As long as you are enjoying the journey, that's what counts - bonus is you get a ship model in the end.
  18. Thank-you Mark! All these wonderful comments are an encouragement to keep going!
  19. Thank-you to everyone for the words of encouragement, and to everyone that hit the like button! Edwin: WoW, thanks! Augie: See above! Michel: Thanks! Nenad: Extra thank-you! Patrick: Ok, now I'm starting to blush. Grant: Nice to be back! Ed: Would love to do a larger scale model sometime to add even more detail - maybe then the lanterns could be metal or wood. Popeye: The "dress up" parts are some of the most enjoyable parts on the model to make! Wq3296: Please refer to these posts: answer1 and answer2. Now I'm just leaving the title as is out of mischief! Jparsley: Well, far from perfect, but I am pleased with her. Bob: Just wish I had more time to spend in the shipyard. I had forgotten how much I love this hobby until I returned!!!
  20. Finally, a long overdue update! I started out well with photos of each step and then as life got busy the photos fell by the way. The last few pictures are of each completed piece without process pictures. I experimented with a few different materials for the stern lanterns, but finally settled on card. The lanterns could not be solid because of the fiber-optics that I had to feed up through the tiny brass tubing and into the lanterns. This was a very tricky process due to the tight fit and bends. I'll try to add some pictures in the next day or so with the lanterns "lit". Some more items completed. And placed on deck. I also completed the first of three sets of spiral staircases. I also managed to make and place some of the decorative pieces and dolphins. Last, but not least, a shot of the stern so far and profile.
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