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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. VERY nice! Those photo-etched additions turned out great! The overview shot looks fantastic!
  2. I did the same as Peter on my Mayflower, but I used a small amount of fabric glue to attach the "rope" first and hold it in place while I stitched.
  3. Fabric glue will dry with more flexibility, but both will work.
  4. Time for me to say: "Wow" to all the wonderful comments! Thank-you so much Tom, Edwin and Robbyn! And Thank-you for all the "likes" as well. Tom, I use Testors gold #1144
  5. Not to worry Popeye, at least you asked about dolphins and not something that doesn't exist on my ship - then we'd know there's a problem. Thank-you Dan! It will take me a while to get her fully dressed - lots of work ahead! Thank-you for the generous comments, and welcome aboard Mike! I've had so may comments about the "Sherry Blue" that I probably could sell it!
  6. Lovely work on the painting...on the whole ship really! Those outdoor shots are great - will have to take my ship outside too!
  7. E&T: Welcome aboard and thank-you very much for your kind words!
  8. Thank-you Mark, Frank and Popeye! Your kind comments are very much appreciated! Popeye: Do you mean the dolphins in this post?: stern shot
  9. Just found your new log - looking forward to your progress!
  10. Great job on the ratlines! She's really looking nice!
  11. Thank-you Piet, Bindy, Patrick, Nils and Grant! I really do appreciate all the kikd comments!
  12. Beautiful...the more lines, the more she comes to life!
  13. Thank-you so much Michael, Sjors, Bob and Augie! Your comments are a wonderful encouragement!
  14. Every part you make has such clean and crisp lines - amazing! You really do "Treat each part as if it is a model on its own"
  15. When I stop by your log I feel that I am in an actual shipyard viewing a real ship taking form! Beautiful work!
  16. The gun port liners are almost done, but to break up the monotony I started working on the decorative frames for the upper gun ports. The starboard side is finished and I'm almost finished the port side.
  17. Piet: I think she needs a parachute rather than wings! On second thought, maybe no more flights at all! Matti: Thank-you! I wasn't sure about the blue at first, but I like it now.
  18. I have to agree, definitely beautiful work - always look forward to your updates!
  19. I'm with Wayne - very jealous! Happy for you though - congrats on the toys!
  20. There's nothing like a perfect piece of wood - that's why I lean toward good antique furniture instead of modern plastic and sawdust compressed stuff. Okay we've seen the 'pre-sawdust' photos and now looking forward to the 'post sawdust' installment!
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