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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. Spectacular little boat! I need a couple for my San Felipe, can I place an order with you now?
  2. Beautiful work! Always look forward to one of your updates!
  3. Thank-you Mark! You've listed me with some pretty amazing carvers - not sure that I'm quite up to their level but I am flattered.
  4. Thank-you Piet! Thank-you Pete! Yes, this really is my first scratch build, but not my first experience with carving or artistic things though. Dan: Not a problem. You have your notepad ready...no pressure there. Thank-you as well for the Mother's Day wishes which does apply to both Canada and myself. Thank-you Remco! I'm sure with your skill level, your carvings will be spectacular and you won't need mine, but thanks for the thought! Thank-you Sjors! I'll have to think about the online courses.
  5. Thank-you Wayne! I will be disappointed when all the ornamentation is finished - I love making these bits. Thank-you Mark! I use mostly basswood for the carvings such as the figurehead and I have a scrap bin from our workshop and it has bits of cherry, mahogany and other scraps that I can't identify. I use a scalpel, small files and sandpaper. The latest bits are from a piece of the unidentified wood. I coated it with wood conditioner in preparation for stain and then I decided to paint them gold to match the other bits....now I wish I had left them natural since the conditioner darkened the wood so nicely. Thank-you Henry! Thank-you as well Dee_Dee! Thank-you Augie! Whatever you do - DON'T give up! Thank-you Dan! I do not have the kit, just the plans and everything is from scratch. I may buy some rope, blocks and deadeyes later, but not sure yet. See my response to Mark above for the wood info. I have a lot more carvings to do, and I will try to include more photos of the work in progress next time.
  6. Another small update..... New additions include the vertical strips of wood on the hull mid-ship. I'm not sure of the name or function of these timbers, but I'm wondering if they could be for protection of the hull when the lowering of the ship's boats? Also added are more ornamentation pieces, such as the eagles and the piece at the top of the gallery door. Now to make these same pieces for the port side.
  7. The masts are looking great Matti! They definitely compliment your model!
  8. Okay, now I'm seriously worried....I have my ship's boats to do in the future and our models are close to the same scale! I can hardly wait to see your next steps!
  9. Looking wonderful! I will tuck this information away for future use!
  10. Thank-you Popeye, Pete, Frank and Matti for your kind comments - they really are an inspiration for me to strive to put out my best effort on this model!
  11. Thank-you Patrick and Ed for the generous comments! Ed: I have learned the LOS technique and SO much more on your build logs - beautiful ships and educational logs!!
  12. That's going to look very nice when all the gun ports are cut and filled with canons! Great job!
  13. Thank-you so much Chris, Jack, Piet, Augie, Michael, Sjors, Joe and Grant for the kind comments and support! Each and every one is truly appreciated!
  14. Finally a bit of an update! First photo shows some shaped pieces at the bow. In my eagerness to finish and install these and the fancy trim overlay, I forgot to take pictures and these pieces are virtually hidden now! Next up were the catheads and trim, made from basswood square stock. I used copper sheet to cut strips and fashion the brackets that hold the catheads down. Everything is assembled. Then installed on the model. I used copper wire to simulate bolts. Here's a bow shot with catheads installed and bow braces and trim pieces. This picture shows the copper brackets blackened with liver of sulphur. I used EdT's method of soaking them in acetone first, to clean and remove any coating that may have been present. Then I dipped a small paint brush in dilute liver of sulphur and applied to the brackets in situ, followed by a water rinse - it worked like a charm! Just a slightly different angle. That's it for now.
  15. The stern bulwark planking looks great, so I'm sure the rest will too. Nice job on the sheaves too.
  16. Testors gold is what I use on my San Felipe and I am very happy with the results. Just as Henry has cautioned, it needs to be mixed frequently as does any metallic paint.
  17. WOW! Absolutely gorgeous! You should be very proud of her!
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