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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. I know what you mean..... I lost a small piece that I was working on somewhere on my bench, so I've to spend the next hour clean all the tools, paper, wood and of course dust lol, to find it. Looking on the bright side, I've got a clean area again......for a very short time! Greg
  2. G'day Vince. Great working on the planking! keep up with your great work. Looking at your log and others, make me itching to make my own RW.......some day I hope. cheers Greg
  3. 7 provinces. Dust is part of the modeling world, to me anyway hahaha Cheers Greg
  4. Keith! Daniel's family would be touched with your message. He must have been a great friend, I'm sorry for you lost mate. God bless you and your dear departed friend. Greg
  5. Hi Vince, good luck on the windows, and Denis: I like your pun! Lol Greg
  6. G'day Danny Your rigging is top notched. Like everything you do, coming second is not in you vocabulary! Cheers Greg
  7. G'day Kay from Australia. I'm only new to this forum, and I want to say, your workmanship is outstanding, the carving is out of this world! Cheers Greg
  8. G'day John I was aware of it. The flag I showed was Australia's first flag, it was only used until 1801, that is when the present day Union Jack was used. Greg
  9. G'day Pat I've just found out an very interesting point about the Union Jack before 1781. Attached is the first Union Jack that Cook flew when he claimed Australia for the British. Though you might be interested. Notice that the Irish cross is missing. Cheers Greg
  10. G'day Danny Thanks for the updates, like always your work has pushed through the OMG mark. Your blocks are soooo tiny, yet flawless in their details. Greg
  11. Thanks modeler 12. I wasn't aware of that fact. After doing more research on the net you are correct about the flag, but it was Ireland not Scotland that was missing. Thanks for pointing this out to me. This Union Jack was Australia's first flag, in1801, it was changed to our present day Union Jack. I'm building HMS ENDEAVOUR Greg
  12. Keith OMG .......I'm glad it's you doing this and not me! It's a nightmare (I bet you had some in past couple of nights). keep on plugging along and I'm sure it will turn out right. Greg
  13. G'day Keith. What a delamere for you! I think you made the right decision. Attached is a photo I found that might help you. After the fo'c'sle deck there seem to be an almost vertical cut off to the 'bow deck'. On yours it seems to be more of a curve. I might be wrong, just trying to help. Greg
  14. G'day Danny Just finished reading your log until now....... can't wait for the rest. You have given me a lot to ponder about. A million thank you wouldn't be enough. Keep the great work, no brilliant work coming. We are all on our edge of our seats waiting for more updates, Greg
  15. To all....... thank for you input. I've tried using transfer paper, but quality isn't too good. I'll try rice paper next and then paper on tin foil. Again thanks for all of you help. Greg
  16. It's a lot easier to make a oxtagonal from a square than a hexagon! I think he just used the wrong word hopefully. Knowing how knowledge Pat is I'm sure he will done it correct. .. Greg
  17. Great idea about making temporary bulkheads and the extra 1st planking inside! She looks great Cheers Greg
  18. G'day Danny Thanks for your welcome. I only joined this forum before Christmas. And wow, what I've seen is amazing. I'm only half way through your log, and I wish there's another tag to press rather than LIKE. Something similar to GODSMACK. I'm sure that would be ticked all the time. your workmanship is out of this world. I think you should change your forum's handle to: The Wood Whisper. Cheers Greg
  19. I also use non-branded "baby wipes" to wipe away any excess glue. They are moist enough to do the job, but not enough to wet it... I always have a packet next to me. It's also good to clean away dust etc.
  20. SALTY SEA DOG WROTE: While not used as a part of the build, I use these all the time during the build. In the way an artists puts dabs of paint on a palette, I use the dummy credit cards that come in the mail as a glue palette for both white glue and CA. I only put a small amount of fresh glue on the card and then use a toothpick to apply just the right amount of glue to exactly the right place. This really works well for the little stuff I've been up At the big home centers like Home Depot, they usually have a department where they cut vinyl mini blinds to width. They end up with tons of little cut-offs and these are thick and stiff enough to mix up small batches of epoxy on and you just toss them when done. Salty sea dog I use something quite similar: nonstick cooking paper, like the one my wife use to line cake tins. The only problem is, when it's empty my wife is not happy. ... and I'm in the dog's house. Lol
  21. G'day Keith. This might be another dumb question, but how can I learn if I don't ask. Well, you mentioned that you are using the 2nd planking timber from the kit? Is the quality from the kit not first grade? Where do you get your strips and other supplies from? Cheers Greg
  22. Hi Danny. Thanks for your information about making. The mask that I asked for. Thanks again Greg
  23. G'day Danny What a GREAT idea for the shrouds cleats! I will be definitely using your idea when I'm up to that stage. Cheers Greg
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