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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. That's right, I've got a saying: "it's Kellogg's" -not too heavy, not too light - just right. FYI it's from a TV commercial for a breakfast cereal called JUST RIGHT and it's slogan was not too heavy etc. Your AG is perfect, but I'm going to miss your logs, that's all Cheers Greg
  2. G'day Denis Congratulations on a job "almost done." Sorry to say mate but you have to do "that" "this" and "the other thing". Anything to keep this incredible log going. What a job and what a log. Thank you a million wouldn't be enough. Havagooday Greg
  3. G'day Denis The life preservers looks great. Just a thought though: "Don't they normally put the ships name on them?" Just kidding mate! Haveagreatone Greg
  4. G'day Dimitris 1 down only 10 to go! That's progress! Lol Enjoy the sun during the day and work on the model at night. Havagooday Greg
  5. G'day Dave The hinges looks great! Keep up the good work and more updates please. Havagooday Greg
  6. G'day Denis I agree about the rope around the life preserver, its looks so fake. Love the tiny hooks you made, I've have to look twice to see them, they are so tiny! There's must be something else you can add to keep your AG log going! I'm going to miss your updates. Greg
  7. G'day Dimitris Your workmanship is so neat. And the thought of making 10 or 11 lifeboats would drive me cRaZy. Havagooday my friend Greg
  8. G'day Denis There are no words that I can say how great your AG is! The fuel drums are amazing in every details, but, there is one or two things that are missing. I'm sorry to point it out to you, but here it goes: you may need to make a hand pump and hose that will go on one of the drums. And maybe a fuel gauge measuring stick to be pedantic. Just a thought though. Again the whole build is out of this world. Cheers Greg I went to edit and I deleted the post. Silly me! Lol
  9. Btw Dave Were you affected by the storm last week at Brissy? Just been talking to a mate up there and he told me how bad it was. Hope you and your family is ok. Greg
  10. Hi Dave Your work bench looks like mine after a tidy up! You can't see my bench sometimes. You must be a neat worker. Love your hinges! What are the size of it? Difficult to judges by the photo. Havagooday mate Greg
  11. Play, as in more work on AG. I like the sound of that very much! Greg
  12. G'day Vince I did something similar on the airport on my HMS ENDEAVOUR. What I found that helped me a lot was to put some double sided tape on the tool to just hold the piece of wood, but make sure the tape is only slightly sticky that will hold the material that your are glueing in the gun ports. When the glue is just holding you can move the tool away. I found that balsa glue was the best to glue the piece on because it was quick drying. Hope this helps you. Cheers Greg
  13. G'day Denis You deserve all the praise and acknowledgements on this wonderful boat you have shared with us all. We are the ones who should be thanking you. Havagooday Greg
  14. G'day Greg I've got a saying (I am not a cat person btw). "The only good cat is a de#d cat". They kill wild birds and great models. Havagooday Greg
  15. Denis. ......keep it coming! I'm enjoying every post of yours and I'm a seconder to everyone else's post. Bravo Greg
  16. Denis. ......keep it coming! I'm enjoying every post of yours and I'm a seconder to everyone else's post. Bravo Greg
  17. G'day Denis The buoys looks great! I'm not going to say "there isn't more things you can do on this boat" for 2 reasons:1, I don't want you to stop, and 2, I can't think of anything else that you can do. I'm sure and hoping you have more incredible ideas that can make this log goes longer. Cheers Greg
  18. G'day Denis I hope not as well, hopefully they will use your AG as a benchmark to aspire to, then there will be no more "naked" boats. Lol Cheers Greg
  19. G'day Danny Another beautiful piece of work, I and everyone has said everything we can about this build, but it's still not enough. Well done mate!!! Greg
  20. G'day Denis I've just had a thought, maybe, just maybe AG might be the last fishing boat to have a log here. You have set a very high standard of both workmanship and details, no one else would like to enter into your realm. Goodonyamate. Greg
  21. I think you are safe Mark. The postmen's slogan is "through rain, hail or sleet, will never stop the postmen to do his duties". It doesn't say anything from interruption from model builders. Havagooday Greg
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