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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Popeye Been off air for the past 2 days or so. We had a very bad storm, lost power for over 2 days. No Internet, no model work etc. Borrrring. Weĺl it's looks like your fishing boat is just about ready for her maiden voyage. Great job. Greg
  2. G'day Steve Great job so far! Where did you get those pliers? Great idea on the mouse! Cheers Greg
  3. G'day Pat What a disaster. I'm glad to know, not to use plastic hooks! Next time try not to be too 'armless. Lol Cheers mate Greg
  4. G'day Dennis I'm enjoying reading your log on Larry, curly and moe. Doing 3 at once is toooooo hard for me, well done. I'm at page 10 atm, and I'm guessing which hull is going to be Andrea Gail. I assume it's Larry! Well I thought you would be finished a long time ago, but you are adding more and more details. Amazzzzzzzzing is all I can say. Cheers Greg
  5. Carl Not bad on your Ozzi language, I can almost hear you saying it. Lol Havagooday Greg
  6. Hi Dennis Just wondering, have you got any photos of the hull being constructed? If you do, could you PLEASE post them.....I'm very interested. Cheers Greg
  7. Great start. Please keep the log coming! love your choice of wood. Greg
  8. I can't believe how much details that you have put into this wonderful fishing boat. At the beginning of your log I thought, "only a fishing boat, so what". But now, I want to build one myself, it's far far more interesting than I thought possible. WELL DONE Pops. Greg
  9. G'day Jack I'm wondering: Is there a collation between time between posts and the quality of excellence? In your case there is......a flawless piece of work! Cheers Greg
  10. When will we see your splendid craftsmanship shows some signs of being human? It appears that you are from Krypton and its shows with every post. Good on you SUPER Dennis. Greg
  11. G'day Danny, Glad the ships ok with minimal damage. I assume that Ziggy was the reason the light cover to came down. It could have been a CATastrophic to you and all of your loyal readers. QUESTION? What would you do if Ziggy's leg was trapped in the ship and the only way to free him was to break the ship or cut off his arm? I know what I would do! I change his name to Tripod!
  12. Popeye.......you are going great guns. Your eye for details POP my EYEs out. Sorry for the pun! Have fun on your holidays, lets hope the admiral isn't too hard on you with the spring cleaning! Just tell her you live in Australia and its almost winter. So no spring for cleaning. Greg
  13. G'day Popeye Spring clean with my admiral or doing model work? I know what I want to do, but I'm only a humble seamen, so the orders from the admiral ALWAYS win Greg
  14. G'day Danny Amazing is all I can say, we have all I can say which hasn't been said a million times before. I've got a possible idea for your next ship - why don't you and Janos joined forces and make either HMS Royal William or Sovereign of the Seas. You can do the ship showing all the decks etc and using Janos' s wonderful abilities, he can do all of the detailed carvings......What a ship that will be. Cheers Greg
  15. G'day Dave Just started to read your log - very impressive work and techniques. Your skills are very high, as good as others more experienced that I've been reading. Keep up the great work. Cheers Greg
  16. Another example of pure excellence! Another example of step by step pictorial "teach-o-graph". I don't know what we are going to do when you are finished with this outstanding ship......I'll be crying I think. Cheers Greg
  17. G'day Popeye I've been looking at your log, and it's great. Outstanding beyond words is another way to put it. Look like it's almost done, but there's one BIG thing missing. A huge wave....lol Cheers Greg
  18. G'day Ulises Just finished reading your log. Fantastic is a word I can use. I will just be reading and not posting (well not too often). Cheers from down under Greg
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