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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. Danny I can hardly wait for your next chapter in this wonderful pictorial book of HMS VALTURE. Well done Greg
  2. G'day Danny Another pict-o-graph of your wonderful and skilled tallant. What you need to do, is to get a publisher and publish these step by step instructions. ....I've have no doubt it would be a best seller. It will not only help the less experience builder, but also the experience ones as well. Looking for more outstanding pictorial-instructions to come Cheers Greg
  3. G'day Denis I'm holding my breath for more photos was well. KeithW, you can't talk, because my face is turning blue for your updates. Lol Cheers Greg
  4. G'day Danny GREAT job again! Your eye for details is amazing. Your ship is now the best. Having two masters, you and Janos, this vessel is have gone pass the out most planet in our solar system in the level of human's endeavour. Cheers Greg
  5. Hi Danny OUTSTANDING! What more can I say. Your step by step instructions will help me a lot when I'm doing my rigging. .. Bravo for being an EXCELLENT TEACHER or your craft. Thanks a million million. Greg
  6. G'day Jack Great details and workmanship. You done it again with another outstanding show of your precise craft. .......Well done. BTW I know it's only a hobby, and you take your time, but you have to think of us, your readers who are waiting for more post. LOL Enjoy! Cheers Greg
  7. This is not off topic......just remembering when life was simpler and we had no NRG to help one another. The good old days?.....I don't think so.
  8. G'day Keith Outstanding job, but very tedious, on the treenails. Great idea to use your planner on the bamboo, must have saved hour of work. Keep the log coming! Cheers Greg
  9. Hi Danny Marvellous work is all I can say. Great lesson for the not so experience model maker. Indeed a lesson I'm very interested in. Cheers Greg
  10. G'day Bill Glad to see you are back....we all miss you log. As normal your carvings are out of this world! Thanks for showing us more. Cheers Greg
  11. G'day Keith I'm glad that you have made a decision! If it seems to you that I was trying to tell you what to do, I'm very sorry. I was only trying to help. As I said earlier, I not building a RW, but one day I would love to. As I was re-reading the euromodel log, it mentioned that it was a common mistake to run the stern deck at 90°. I understand what they were saying, but not having the model in front of me I've to imagine what he was saying. I'm sorry to show my ignorance again. Cheers Greg
  12. G'day Keith Firstly I feel for you, for the pickle you are in. I've been looking through euromodel log and I realize that part 54 and 55 must incline at the same angle as the quarter deck. Here are my reason: Photos 1 and 2 shows that the quarter deck is the same angle as 54 and 55. Photo 3 indicates that you have to save 4.3 mm doing it by that way. If you add 2.2 mm (doing it your way) to 4.3 there is a discrepancy of 6.5mm that has to saved. I might be wrong in my conclusion, and I hope I am for your sake, but I don't think so. Cheers Greg
  13. G'day Keith I noticed that you were working to the wee hours this morning. I'm so sorry. All I can say, do whatever you feel is right. No one will notice...... haveagoodday Greg
  14. Hi mate. I hope that I'm wrong. You can check the angle by these 2 photos
  15. G'day Keith I might be telling you how to lay eggs, but I've been studying your problem with other photos of RW on and net and the log on Euromodel website. Here's is what I think your problem is. Transom 54 and 55 is on the wrong angle along with your whale. Your photo shows a different angle of 54 and 55 to the second photo and your whale is a different angle to the third photo. I've been looking at many complete RW models on the net, and many of them shows a different angle of the transom and whales compare to yours. As I said before, I might be showing my ignorance, but I have to mention what I think is your problem. Cheers Greg
  16. G'day Keith Sorry I can't help you, just showing my ignorance I guess thinking that I could. I know you will do the right thing. You will be a great help for me and others we when it's our time building the RW. Cheers Greg
  17. G'day Keith again Elsewhere is got a chapter about this. Attached is a screen shot, Cheers Greg
  18. G'day Keith I might be the right person to answer you on your question. I have not done RW model, but someday, I hope to do one. I have been reading all I can, and on Euromodel website I read a log by Peter Coward, and he mentioned this problem. Attached is a diagram he went by. He thought that there are many RW models being made with a twisted stern. It's a good read, and he explained that the balcony should follow the decking as per his diagram. Hope this helps Cheers Greg
  19. G'day Keith. YOUR WORKMANSHIP IS OUTSTANDING! and I'm not confusing you with another person (Private joke) Lol. Glad to hear that Euromodel is so helpful. Cheers mate Greg
  20. G'day Alexandru.. Just spent the last 3 to 5 days reading your log. I've got drill marks all over my tablet. Can't believe how great this art piece is turning out. I can't say model, because it's more than that! The love and workmanship and patience that you have put into it is amazing. Can't wait for more updates. WELL DONE. All the other readers has said it before, and I agree with all of them. Cheers Greg
  21. G'day Jack... I wish my good pile was as good as your "junk". All I can say mate you're a perfectionist! I reckon a blind man would be glad to see your junk pile!!! Keep up with it, your efforts are paying off. Cheers Greg
  22. G'day Keith, I loooove you front bulk head, the balustrades are a piece of art - there's no comparison between yours an the kit. WELL DONE. The front bulk head's painting is great beyond words. (Love the hidden message). I'm sure, the second planking will fix up your earlier"boo boo". I keep the pixs coming. Cheers Greg
  23. G'day Danny What can I say, that hasn't been said a million times before. Great work, great teacher, great log etc. Are you going to do the running rigging and sails? Hope so, because I don't want this log to stop....... being selfish, I guess Cheers Greg
  24. OMG Danny, what else can I say, is there NO ends to your outstanding details? The jib net is amazing! I was going to use black square lace on my model. ....Dame you, you are toooooo good! You have made us all think twice about what details we should put into our ships. GREAT WORK, keep them coming please. Cheers Greg
  25. G'day Jack I've started to read your log. I'm glad you are feeling better now, but don't push yourself. If you ask me, you don't need any more practice, they are first grade, and you should be proud of them. I've marked your log, so I can follow it. Please keep them coming.
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