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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. At that size, it's amazing feat of endurance and a very steady hand if you ask me. Again well done! Greg
  2. G'day Denis How on earth did you get the copper wire so evenly spaced? Mind blowing! Looks great ship mate! Haveagreatone Greg
  3. Amazing details in this model and also great care by you Denis. Well done mate! Haveagreatone Greg
  4. G'day Izzy Bloody marvellous idea. I'm going to use that method very soon, thanks a million! Cheers Greg
  5. G'day Danny As I said before, looking great! Pardon my ignorance, what is the scale you are using? It looks quite small. Havagooday Greg
  6. G'day Brian Loooove your details of fine work. The pump assembly and the ship's oven are amazing! Havagooday Greg
  7. Looooking greaaaaaaat mate. Havagooday Greg
  8. G'day Danny I'm booking the front row centre seat for this log. Can't wait! Cheers Greg
  9. Good luck Vince...... I know you are going to need a load of it. But if your previous results are any indication for your next big step, you will make it a breeze! Havagooday Greg
  10. Hi Dave You are right, forgot about those echidna looking hulls. Bet you had nightmares when you were doing it. Havagooday Greg
  11. Dave I'm amazed it only took you days, are you sure it's not months. Bloody fast if you ask me. Well done! It looks superb! Havagooday Greg
  12. Beautiful work......I assume the pump actually pumps water, it's looks so realistic. Havagooday Greg
  13. G'day Dave Great progress! I don't fancy you doing all the treenails, that's one job I have to pass on. There's no easy way for me to do that in my condition! Havagooday mate Greg
  14. G'day Steve Great work on the rigging so far. Pat what op are you going to have? All the best mate. Havagooday Greg
  15. G'day Danny Are you sure it was Pud and not Ziggy? To me the damage was almost CATastrophic!
  16. Looking great. I like the idea about the capstan, might steal the idea for mine. Havagooday Greg
  17. G'day Denis By memory inside of the Titanic the floors were different through out the ship, but the use of marble and deep red flooring was also used. The walls were also very elegant. So the choice of colours inside is up you, if it's worth the time depending on the if you can see inside anyway. Havagooday Greg
  18. G'day Danny When you said smaller, you mean smaller. The scale wasn't apparent until you place the 5c piece. Don't sneeze when you are handling them or they will be blown away. Cheers and Havagooday Greg
  19. Holy smoke batman Here are two designs that I found on the Internet for your new batboat! What do you think? Havagooday Greg
  20. G'day Denis The kit looks quite detailed. Are there two figures for the bow of Leonardo and Kate with there arms open out? Havagooday Greg
  21. G'day Denis Both boats are a good idea! With the S.S Olive Oyl would be an interesting idea, all you have to do is to make a huge shark eating half the boat, lol. But the bat boat would looooook greeeaaaat. It's up to you. Just let us all know when you start the new log, maybe by putting a note on this one with the link. Havagooday Greg
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