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Everything posted by amateur

  1. I suggest that Dafi will also do a 'cleared for action' version of Vic. Same man but ready for battle. Next there will be a version 'Vic by night', all men in their hammocks (apart from the men of the watch, that is) Jan
  2. 'bom apetite"? There's nothing on my plate!!! Cook has to come yet. I presume? Jan
  3. The cabin is not found by Google.... There should be hundreds of these around: every line and liner had such pics around. (recently saw quite a bunch of these from the HAL) But perhaps we should consider giving Anja a go, before wandering off in all (albeit interesting) directions? Jan
  4. I still don't understand why mamoli has installed rubbing strakes on the hull. It is completely 'undutch'.... Nevertheless: she's turning into a nice lady! Jan
  5. The round holes in the ice do give it away, otherwise it is just like the real thing! You did not go for a couple of iron-capped mooring poles? Probably you're right: given the size of the ships, that may be overkil Jan
  6. Robbyn, you're outvoted on the paint. On this side of the room we all like the painted version. Jan
  7. I did not know that rubber duckies had a name (it's Dutch btw) Jan
  8. That would be great! If the scale is not in the 1:48 range, I would certainly consider buying. There is a set of drawings around from the Lelystad Werf were they do the replica (Drazen is using that set for building is model of the ZP) btw: this painting is also coming from Lelystad, it is an artist impression of the replica afloat. Jan
  9. Figured that one out after realizing that there was more than one ship involved.... Jan
  10. The present dykes (both height and slope) are not representative for the period you are displaying: after the floods in 1916 and 1953 there were reforms in the design of the Dutch dykes, leading to higher dykes, and less steep slopes. (the so-called deltadijken) These changes affected both river- and sea-dykes. Before the 1916-flood, some dykes were not higher than 3 meters above normal water levels (NAP). Jan
  11. I never intended to put you in any kind of dilemma. Your brickwork is far too good to destroy! For those wanting to know why the mooring posts are that high: before the closure of the Zuiderzee (now IJsselmeer), even a far-in land harbour Volendam had a tidal range of half a meter, with the level of the tide differing aroudn the year (depending on the tidal waters and wind derection in the North see. Jan
  12. Only one small remark on the layout of Dutch dykes: Baked stones were usually not used in the sloping part of the dyke: they were used for walls, and streets, for the sloping parts in dykes usually basalt was used: they were just stacked on top of each other and help place by their form and weight. Jan
  13. I keep forgetting teh size of this all.... (wchich is probably the effect you are after in the first place ) Jan
  14. Not the lily you say, but this page is rather convincing..... http://www.winthrop.dk/bounty/wilmington.html Jan
  15. I like those pics along the hull. Make her beautifull lines show Jan
  16. Gun completed....? That's what you sais last year, after doing quit a bit of rope;making and rigging,and before you discovered PE.... I'm wondering: what will be the next thing you discover to enhance your already perfect guns....? casting bronze in scale 1:100? functioning flintlocks? Jan
  17. The problem is: her name is on the bow, but I can't read those black dots..... Jan
  18. No idea which one this is, but I like these ships. clyde build (?), three mast square rigged. It's a shame no kits of these exist. They would do a nice 1:200 kit. Jan
  19. Any chairs left, or am I (as usual) one of the guys popping in too late, and have to stand against the back wall? With respect to painting: no rules whatsoever, just preferences. So if you want - for some unknown reason - to paint her pink , or yellow, or whatever interesting colour - we will raise our eyebrows, and conclude that it is you build, and yours only Speaking for myself: I am very much attracted to the colourscheme of this boat. So, I would paint her if I had to choose. Jan
  20. I can't find the exact place (of course, I never do), but I've read somewhere that while making short tack, the sail was left to one side, however, when longer distances were sialed, the sail was set at the leeside. This was at least normal havbit in early VOC-days (1600-1630). The foot of the mizzen yard was taken round the back of the mast and brought forward again on the 'correct side'. Whether this practice was continued when sails got larger I don't know. Jan
  21. We would love to see some more of this beautiful model. However, we also appreciate your reposting of everything that led to this result. (actually, whatever you post is appreciated ) I will (probably) never do a model like this, but I'm severely tempted to buy your book on this model. Jan
  22. I know you have the harbour close by: Sjors explained it in an other thread on this forum. Jan
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