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Everything posted by amateur

  1. But that is my point: when you say ‘original’, some of us read ‘the situation as s functioning pond yacht’’, some us read ‘as a schooner of around 1900 would have been rigged’. These two are fundamentally different, and lead to different reading suggestions, and different choices. And given the rudder pin, and the lead keel this model has been a pond yacht at least once in its existence Personally I would go for a pond-yacht rigging (although seeing the set-up for the sailboom, that doesnt look to have been self-tending, so there is some ambiguity in the rigging remnants) Jan
  2. I'm not an expert on pond-yachts, but I'm pretty sure that a pond yacht is not rigged as per Petersson's diagrams. Pond yachts should be able to sail themselves, so they have a simplified rigging. I think that you need to have a serious look at the 1950's and earlier literature on rigging and sailing pond yachts. (as a pond yacht rigged like a model schooner will look a bit "unbalanced". Jan
  3. Is that a 1cent, or a 5cent coin? Jan
  4. Dutch quality engine Don’t think SD14 ever had one of these (the info on the engine-model suggests it is early 1960-ies, the ship is eraly 70-ies.) However, it is rather basic card-model, so it should scale down nicely, and it sure looks like a ships Diesel. Jan
  5. Is the engine part of the kit, or is the kit "only" the steel hull and superstructures? Jan
  6. Mid-level of detail. Yeah….. Labelling this as ‘mid-level’ reveals your true ambition level. But although it is only midlevel detail, it is top-quality as far as I’m concerned. Jan
  7. You learn something new every day..... In Europe things are a bit different (mainland, at least): there the postal services can handle a kind of in-between type of mail: the 'rather stiff, not completely bendable stuff', you can use the famous padded envelopes for that. Not as shock proof as a full size package, but transported at nomal postage rates. Ideal for sending booklets, metal pins, and card-models. (and certainly much cheaper for both seller and buyer than a full-size cardbox). (but usually the damage risk is at the buyers end) Jan
  8. For those not knowing: Kaap Skil is located on the Isle of Texel, Netherlands It is a large diorama of the Dutch fleet supplying. The diorama is build by the well known firm Artitec. Worth visiting. Jan
  9. Hi Kevin, Interesting concept: a paper model of a steel ship that has all the parts of the original... All paper/card parts look as if the card-material is not very stiff (at least, the cut-out parts look a bit wavy in some pics). How do you manage to get the whole thing straight, and how much flexing doens remain after glueing down? (and how many helpers do you need for moving around your model as soon as you reach the waterline of this beast?) Jan
  10. With respect to Amsterdam: since the 'refit' a couple of years ago, the amount of models in their main exposition is relatively small. The other models are not on display on a regular basis, but are only out of the storage rooms if they can be used as an 'illustration' in the temporary displays. (The same also holds for the Rotterdam Maritime museum). In case you want to see, or even photograph, a specific model: you should contact them before hopping on a train. Actually, when in Amsterdam, If I were you, I would not skip the maritime department of the Rijksmuseum: both Prins Willem and William Rex are worth the additional mile. Jan
  11. I guess you already know this one? If it has not already been discussed, it will be - sooner or later.... And perhaps Marc @Hubac's Historian can answer your question right away.. Jan
  12. Thanks, took me some time to find your suggestion, your post was hidden behind some rubbish......
  13. I don't know how your german language is developed, and I don't know whether the pics show up for non-registered users, but here is a buildlog: the builder uses all the additional laser-sets, and reports a well-designed kit, not easy, but without issues. https://www.die-kartonmodellbauer.de/forum/index.php?thread/10804-schlachtschiff-uss-arizona-bb-39-1-200-von-gpm/ Jan
  14. Are you going for stunning models with lots of details, or for interesting models? There are also some relatively old, not so stunning, but nonetheless interesting models around. For instance the so-called Mataro-model in the Rotterdam Maritime Museum, a model dating back to the time of Columbus, but not a large, or very well build model. Jan
  15. I thought GPM has a 1:200 model of USS Arizona? https://www.papermodel.com/260585-battleship-uss-arizona.html Jan
  16. Is the interior of the bridge supplied by Billings, or did you make one yourself? 40 years ago the interior was a bit more 'basic' Jan
  17. Thanks . Wouldn’t have found out without the hint ingenious system. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prairie-Masker Jan
  18. nice..... Just a technical question on the ship: there are two tubes/lines/cables (?) around the hull, what are those? Jan
  19. Now you're almost finished the SD14, you could also try a paper-titanic the 1:400 card version of JSC: has far fewer parts than your current build Or the 1:1200 paper version downloadable here: Free Card Models - Currell.net . Even less parts (but slightly more fiddly) Jan
  20. I don’t know how it is in orher countries but here (netherlands) you have to pay import duties and VAT from ‘outside EU’ countries, and the value they use for the duries is the total value of the order (including shipping costs) (unless the seller pays them directly to the Dutch tax office) Books are relatively ‘cheap’, only 9% VAT on the total of price and the shipping costs, but buying kits outside EU is even worse: around 3% import duty, and a whopping 21% on the total of price, Shipping and import duties. (Sometimes things pass the border unnoticed, but sometimes you pay it all….) Jan
  21. And still not sure to buy (import duties and postage are quite high...), but will the book by Camerata (waterline models) be back in store? Jan
  22. It also helps , but perhaps that is what you alteady did, removing the tape quite soon when the paint is no longer runny, but not dry. And two layers of thinned down gives a better result than one layer of non-thinned down paint. Jan
  23. The exhibition will be open till May 8th. And I think a model can be done from this sketch. Jan
  24. Seems to me we have a clear winner
  25. Exposire during childhood? The shop I went to when I was around 10 years of age had a wall full of revell and airfix (mostly planes, and a Vasa, a hms victory and a santa Maria). They also had some card (Leon Schuyt: frisian farmhouse, limburg farmhouse, city tower from Amsterdam). I’m pretty sure that mid-seventies that was the situation in all shops over here. And also: on meetings it is the platic guys that are very impressivevwith their weathering- and upgrading techniques. Card is something for children that need something to do on a rainy sundayvafternoon Jan
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