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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Hi Laggard, A last word on this discussion: you keep asking ever more detailed questions, people take time and effort to answer your questions , and you drop out of this discussion without saying ‘thanks’, and saying something that can be interpreted as ‘I don’t bother your answers and advice, I am going to do it my way.’ I don’t know how others feel about that, but I think it’s not very kind….. Jan
  2. Somewhere onthis forum was a nice illustration of those fake splices (but where....) the idea is to use a needle to get the rope once or twice through its own strands, use a little bit of glue (normal pva will do), and form the "splice". this will work provided the rope is made of natural material (otherwise the pva will not hold), and second: don't forget that there is no need to apply too much tension to your model's rigging. (Otherwise you run the risk of untying the 'splice'). Jan
  3. http://www.schiffsmodellflaggen.de/deutsch/Katalog/katalog.html Jan
  4. I did not say plagiarism: I said ‘starting point’ Jan
  5. A remark on the books you mention: the book by Dik (although interesting enough), is hardly to be considered a book on Dutch shipbuilding. Dik's intention was to build a model of the Zeven Provincien, and his research was primarily focussed on this specific ship. Besides, as his intention was not writing a scientific book, he does not (at least explicit) give alternative solutions for puzzles and problem he encounters. With respect to the drawings he gives, they are quite strongly inspired by the drawings of Wagner/Winter of the socalled Hohenzollern Model in Berlin. Ketting main focus was to describe the model of the Prins Willem in Amsterdam, using this specific model as a basis of presenting some information of shipbuilding. Again, a very nice book, but not a thorough study of Dutch shipbuilding. I know only one book by Kamer, and I am not very impressed by that one. The books by Hoving I know, the one on Witsen is a nice one to get an impression of what Witsen wrote, but as Philemon somewhere in his postimgs remarked, it is an inteoduction to Witsen, not a study into the question whether what Witsen writes was correct, or whether or not alternative methods existed. It certainly is not a comparison of design principles used in different periods/regions. (And whether or not variations in methods/principles lead to marked differences in ships build) Jan
  6. Wiki knows everything (almost): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornelis_Jan_Witsen His father was perhaps interested in shipbuilding, but he was no shipwright. (And also in this family, professions tended to be handed over from father to son: both were Mayor of the city of Amsterdam ) Jan
  7. Nicolaes Witsen writes n the preface to the book that he could not have started this work had he not come across some drawings and writings of his father Cornelis Witsen, because he (Nicolaes) himself had no pratical knowledge of shipbuilding. He does not, however, mention that he did gather knowledge by visiting his father at his work, or by upbringing. Which looks strange: most professions used to be handed over from father to son... But: although he states that he found some designs and notes from his father, he does not state that his father was a shipwright himself. Jan
  8. I have this one in my increasing stack of card models. The amount of very small parts lowered my initial enthousiasm, so I did not start..... Dutch navy had a couple of these ships, but none was ever used in action. They were notorious for their bad handling in choppy sees (as the North See happens to be most of the time) The Rijksmuseum has a designmodel of the ship: https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/nl/collectie/NG-MC-1239 And as far as I know there is only one pic of the original: Davids model is -timewise- somewhere between the model as designed, and the picture of her as shown: the ships were at some time modified with a machinegun platform and a searchlight platform, and repainted in a rather dull, boring grey. Jan
  9. Another possibility is, when you point yiur camera in the direction of something, putting two fingers on th screen, and zooming in. On my Ipohone, you can get a magnification of up to 5 times. (don't know in which version this functionality was introduced.) Jan
  10. But for the late reply of Steven I would have missedthis one. What a nice (understatement ) lttle model this is! I like the ships of this era: you see modern times coming, but it is not really there. How did you make the flags? Just printed double sided, or...? second question: you showed two other ships you started, but I cant find the logs of those. Did I miss them, or didn't you start a log? Jan
  11. I checked the schlusselfeld Modell. kind of carrack. Dating from 1503, 80 centimeters high, almost 6 kilos silver. Jan
  12. Sorry, the guy doesn't give a reference. http://www.die-kartonmodellbauer.de/index.php?thread/10799-messerschmitt-bf-110-4-r8-1-33-halinski/&pageNo=3 at the end of the page. He is a rather good builder: don't know how he does it: no sloppy sides, no fibers at the edges, no glue where it does not belong, just perfect.... (and the partsize of those halinski kits is mind blowing) Jan
  13. Bit late, but I have seen some builders on a german forum to use double sided tape. Glue th thing to the inside of the canopy, cut the windows, and next peel the protection layer. Bit fiddly, but it seems to work. And yes, I will check whether or not I can fins a refer nce for the double sided Jan
  14. Quite a large part of this navy-collection of the Rijksmuseum is from collection of the department of the navy. That collection consists for a large part on demonstration-models, quirky designs and other experimantal stuff. Some of which made it to real life, many of which never got beyond the demonstration model. Jan
  15. My guess is a german produced decorator model from the first quuarter of the century. Somewhere around 1925. going by the sails and the ‘dragon’ I guess it was sold under the name ‘Santa Maria’ Jan
  16. Actually, the deck-lay-out has very much resemblance to the schooner Hannah, as drawn by Harold Hahn. In that lay-out, the foremost deck-hole, is not a cargo-hatch, but a sky-light. The windlass is just in front of that, behind the fore mast. Again, that points in the direction of a slightly out of scale windlass, and not of something else. Jan
  17. But, without knowing the onformation the builder used, one of the options could still be ‘windlass, build after a bad quality drawing’….. Given the fact that there is no other anchor handling gear, I tend to that option. Jan
  18. The Dutch military Museum also has this one in their collection: https://collectie.nmm.nl/nl/collectie/detail/263253/ it was a design by a rather famous Dutch admiral, Van Kinsbergen. the NMM has no documentation either. Can't see which problem is tackled by this design.... (actually, I can think of a number of new problems attached to this one, pusing this thing with a full sized gun barrel is rather cumbersome, I think) Jan
  19. Be welcome! We are looking forward to your build log. (And always happy sharing knowledge and tricks) Jan
  20. Please, do not use links, or desktop-copies to include pics, but the 'add files' feature of the forum. That is the way to make sureeveryone can see the pics. Jan
  21. I still am not sure whether I like the scalpels: the scalpels tend to flex, while the x-acto blades are quite inflexible. Is a matter of taste, I guess. Swann is redicously sharp. Jan
  22. My cat wasn't interested: they don't move and they don't make noise. As far as my cat is concerned, they are very much like shipmodels. Jan
  23. There are some very realistic bird models around. My favorite are the birds by johan Scherft, a dutch paper artist. They are incredibly good, and yet very simple to build (much smaller than that impressive eagle shown above ) and they cost (next to) nothing.
  24. Hi Martijn, welcome to MSW. Anything you want to know on shipmodels is here on the forum (somewhere ) Any chance of pictures of your builds? Jan
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