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Everything posted by peveka

  1. Hi Noramatilda Welcome to the forum. Have you ever tried DeepL in stead of Google translate? Works great! Cheers Pieter
  2. Bonjour et bienvenue de la douce Bretagne ;o) Parce que c'est un forum anglophone la plupart des gens l'apprécient quand tu utilise un programme de traduction tel que DeepL pour rendre tes contributions lisibles pour tout le monde. Amuse-toi sur ce grand forum ! Cheers Pieter
  3. Beer Bear in mind that we are talking 2%-3% alcohol here. Tops. The alcohol works as a natural preservative. Because it didn't keep that long -at least not all the way to India- the Brits invented IPA for export: more hops (preserves too) and more alc. This beer wasn't meant for consumption en route, it was meant for the Brits in India. Cheers! Pieter
  4. Hi Gan Do Welcome to the sawdustsniffers and enjoy Bellona! Cheers Pieter
  5. Hi Gan 24 is a small piece of plywood 5mm thick that comes on 6 behind the metal part 74 to reinforce this part in the middle. You have to shape the sides of 24 at a 45° angle first. You "fold" 74 over this plywood piece so that the middle part of the metal with the 2 "doors" protrudes said 5mm and the side parts next to the doors (= 75) stand at an angle of about 45° when viewed from above. Put this piece into place before adding the deck (22)! You'll want to paint 74 first and add the doorknobs before you glue it in place. Does this make sense? Cheers Pieter
  6. Hi Carl I know I know, too busy with other stuff ... I promise to pick up building soon! Hope your ok, cheers! Pieter
  7. Will follow ;o) Good start, best of luck! Cheers Pieter
  8. Moin Michael Willkommen bei den Sägemehlschnupfern! Cheers Pieter
  9. Very interesting. I just finished Palin's book on the Erebus and can't but wonder why there is a model of the Terror but not of the flagship of the expedition. Anyone has an idea why? The book is brilliant btw. Cheers Pieter
  10. Seid gegrüßt ihr zwöi und willkommen bei den Sägemehlschnupfern ;o) Enjoy. Cheers Pieter PS Aus welcher Gegend seid ihr denn? Ichselbst habe lange am Untersee gewohnt.
  11. Hi Ronald welkom bij de zaagsel snuivers! Groet Pieter
  12. I burn about this much wood every year (well mainly from October til April). And that in a part of France where winters don't happen... when we have half a day of snowfall once a year that leaves 1 cm of snow on the street everybody panics ;o) I guess it's a bit different in your part of the world!
  13. Be careful with what you say ... it's 10 m3. See you soon Carl! Cheers Pieter
  14. Sorry sorry ... there are so many other things to do ... yesterday I had 12 sters of fire wood delivered, that'll keep me busy for a while ...
  15. Don't forget to check abebooks.co.uk, lots of good quality 2nd hand books!
  16. Hi Dave 100 dollars minus the bender and some clamps plus hammer won't leave you much for a decent filter ... someone once gave me two cheapo pol filters and they didn't make me happy: blurry pictures and a non-uniform pol effect (I use an "ancient" Nikon D300S). I've bought a B&W Käsemann MRC Nano which is brilliant but it cost me about 140 Euros. Just a quick heads up. Cheers Pieter
  17. Never seen a more appropriate book title ... Cheers Pieter
  18. Something these people definitely not needed! They were exercising 24/7
  19. Hi Ferit Maybe they just turned the lower part of their body to one side? Source: me. I'm a retired physio, I've seen all sorts of "funny walks" ;o) Cheers Pieter
  20. Don't worry, just don't start calling her (your wife) Aggy ... Cheers Pieter
  21. Aaaah that's why the Admiral sometimes serves it for dessert (with cinnamon and raisins). She just wants to shut me up. Thanks for sharing! Cheers Pieter
  22. Battle diorama comes to mind. I would show the loser too ... Best of luck! Cheers Pieter
  23. Hi Jan Finally found Willem ;o) She's a real beauty! Best of luck with the finishing touches! Cheers Pieter
  24. Hi Jan As you have probably read between the lines I don't really like these boxes but I'm going to do my very best to get a decent result. I may have to increase the dosage of my betablockers temporary. As to drilling the holes: I used quite a lot of glue and the boxes are also held in place by the planks on the sides so I'm not really afraid of drilling. But, now you mention it: I am going to drill NOW before the hull is completely closed. Thanks for the tip! I plan to leave the gunport doors on one side of Bellone closed. So what I'm going to do (that's the plan at this stage, we'll see what happens) is that I continue placing the faux carriages on the other side and depending on the result I'll either close one side completely or leave a couple ports open. It's early days, 2nd planking is far away with beautiful weather arriving at top speed in la Bretagne! Beach bbq time! I'll try not to keep you waiting too long for an update next time! Cheers Pieter
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