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Everything posted by aviaamator

  1. All this time we did not sit without work! And here is the result! Perhaps I could better fulfill this unit, but I'm still happy! And Captain Jack too!
  2. Dan! You build a great model! But I don't like synthetics for rigging. And Your machines and devices for modeling I loved it!
  3. Gregor! Can I see the drawing of the boat? I do not understand why the steps located far from the stem? It's important to me, I also began to build a boat for Hyacinth!
  4. I just love it! And admire!
  5. Peter! Give the roundness of the top edge of each frame. Then lay deck boards. And everything will be fine!
  6. I advise you to pay attention to the lack of curvature of the deck! And also carefully review the structure of ships, the statement contains many errors!
  7. Thank You, Noel! Yes, in the basis of construction is the monograph of Boudriot.
  8. Wonderful job! Famous aircraft! One of my buildings in 48th scale...
  9. The manufacture of hinges of the rudder... I can't choose the most suitable option... to the array, of course, the best but most time consuming. The photo on the right is the easiest, but does not inspire confidence due to thin metal. When a person has a choice - he begins to rush!
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